- Chapter 4 -

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"Holy shit, pizza's delicious" Tommy says, mouth full of a classic pepperoni pizza.

"Agreed" I nodded, stuffing my mouth with pizza as I watch TommyInnit (the streamer) marry Tubbo, his true love. If only they knew it was legal. Tommy is also watching intently, laughing at some parts, and gagging at the parts where he acts in love with Tubbo.

"Why do I have to be a simp" he groaned, and I laugh. "Clingy bitch" he mumbles.

"You should see the fanfic you wrote him" I commented, smiling slightly.

"Fan... fic?" he asks, almost as if he were tasting the words in his mouth before he said that. "What's that?" he asks. I chuckle at his ignorance.

"Basically a book about a fandom, or a group of people who really like something, written for the specific thing." I say, struggling to describe exactly what one is. I mean, it can be anything, right?

"So I wrote a fanfic simping for Tubbo?" he asks, scrunching his nose in disgust. "And people read these?" he asks, even more confused.

"Something like that" I grin, loading up the Tubbo fanfic Tommy wrote as he finishes the video, staring intently. As it ends, I hand him my phone.

"Here, read this while I load up the next video" I say, trying to decide what video to watch, ultimately deciding on "I spoke with Dream's Sister".

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Tommy yells suddenly, and I jump, startled. "You are bee boy, you are bee boy - what the fuck!" he yelled, and I laugh. "They kiss... EW, WHY AM I KISSING TUBBO" 

"Do you have to be so loud?" I say in between laughs, almost regretting the question. That's basically the streamers main thing, or was anyway back in the Dream SMP days. 

"FUCK YOU BITCH DON'T TELL ME TO BE QUIET-" he screamed, and I began laughing my ass off, him joining in, until I fall off the chair, causing him to laugh harder. "What the - what the fuck, Y/N" he smirked, holding out his hand to help me up. I smirk, grabbing it, before pulling him onto the ground as revenge. I snicker, getting up. "HEY!" he yelled, as I sigh, finally offering my hand. He reached up and grabbed it, before pulling me back to the ground. "You idiot" he cackled, barely able to contain himself. "You literally just did it to me, how do you fall for that!" 

I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry to being polite" I grumble, getting up before sitting on the bed. He rolls his eyes back. 

"Yeah, polite" he rolls his eyes, before looking back at my phone, that still had the fanfic opened. "The fanfic is still shit, though."

A few hours later, I hear the door unlock, signalling my mom arriving home. I check the time. 6 o'clock on the dot. Seems about right. I go back to watching the video, 'I Snuck into A KIDS ONLY Roblox Server', it was funny how he got scared in the stereotypical obby, and how the fellow 16-year-old beside me was the same, jumping at some parts. It was funny, the parallels between the streamer and the Dream SMP character. As I was comparing the two in my head, I hear my door open to my room. "Y/N?" my mom calls out, staring back and forth between me and Tommy. 

"Oh, hi mom!" I smile awkwardly. She looks at me, raising her eyebrows. 

"Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" she asks, looking at Tommy, who was now looking back and forth from my mom to me. 

"Oh, mom, this is Tommy, and Tommy, this is my mom!" I say, smiling, gesturing back and forth awkwardly. Tommy waves awkwardly. 

"Hi Tommy", she greets with a smile, before turning to me. "Can I speak outside with you for a second?" 

I follow her out the door, giving a small have wave to Tommy, and silently pleading that my mom isn't murdering me. "You never told me you-"

"I'm sorry for not telling you I had friends over, mom. Pleassssseeeee don't be mad!" I plead. She is silent for a second.

"I was going to say you never told me you have friends-" she interjected, which shut me up real quick. She just destroyed me. "I was told to go on a short-notice business trip to New York for a couple of weeks, starting Monday." she says, looking me dead in the eyes. 

"We're... going to New York?" I whisper, worried. 

"Not we. Children aren't allowed on the trip." she replies, rolling her eyes. 


"The kids are going to grandma's for those two weeks, but we need someone to watch the dog, and you know how much she detests Sophie" Mom interrupts, staring at me. "Do you want to stay home for those 2 weeks? There will be rules, but you have the option." 

I think about it. On one hand, I have the house to myself, I can hide here until we can (hopefully) find a way to get him back, I get to avoid my overly religious grandparents, but... actually, no buts, this is actually perfect. "Sure! I can watch the house and dog and stuff!" I smile, looking at my mom innocently. 

"Okay, I'll tell you the rules after your friend leaves. Is he staying over for the night?"


"Well you should bring him to the guest room and make sure he likes it." she says, jokingly narrowing her eyes. "No funny business-"


A/N Hello everyone! Welcome back to Chapter 4! In this chapter we see the final bits of set-up, and mothers being weird (like mine tbh, she does this). I hope you all are doing well, if you want to talk about anything, my DM's are open on discord, my user is theshadowscrux. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1021 words! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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