(II) Typical Day at the Office

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"Do you even try?"

Felix stared up at his boss, who was standing with his hands folded over his chest beside his chair. His boss was glaring, his left eye twitching. That told Felix that whatever he was about to lecture him about, it was REALLY bad. His left eye only ever twitched when something affected him personally, not just his employees.

"I try my best," Felix offered. He shook his head.

"Well your best, quite frankly, sucks."

Felix raised his eyebrows, but remained quiet. Chastising his boss on how using the word "sucks" wasn't really proper business etiquette probably wouldn't do Felix very good right now.

"You need to try better," he continued. "Your best is roughly equal to Jerry's worst. Aim to be more like him."

Felix wanted to tell him to piss off, but his tongue wouldn't let him. It never would. "Yes sir."

"If you don't get as good as Jerry within two weeks, I WILL fire you. And I won't even blink."

"Yes sir, I'll do better."

"You better do better," he threatened. "Two weeks, Osborne. Two weeks."

Felix's boss turned on his heel and slowly left Felix's cubicle, his footsteps echoing throughout the office. Felix held his breath, waiting as the footsteps slowly faded. Once they were out of earshot, he left out a long, heavy breath, resting his forehead against the desk in front of him.

"Uh oh, what'd you do this time?"

Felix looked up, glaring at Jasmine. "Nothing."

Jasmine clicked her tongue. "Uh huh, that's why he was speaking like a cobra ready to strike."

"Sometimes he's just like that. You of all people should know."

"I do know. But that was his special cobra tone, not his 'pissy mood' tone."

"Well maybe he was just feeling 'extra pissy.'"

"Felix. What did you do?"

Felix sighed, resting his forehead back against the desk. "I messed up on the report he handed to his supervisors."

Jasmine sucked in a breath. "Uh oh."

"Uh huh. And now he's royally pissed because his supervisors blamed him."

"Why did he assign it to you in the first place?" Jasmine quickly backpedaled as Felix glared. "As in, why would he not assign his beloved Jeremy to it if he was so worried?"

"No clue. Who knows why he does the things he does."

"No one, not even him."

Felix grumbled in agreement. Taking a deep breath, he slowly raised his head, staring at the computer in front of him. He grabbed the mouse and began to painstakingly slowly work, partially to spite his boss and partially because he just felt tired.

"How's violin going?" Jasmine asked.

"I got to play a couple days ago, and now I'm just waiting for the next time I can."

"When will that be?"

"This weekend, if I'm lucky."

"At the mall again?"

"Where else would I play?" Felix deadpanned. Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe your own home?" She said sarcastically.

"I don't do well without a crowd," Felix grumbled.

"And yet you're too afraid to perform alone."


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