moshang #1

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This story takes place when Mobei-Jun brings Shang Qinghua back to his residence in the northern territory (after the whole uncle ordeal). Shang Qinghua is resting on the ice demons bed while the latter is doing who knows what in some other room.

Shang Qinghua's/third person limited POV:

Shang Qinghua had really struck it lucky, huh? He had somehow managed to not die from either Linguang-Jun OR his king! Really, he thought he was going to be ripped to shreds after what he did to his lord. Instead, he had been spared and even offered the opportunity to hit his king back? It was still truly unfathomable, even though it happened a little over two hours ago. But still, what was Qinghua thinking, smushing up that perfect face as he did? He reprimanded himself mentally. The human heard footsteps coming in the direction of the door, and he still couldn't help but feel scared. Mobei-Jun hadn't beaten him at the time, but who's to say he hadn't mulled it over and realized that Shang Qinghua truly did deserve punishment for his ridiculous actions?

He heard footfalls stop right in front of the kroom door, and Qinghua could really only brace himself for a horrible beating. Honestly, in his opinion, he deserved it. Suddenly, the door creaked open and in came his beautiful, majestic, gorgeou- ahem. His king. In came his king. Shang Qinghua's eyes widened. Not because his lord was here, but because of what said lord was holding.

No, not a whip.

Not a sword, whip, axe, hammer, saw.

Not even his fists were balled up.

Instead, he was holding a bowl of.. Noodles?!

In truth, this made Shang Qinghua want to roll on the floor and laugh uncontrollably. You have to understand that a demon as mesmerizing and as cold as Mobei-Jun holding a bowl of steaming hot noodles had to make for a hilarious sight. Here he was, King of the North, and he had really made his advisor a bowl of noodles. Wordlessly, said king walked up to Qinghua and handed him the bowl, then left just as silently, leaving the hamster-like human gaping. Truly, this was a shock to him. Shang Qinghua had really only asked Mobei to make him noodles because he had gained a burst of confidence after his lord didn't kill him. He was more joking than anything! But here he was, now holding a bowl of noodles made by his king.

might scrap ngl.


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