Chapter 1

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When Charlie was first born things had been... tense between Lucifer and heaven. While they had never directly threatened the life of his child the angels had made their displeasure at the implications of Lucifer having children known. They had never said out right for Lucifer not to have more children. But the indirect threats and the particularly Brutal extermination the year that Charlie was born was enough for him to get the message.

Still he would never let them hurt his child he loved Charlie with all his heart and no matter what he would protect his daughter.

The angels did not want Lucifer having more children, and he was content with only having one child. He knew he was not the best father for Charlie a part of him did want to have a chance to try again but he never actually thought he would get the chance.

Lucifer's heart swelled as he stared at the little bundle in his arms. Lilith stood looking at the child pensively she reached over gently touching the baby's cheek and sighs. "How do you think the angels will react once they find out about her?" Lilith questioned. And Lucifer was conflicted the last thing he would ever want is for anything to happen to this child but... He stared down at the baby snuggled soundly in his arms and he could never imagine anyone hurting her.

But he knew the angels would, especially if it was to punish him. Dark thoughts started to haunt him of what would happen once they found out. They never said directly he couldn't have more children so maybe this time they would give him a direct warning? Or most likely they would just kill his baby...or possibly even Charlie to send a message.

There was an even higher possibility of them just killing both. And though Lucifer hated him self for it for a brief moment he contemplated Just ridding him self of the problem entirely to protect Charlie from the potential risk.

Cute little eyes look up at him as his baby opens her eyes for the first time, and in that moment Lucifer knew he could never forsake this child, his baby. "They won't." He says rocking the baby in his arms his eyes filled with resolve. "They won't ever know about her." Lilith looks at him her eyes furrowed yet words seem to leave her as just by looking at him she can tell he's made his choice. "And your sure that's the best option? Won't it caused even more trouble if they find out we hid this from them?"

"We are under no obligation to report to them when we have children. If we hadn't announced Charlie's birth they wouldn't have known about her existence either. She is not the heir to the throne so there is no need to officially announce her birth." Lucifer states walking over to the window and closing the blinds. "And what about Charlie are we going to tell her?" Lilith asks. "No, she's more than 100 years old now while I'm sure she would be happy to have a sibling it's not like they would be growing up together. Besides you know how she is I'm sure she would protest about her sister not being officially recognized."

Lilith approaches Lucifer and tries to take the small girl but Lucifer pulls away. "You had gotten to raise Charlotte. I-I just...I want to be a real father to her. I want to protect her I don't want her to have to suffer in this place, I want her to have better than this..." He says with a sad smile. Lilith eyes narrow and she looks away and with a heavy sigh she turns away from the two. "Fine. That's fair I had Charlotte you have this one..."


Lilith looks back momentarily. "What?" "Y/N it's there name." Lucifer says looking down at Y/N as if she was the only thing in the world. Lilith holds back from grabbing the baby in his arms she knew he would never hurt the small girl. Yet she could feel her heart dropping to her stomach as she watched the two. "'s a Beautiful name." She says before walking out of the room feeling as if she was running away.

Liliths and Lucifer's relationship had been on the decline ever since Charlie was born and with the birth of Y/N it was pretty much over. Not that Lucifer didn't love his wife he still loved her even if now every time she looked at him he could see a hint of discussed in her eyes. Even if they had moved to separate wings of the palace and she no longer made attempts at seeing Y/N as if it pained her to see her child confined. It was fine, he still loved her and as for Y/N he would just give her twice as much love to make up for Lilith.

"Daddy, Daddy! Look it's a giant duck!" Y/N says with excitement looking at the Duck shaped boats. Lucifer smiled at the girl patting her head he had taken her to the private amusement park LuLu world he had made for Charlie. It was her 6th birthday today and though it was difficult for him to let her leave the palace he made an exception just for this one day. After all soon she would have all the space to run around as her heart desired. "Would you like to go on the ride?" He asked adoring the wide smile that lit up on Y/Ns face. He thought it was extra adorable how the wings on her back fluttered with excitement.

He noted he would need to trim them shorter next time as she was hovering a little to high off the ground for his tastes. It pained him to trim her wings so short, he would've at least wanted to wait until she was a little older but her wings just grew so fast... Ah! He Caught himself in his thoughts. Soon there would be no need to trim them anymore and he could just imagine teaching his little girl how to fly.

Lucifer let Y/N run around to her hearts content going on rides or looking around it wasn't long before she had tired her self out. "Daddy?" Y/N said gently tugging on his coattail. "Can you carry me?" She whined and he obliged picking her up letting her rest her head on his sholder gently rubbing her back. Y/N looked up at the blood red sky towards the white shining sphere surrounded by clouds.

"Daddy what's that up in the sky? Is it a Castle?"

Lucifer chuckled at the question. "No dear it's heaven. It looks very beautiful doesn't it? It's where all the angels live and pure souls live. But no matter how beautiful it may look it's rotten inside and it rots everything it touches until it's a shell of its self and rotten too." he says gently holding her cheek brushing his thumb over her cheek. "And if they can't do that they try to destroy whatever they can't rot." He presses his forehead to Y/Ns holding her close to him. "They would want to do the same to you. But daddy would never let that happen to you."

Y/N looks up at him with heavy eyes fighting to stay open. "Sleep. When you wake up you won't have to worry about heaven ever again." With a smile he looks at Y/N rubbing her cheek as sleep finely takes her. "I won't allow my precious baby to suffer in this place with all these filthy sinners." He snaps his fingers a portal opening up he steps through revealing an entire galaxy, stepping onto a floating planet completely barren. But It wasn't for long as he wills a tree to form lush green leaves and beautiful flowers sprouting the roots forming in a thick dip allowing him to place Y/N in the middle.

"You don't need heavens false paradise when you have me. Daddy will make a paradise so large and grand you won't even know it's a cage." He conjures soft blankets and pillows making sure she was comfortable. He turned to the vast empty land and cracked his hands and smirks he had a lot of work to do.

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