Oz'ku (World of Warcraft)

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~~~~~~~ Oz'ku ~~~~~~~~~~
Age: 25
Race: Troll
Weapon: Combatant's Pike
Birthplace: Daregara

Personality:Humorous, Creative, traditional, Generous, Reckless, Honest
Strength: Adventurous
Likes: stars,Competition,northern lights,
Dislikes:plains, Winter, Humans
Fears:losing his home

Backstory: He lost his family was they were split up during a war with the humans. With a couple of friends he had to survive in an outlandish area. But with his perseverance and eagerness, he managed to start a new life and remain out of reach of danger. This has turned him into the man he is today. With the skills learned in the past, he now works a small job with low pay. By doing so, he hopes to find a place to call home and finally find tranquility he has never had.

 By doing so, he hopes to find a place to call home and finally find tranquility he has never had

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