"They want us to attend the regional dinner," I said sitting on the edge of the roof.

"Just us?" Thomas asked. I nodded and looked over at him.

"Why? Why us?" I said looking down. He shrugged and rubbed my arm.

"I hope one day in the future, all of this will be over. We'll find a cure. You and I will live somewhere nice, a small house, maybe some kids. A happy life, away from all this," I said sighing. Thomas slung him arm around me and pulled me in.

"I think that can happen," He said kissing my head.

"Just promise you'll always be my best friend, no matter what," I whispered quietly.

"Promise," He replied quickly. I shut my eyes and leaned into him, enjoying the feeling. Peace.

I opened my eyes as the sound of birds chirping echoed around me. The sunlight beamed down as my vision adjusted. Slowly waking up I felt Thomas' arm wrapped around my waist as he held me tightly. My hand was set on his cheek and the other on his chest. I quickly sat up and shook him awake.

"Get off of me, get up," I said hopping off the slab. Everyone was asleep still.

"Wake up," I said grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. Everyone slowly groaned and got up. I looked around to find Layla missing.

"Where's Layla?" I asked panicked. Minho shrugged and gave a worried look. My heart pounded as fear rushed over me. I looked around to see her walking back over. I quickly made my way over to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded quickly.

"Just wanted to clear my head," she said firmly.

"Don't do that shit again, you scared me," I said hugging her tightly. She hugged me back slowly. It was weird, she was almost hesitant.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked. She gave a quick nod. She was lying. Everyone slowly got up. Winston groaned as he tried to sit up. I walked over to him and looked down at his stomach as he lifted up his shirt. He was all fucked up. Bloody scratches and gashes. I grabbed some wrap from his bag and wrapped his stomach tightly.

"You're going to be fine," I said giving a soft smile and helping him up. I didn't believe what I said. Everyone got their stuff and we started walking. Newt slowly walked over to me as I stood by myself in front of the group.

"You know where you're going?" He asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"Just need to find the mountains," I said looking ahead.

"Okay. I trust you," He said giving a soft smile. I turned around as I heard the sound of laughing. Layla and Thomas stood next to each other, talking and laughing. Jealousy shot through me as I stared at them. Turning around I looked ahead. Newt laughed softly.

"You two are really something," He said grinning.

"We're nothing," I said shaking my head.

"Sure," He said pursing his lips.

"What do you think happens after this?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Newt replied looking at me confused.

"Say we find the right arm, we're safe. Then what? We live the rest of our lives running from WCKD? We don't find a cure? I mean that doesn't really sound like the life I want to live," I said looking over at him.

"I think if anyone can figure it out and make it work, it's you," He replied with a hopeful look. I smiled and hugged him tightly as we kept walking. Minho walked up next to me and looked at Newt and I. Newt nodded slowly and walked back to the rest of the group. I sighed and looked ahead.

"So, what happened with you and Thomas last night?" Minho asked.

"We talked," I said firmly. Minho nodded slowly.

"How long are you going to mess with him?" He replied bluntly. My eyes shot to him with a sort of angry glare.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Come on Cassie. Stop playing games," He said turning and facing me as we both stopped walking. Our gazes strong. There was nothing being said but our eyes were talking in a way. The sound of helicopter blades rang out in the sky.

"Get down!" Thomas yelled. We all ran and found somewhere to hide. Minho and I slid under a large rock and sat together. Our bodies pressed against each other. Our faces inches apart. We both looked up at the sky as the helicopter passed over us. As it left I sighed and looked up at him.

"I'm not doing this shit," I said shrugging and pushing my way out from under the rock.

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