In my head.

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Hey. I can't get you out of my head. I regret so much and my heart aches and I'm longing for you, to have the privilege to know you and love you like I once did, to be in your presence, or just to even hear your voice, laugh, or hear you say my name. I know you're home this weekend because someone texted me and told me and it's taken me a lot to not go out and look for you to see you and have a conversation with you. I know that sounds creepy but it's not in a bad way, and I trust you know me and understand that, but it's in a I long and ache for you way. I want to be where she is and I'm not jealous, I'm just sad and regretful that I couldn't be there. I miss you a lot if you couldn't tell I think it's pretty pathetic given that you're probably not thinking about me at all. But I don't think I can help it.

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