- Chapter 2 -

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We begin walking silently to my house, as Tommy looked around at everything in absolute awe, and me rack my brain trying to figure out why I'm involved in this mess. I mean, yes, I have dreamed about being part of the Dream SMP, hasn't every fan fantasized this at least once? But I never sat down and thought, "Hm, wouldn't it be fun if TommyInnit appeared magically on my way to a friend's house from school?" Oh my god, Amanda's going to kill me. I check the time. I was expected 20 minutes ago. Dialing her number, I pray she doesn't get mad. She picks up on the second ring.

"Hello?" she answers, annoyance lacing her voice.

"Hi Amanda, uh, sorry to bother you, but I don't think I'll be able to make it today. Something kind of came up" I say, looking at Tommy from the corner of my eye, making sure he doesn't do anything dumb, like jump in front of a car. Jump in the Cadillac begins to fill my head.

"It's fine, is everything okay?" she asks, sounding worried. She cares a lot about her friends, I don't know why I thought she'd be mad, she's the nicest person I know, but I still worry.

"It's fine, just, complicated. I can't really explain right now, but I promise, I will." I say, watching Tommy try to punch a tree, and frown when it doesn't drop anything. I laugh under my breath.

"Okay, hope things get better, see you Monday!" she says, and I smile.

"See you Monday", I grin, as I hang up, and look at Tommy, still trying to punch a tree. "Hey, uh, Tommy? That doesn't really work here." I say, laughing as he tries to punch one last time before sighing in defeat.

"Who were you talking to?" he asks, looking at my phone with a mix of curiosity and wonder.

"Just a friend" I say with a smile, as we turn to my street, Tommy's eyes widen at the amount of houses and apartments nearby.

"How many people live here?" he says, and I laugh.

"Well over 400,000. I forgot L'Manburg only had, like, 5 people." I joke, and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, more people are joining, they're probably just waiting for it to be safe, from Dream. And what do you mean had." he says, crossing my arms, and I realized, what would happen if I told him what would happen? When in the lore did he come from?

"I'll tell you when we're inside the house." I say after a moment of silence. No need for the neighbours to hear me talking to a fictional character about what happens in their story. I unlock the door, and we walk into the empty house. Mum wouldn't be home until 6, so we had some time to figure out what we're going to do about this.

"AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" Tommy yelled, as Sophie, my dog, jumped on him, and began to lick his hands. "AHHH GET IT OFF, IT'S GOING TO KILL ME" he yelled, grabbing his axe, and backing up against the wall.

"Sophie! Down!" I shout sternly. I look at Tommy and sigh. "Tommy, please try not to kill my dog." I say, shaking my head.

"It was trying to attack me? Why don't you have it sitting down?" Tommy asked defensively, and I made a mental note to explain more about how things are different here than in minecraft.

"She was licking you. It's how she says hi. She's a big softy, wouldn't hurt a fly." I laugh, petting her head as she danced around, happy to meet a new person. I bring Tommy, who was still backed up against the wall, towards Sophie, who pipes up and starts to jump around again. "Here, hold your hand out like this, and let her smell it." I say, holding my hand out as she starts to lick it. Tommy begins to do the same slowly, and laughs as she starts to lick his hand as well. I smile for a second, before walking upstairs, and rapid-cleaning my room. Even though his room was probably more messy, covered in dirt and filled with items, I still did not want to appear like a slob. Not to mention, my mom would kill me if she saw my room a mess with friends inside. As I go back downstairs, I see Tommy still playing with the dog. It was almost wholesome, until he saw me.

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