Chapter Six: A Festival

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Capper was no longer bedridden with sickness, much to his relief. Shira wasn't sure if this was a good thing yet. The moment he had been well enough to stand, he had been trying to get rid of the black seed oil. Shira couldn't exactly blame him either, the stuff wasn't exactly the best tasting thing in the world. Regardless, it was improving his condition, so the oil had to stay. She had managed to hid it in her room, just in case another sandstorm incident occurred yet again.
But over the weekend, as well as the weeks that followed, Shira was suckered into making her artwork for Capper, where she did her best to learn all about him. She started to form a tight bond with Capper as well as become good friends with him. She had even sang a few songs in the taverns and earned money from her singing performances on stage. But whenever she does her performances, Capper pickpocketed some of the locals who tried to flirt to her whenever she's either on and/or off the stage. Thanks to their combined teamwork, Capper was close enough for paying off his debt to Verko.
Shira could be seen painting the sunset of the desert near the window with her art supplies when Capper had returned to the house and placed the shared groceries down while watching her painting.
For the past couple of days, Capper always felt his heart warm at the sight of Shira. Something about her just makes him want to protect her from harm. He was new about having a crush towards Shira and wasn't sure what to make of it. But today, there's a festival in town and Capper decided to take Shira outside for some fresh air.
"Hey Shira," spoke up Capper bashfully and trying to hide his blushing face. "Do you want to go to the festival today? We can go there together."
Once she was finished with her painting, Shira smiled warmly at Capper and turned to look at him. "Fine by me. Let's go."
In the town, the annual Swirling Dust festival was currently being held. It's been said to last two days and be full of fun events with good food, friends, family, and even romance.
Upon arriving in the town, during the sunset hours, the sight nearly made the silver Abyssinian breathless and her heart full. There were creatures absolutely everywhere. Various carnival-like stands were set up in the streets and bright colorful decorations were hung. Many of the younglings played games while the adults had their own fun.
Shira explored the sea of faces, hoping to find anyone who struck her as familiar, but everyone felt like a stranger to her. Most of the townspeople stared at her with looks that ranged from surprise to intrigued, muttering whispers amongst each other. Shira heard one villager comment about her Abyssinian heritage, saying they were beautiful and foreign. She didn't know how to respond to that.
A group of young females stared at Shira, some with envy while others gave her looks of old admiration, wishing they had her looks and flawless fur. The looks she received from the young males were less divisive. They stared with widened eyes and mouths opened ajar, some even winked and flexed their muscles. She rolled her eyes at the sight and looked away, much to Capper's amusement and protectiveness.
The younglings' reactions were more pleasant.
They waved and and smiled with innocent enthusiasm. A few elderly folks and younger townsfolk were also friendly, so she wasn't met with suspicion everywhere she went. Her heart swelled when she saw an elderly couple sitting on a bench. The husband gifted his wife a rose, making his wife smiled lovingly.
The Trader's Market was more energetic than Shira expected. There were people coming to and from various shops and stands to sell a variety of items like handcrafted jewelry, plates, and pottery, some being made right there next to the stands as a crowd of people watched the artists at work. Jugglers entertained the locals and visitors, minstrels playing on their lutes, accordions, and pipes. The music was infectious, pulling Shira to join in the group of creatures who got up to dance in the town square.
Creatures were selling cooked meat and deep-fried kabobs on sticks, cooked fish sliced up and served with lemon at an outdoor restaurant, fresh berries being squeezed into wine for the grownups and juice for the younglings, and of course sugary treats like caramel apples, pies, ice cream, and bars of chocolate, some molded into the form of animals like birds, horses, and bears. A few were shaped like dragons or griffins, and even bunny rabbits. Shira's stomach grumbled as she took in the smell. Every aroma intermixing in a way that made her hunger grow with each breath. Luckily for her, Capper and many of the villagers shared her sentiment. Capper paid for both of their meals. Shira was glad by how good the food tasted. The oil spaghetti was delicious and the ice cream they were offered was addictively sweet.
When a group of minstrels pulled out their instruments and started playing some songs in the marketplace. As the afternoon went by, the duo was having the time of their lives. Dancing, looking through books in small libraries, trying delicious treats, drawing pictures with chalk on the ground, buying some souvenirs, while trying to remain hidden from Verko's goons.
From the light rhythmic pounding of the drums, the sensuous sound of the violin, the whistling of the pan-pipe, the merry strumming of the lute, it spun around her body, pulling her feet forward. Whether it was her own doing or the music taking its hold on her, Shira didn't care. The group of people faded from her mind's eye, becoming colorful blurs as she spun, her arms moving with the grace and smoothness of a swan's wings and she glided across the floor like a spirit.
The audience was enthralled by the Abyssinian's movements. It didn't look like a traditional dance of any sort. It didn't look like any form of dancing known to anyone. It was new and fresh and beautiful. The best part was, the female Abyssinian was beaming from ear to ear, laughing and giggling, her melodic voice reaching the ears of everyone present, infecting everyone. The younglings giggled and tried to mimic her movements. Shira saw this and encouraged the children to join her.
Shira harmonized to the music.
"Wise men say,
Only fools rush in.
But I can't help falling in love with you."
The minstrels almost stopped their playing and the villagers were frozen in place. The female Abyssinian's voice was fairer than any angel in the heavens. A number of possible theories bloomed amongst the villagers, wondering if she was either a professional singer or a lady of wealthy upbringing for how could anyone possess a voice as professional as hers and not have had years upon years of practice? Yet, she didn't carry herself as a creature of wealth. She dressed no differently than anyone there. She danced with younglings, young males, females, and the elders. Anyone she saw was dying to join the dance but was too self cautious to do so.
"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you."
She noticed Capper standing near the fountain, clapping his hands and taping his toes, but not joining in the dance. Shira invited the other Abyssinian to partake, but he awkwardly declined.
"Like a river flows, surely to the sea.
Darlin' so it goes, some things are meant to be."
With one push, Capper tumbled onto the center of the dance by an unknown villager by accident. The dark orange Abyssinian shot the villager a death glare as he was dragged away by some random village female. Capper couldn't keep up with the fast paste movements. He managed to politely escape the village female who went on to dance with another villager.
"Take my hand.
Take my whole life too.
For I can't help falling in love with you."
But, before he could say another word, Shira showed up, her eyes sparkling when she saw him. Capper gulped when Shira stood before him. She gave the dark orange Abyssinian a small curtesy and Capper, by sheer instinct, gave an elegant bow. In a flash, Shira took Capper by the hand and pulled him into the dance. "Um... Are you sure you want to dance with me?"
"Come on, it's easy," replied Shira with a bright smile. "Don't fight the rhythm, just go with it."
Capper still wasn't so sure. He couldn't dance with so many villagers watching. Shira took his left arm and Capper was half-sure she was about to pull him into a waltz.
"Like a river flows, surely to the sea.
Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be."
This was the usual formation for the dance, one hand in hers and the other around her waist, but Shira instead folded his right arm to his stomach. The two froze for a moment, their faces mere inches apart. Shira gently pulled back, shyly biting her lower lip while Capper bashfully looked away, his cheeks tainted red.
"Take my hand.
Take my whole life too.
For I can't help falling in love with you.
For I can't help falling in love with you."
Shira danced in a circle around Capper at an even paste to allow him to follow. Capper attempted to mirror her movements, but nearly tripped a couple of times and his foot almost caught in his ankle. Shira didn't seem bothered by it and she admired Capper's determination to try and decipher the secret to her dance. Capper nearly fell again, but found his balance when his hand landed on Shira's. With their intertwined fingers held high they moved in a circle as the music played.
"I just can't help falling in love with you."
Her smile was so sweet it made Capper's earlier hesitations melt away. He chose to focus on the female Abyssinian in front of him, the multitude of faces blurred behind her as the music played out. His confidence grew with every breath and he pulled Shira towards him. She let out a surprised yelp, but quickly relaxed in his arms. He spun her a couple of times and Shira was rendered speechless.
The audience watched in silent awe as their prince danced with the beautiful Abyssinian, already commenting on what a handsome couple they made. Capper was confident enough to place his hands around Shira's waist to spin her, more than once their hands found each other and with every touch Shira felt what could only be described as an electric pulse prickling her fingers. Yet, she never pulled away.
When the two Abyssinians stopped dancing together, they both received a surprising applause and great praises from the villagers and the minstrels while Capper gave a red rose to Shira, in which she graciously accepted.

After the Swirling Dust festival, the two Abyssinians had returned to Capper's windmill home. They were both lucky that Needy was with Verko and hasn't spotted the duo. After dinner, Shira decided to gaze up at the sky for a little while.
She made it over to the west side on one of the neighboring rooftops, stopping just a few yards from the edge, but she wasn't concerned about that. She was too busy gazing out on the horizon far ahead, where the sun was beginning to set. All around it the sky was painted with beautiful warm colors, the clouds turning a bluish purple in contrast. Not taking her eyes off the breathtaking sight, she lowered herself into a sitting position, getting comfortable. She sighed softly, letting a wave of calm wash over her, as well as the last warmth of the sun's rays before they would eventually plunge into night, getting herself lost in her thoughts while absentmindedly humming to herself.
She had lost track of the amount of time she sat there alone in the peacefulness, but after a while, a noise from behind her took her out of her thoughts. She turned her head, peering over her shoulder at the shadows curiously. She smiled when she saw the familiar dark orange and red of Capper, she relaxed, turning her gaze back to the horizon as he walked towards her.
"I figured I'd find you up here." Capper smiled at her warmly.
"You know me too well, 'Cap." Shira shook her head before sighing softly. "Sunsets on the desert are positively gorgeous, aren't they?"
"They are beautiful, but... not as beautiful as you." Capper smirked at her playfully.
Shira blushed almost immediately. "T-Thanks."
"I think it's the other way around, Melody." Capper chuckled before pausing. "Melody?"
"Yes, Cap?" Shira smiled.
Capper fiddled with his hands nervously. "Well... umm..." He glanced downwards embarrassedly, making Shira frowned in concern. "I... umm, well, I don't know what I'd do without you, Melody."
Shira seemed genuinely shocked by his words. Didn't know what he'd do without her? Surely, she was dreaming... and yet... She slowly smiled. "I believe the feeling is mutual. I wouldn't know what to do without you, my dear friend."
Then, she did something that surprised even herself. Before she knew what was happening, her lips met his left cheek. Capper's eyes widened, but didn't move due to his amazed shock.
Shira realized what she had done and her eyes too widened. Her tail twitched nervously. "I-I'm... I'm sorry." She placed a hand over heart and felt it hammering within her chest. She could barely understand her actions. She did care about Capper; that was no lie. He was so kind to her and helped her through so much... But what in the name of Abyssinia caused her to kiss him?
What was this feeling?
Meanwhile, Capper sat there on the roof, shocked. A hand was placed over the spot where Shira kissed him as his mind raced to explain what had happened. Capper was stunned and could feel his heart going into an excited frenzy in his chest.
Capper looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. For a while neither of them spoke, nor did they move, they just stared at each other. Shira finally broke the silence and quietly suggested that they go home. The rest of the walk continued in awkward silence. Neither of them acknowledged what had just happened between them. When they finally did get home they went straight to bed, exchanging a quick "Good night" as they did so.

MLP: The Heart of the Song (Under Editing) Capper x OcWhere stories live. Discover now