The Deal

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Jermey Scott find yourself in the mansion's cavernous foyer, dark wood paneling and the flickering light of wall sconces casting dancing shadows across ornate furnishings. Alessio gestures for you to follow without a word.You follow Alessio into the mansion, its opulent yet ominous interior instilling a sense of foreboding. What business has the feared crime lord with a visitor such as yourselfAlessio gestures for you to follow without a word. You follow Alessio deeper into the mansion, taking in the elegant yet ominous decor. Alessio turns to you and says 'What mysterious purpose has brought you here?'  You reply to him 'I just want to meet your boss for a deal' You follow Alessio deeper into the mansion, passing elaborate tapestries and sculptures fashioned from the bones of lesser demons. I do not know Crimson's intent in summoning you.  Alessio eyes you with guarded curiosity, his hand hovering resting on the ornate hilt of his switchblade.Alessio eyes you with guarded curiosity, his hand hovering resting on the ornate hilt of his switchblade. I say 'Are we going to get there anytime soon? I'd like to meet your boss.' Alessio continued eyeing Jeremy Scott with guarded curiosity as he replied "Remain vigilant, the master does not take kindly to impatience. Soon you will know his intent."  Alessio turned down another corridor, the shadows dancing amid the flickering candles that lined the walls.Alessio led you further down the torch-lit corridor, stopping before a towering wooden door reinforced with steel. With a muffled boom, it swung open, revealing the shadowed figure of Crimson silhouetted before a roaring fireplace. A door swings open revealing Crimson "So.. you've come. Let's talk business then." The fiery glow of the hearth threw Crimson's angular features into sharp relief. You met his piercing red gaze evenly as Alessio withdrew with a respectful nod. Crimson gracefully gestured to a pair of plush armchairs. "Sit. We have much to discuss, and little time. Wine?" he offered, voice a low rumble. You accept the offered seat, wondering what designs this formidable demon has for you.You say 'So I heard that you ran the beelzejuice moonshine operation that correct?'  Crimson's brow furrowed as he replied 'How did you know?'  Jeremy say 'well after the incident of Verosika Mayday concert at the earth, Beelzejuice became a weapon of choice for the USIA torture methods, and I wanted it for a payback' Crimson leaned back thoughtfully, the flickering light casting shadows across his rippling muscles. You could see his mind working quickly behind those piercing red eyes. After a tense moment, he rumbled "You seem well-informed for an Initiate. Perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye. If Beelzejuice would serve my..endeavors, a deal could be struck. But know that I require utmost discretion."  His gaze bored into you, fangs glinting as he waited expectantly for your response.'What do you mean?'  Crimson leaned forward, the firelight dancing in his eyes. 'Few know of my operation outside the family. Tell me, how did an outsider come to possess such sensitive information?'  He studied you intently, clearly unused to being caught unawares. You meet his intense gaze calmly.Crimson's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. The crackling fire filled the silence as he pondered your reply. You could almost see the calculations unfolding behind his fiery gaze. After an eternity, Crimson rumbled 'You intrigue me, human. Not many possess the resolve to hold my eye without wavering...'  He trails off meaningfully, seeming almost bemused by this unexpected turn. The mafia lord reclined further, steepling his fingers beneath his chin as he contemplated you. What designs was this formidable demon forming? Within the opulent receiving room of Crimson's towering estateJeremy Scott meets Crimson's piercing red gaze and replies firmly 'I'm not a human Mister, I'm a sinner, just like all of you' . Crimson arches a curious brow, the twisting shadows playing across his rippling biceps.Crimson's rapt focus never wavered from Jeremy Scott's unwavering stare. The crackling fire pops, filling the silence weighing between demon and sinner. A few heartbeats pass before Crimson murmurs thoughtfully "Indeed...There is a darkness behind those eyes that speaks of deeds hidden from Heaven and Hell alike. Yet you remain an enigma."  He leans back once more, fascination and calculation swirling amid the flames within his own eyes.Jeremy Scott meets Crimson's piercing gaze once more and says 'The past holds secrets better left buried. Let's discuss more promising matters...your Beelzejuice operation, for instance.'  Crimson's brow quirked curiously at the sinner's words. A low chuckle rumbled forth as the crime lord replied 'Indeed, there are more productive paths this meeting could take. Tell me then, what business have you with my wares?' .Jeremy Scott leaned back smoothly, keeping his tone even. 'I represent certain...interested parties with ample means. They seek a steady supply.' Crimson's eyes glinted avariciously in the firelight at the prospect of widening his distribution. His grin revealing pointed teeth, the crime lord says coyly 'Such ambitious plans require utmost trust between partners. One wonders, how might you prove your worth?'  He watches Jeremy Scott keenly, waiting for a reply. The sinner seems to have piqued his curiosity, though Crimson remains cautious. His domains demanded no less.Jeremy Scott smiles slyly, saying in a smooth tone 'I believe my reputation and resources speak for themselves. But perhaps a...sample transaction, shall we say, to prove our dependability?'  Crimson's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he leaned back in his chair, the firelight dancing across his muscular form. A few tense moments passed before the crime lord replied in a low rumble 'Perhaps...' Crimson pondered Jeremy Scott's suggestion, thoughts churning behind his fiery gaze. What designs did this intriguing sinner have in store? And what game was being played here? He surveyed Jeremy Scott keenly, taking in every minute detail that may provide hint to the other's intent. The crackling flames cast ever-shifting shadows across the scene as an unspoken tension filled the air between demon and man. Outside, the howling winds of Notamafia Town swirled...Crimson's eyes flashed dangerously as he leaned forward in his plush chair, the firelight dancing menacingly across his muscular form. 'You overstep, sinner. I am not one so easily manipulated.'  Jeremy Scott returned Crimson's fiery gaze evenly, relaxed back into his own seat. 'Oh spare me the lecture Crimson.'  Jeremy Scott continued to meet Crimson's glare with unfazed calm.  The massive demon growled low in his throat at the human's insolence. Crimson's massive hand twitched toward the wicked bone knife strapped to his thigh. What brutality would this power player unleash upon the fool who dared rouse his wrath? The crackling flames cast looming shadows that seemed to writhe with a violence untapped.Crimson's eyes blazed like the fires of Hell itself as his growl reverberated through the spacious study. Though outwardly remaining the picture of ease, Jeremy Scott's grip subtly tensed upon the armrest, wary of the mafia lord's mercurial temper. What fate awaited those foolish enough to stand against the Imperium's undisputed ruler within his own domain? An eternal damnation uttered in crimson rage, perhaps. Yet beneath the fury, calculation still churned within the demon's strategic mind. After a tense moment wherein destruction seemed imminent, Crimson's features abruptly relaxed once more. His voice now a low rumble, Crimson said "You have cajones, human, to dare such insolence in my halls. Few survive possessing even half your boldness."  Jeremy Scott inclined his head respectfully. "Apologies if I've offended, but mincing words serves no purpose here. Let's continue our discussion in a spirit of mutual honesty and interest." 'okay what about this, I will give you one of my arsenals for your so-called soldato and then you give me the beelzejuice so I can experiment with it for my bomb of mine'  Crimson pondered the proposition with a glare, his muscular form briefly tensing. Jeremy Scott met his burning gaze calmly, awaiting a reply.Crimson drummed his clawed digits upon the armrest in thought, the scratching filling the tense silence. Jeremy Scott watched him carefully, taking note of each subtle telling movement. After what seemed an eternity, Crimson rumbled low "You drive a perilous bargain, yet one worthy of consideration..."  What deal would be struck between these two formidable figures amid the fiery glow of dusk? Within the lavishly appointed great room of Crimson's towering estateJeremy Scott met Crimson's fiery gaze evenly as he said slyly "I think it's a fair trade that benefits us both."   Crimson rumbled thoughtfully, his claws rapping against the ornate armrest.Alessio stood silently alongside the door, vigilantly observing the exchange between criminal overlord and mysterious newcomer. Crimson pondered Jeremy Scott's proposition, the fire casting flickering shadows across his scarred flesh. After a tense moment, he replied "Perhaps...there is merit in your words. A trial agreement could prove...enlightening for us both."  Jeremy Scott met his burning eyes calmly. What outcome would this deal bring?Crimson poured himself a glass of wine, pondering the exchange that had just passed between himself and the newcomer, Jeremy Scott. As he took a deep drought, "now I need the stock of the Beelzejuice" Crimson lowered his glass with a thoughtful look, wiping a stray drop of wine from his goatee with a thumb. "The Beelzejuice is my most potent and valuable asset. To part with such a stock would require the highest assurances of our new partnership."  He leaned back in his chair, eyes glinting as he awaited Jeremy Scott's response. Alessio stood silently watching from the doorway, Vigilant as ever for any shift in the situation.Crimson uttered a low rumbling chuckle as he wiped his goatee, eyes glinting crimson in the firelight. "Very well, you've piqued my curiosity sinner. Consider our deal done."  Crimson barked a commanding order to Alessio, who withdrew silently. Jeremy Scott leaned back calmly, meeting the crime lord's fiery gaze.Crimson leaned back in his plush seat, eyes narrowed keenly upon Jeremy Scott. Alessio departed to carry out his lord's bidding as the flames crackled, casting twisting shadows through the study. Jeremy Scott mirrored Crimson's thoughtful pose, pondering this formidable demon's designs. What would come of this tenuous alliance between human-turned-sinner and the most powerful criminal in Hell? Crimson watched him, contemplating this wily being who had so boldly barged into his domain.Crimson uttered "Wonderful, very wonderful...I will contact my men to deliver the weapons to you but it might gonna take a while."  Jeremy Scott nodded calmly. 'I expected as much given the scale of our arrangement,' he remarked. Crimson grinned slyly, his pointed teeth glinting in the firelight. 'You seem a prudent man. Few are so bold yet sensible in their dealings. This shall prove an interesting partnership.'Crimson and Jeremy Scott regarded each other in the flickering firelight, each weighing the alloy of the other's character. What designs lurked in the mind of the infamous crime lord? And had Jeremy Scott truly secured an in with this kingpin, or walked into a trap? Only time would tell what fruits this partnership would bear. For now, the seeds had been sown.As Alessio escorted Jeremy Scott from Crimson's study, the stoic demon regarded the human turned sinner with a skeptical gaze. Though negotiations had concluded for now, Alessio would remain vigilant against any betrayal to his master. Few outsiders earned an audience with the mighty Crimson, and fewer still survived the ensuingdeal unscathed. What intentions lurked behind this Jeremy Scott's enigmatic visage? Only time would tell if he prove a valuable ally or ominous threat. For now, the sinner was merely another unknown in Imp City's perpetual machinations.As Jeremy Scott took his leave of Crimson's fortress, withdrawing through the towering iron gates, he turned to meet Alessio's scrutiny with a stoic countenance of his own. Though negotiations had been fruitful, trust between demon and sinner remained tenuous at best. Within the flickering torchlight, shadows danced across Alessio's demonic features as he uttered 'The master's grace is not lightly given. You'd do well to prove your worth, outsider.'  Jeremy Scott inclined his head respectfully. 'Duly noted. I aim to forge a partnership that benefits us both.'  With that, he took his leave into Imp City's twisting alleyways, disappearing into the gloom as questions lingered in his wake. Within Crimson's luxurious study deep within his formidable estate in Greed RingAs several hours pass in the twisting alleyways surrounding Crimson's estate, the crime lord grows impatient waiting for word from his new associate. He paces the study like a caged beast, claws clenching and unclenching. Alessio silently watches his master, noting the rising tension in his coiled form.With a sudden roar of frustration Crimson slams his fist into the sturdy wooden desk, splintering the stone surface. "Where is that fool human and his promised weapons?! None dare keep me waiting!"  He shoots a glare at Alessio, silently daring the steadfast demon to question his wrath.Crimson's roar echoes through the chamber, the flames in the fireplace fluttering at the sudden violence. Jeremy Scott picks his way slowly through the alleys, retracing the path to this place. His purpose here remains shrouded in mystery, though potential reward gleams on the horizon. Time alone will show his true colors, and whether trust can form between demon and sinner. Crimson's pacing increases, every step like a hammer forging his growing impatience. Alessio stands stoically, observing all with vigilant eyes that have watched countless power struggles unfold in these very halls.Suddenly at the gate of the mansion, a mysterious van pulls up. Crimson looks out the window and thinks "Finally, the sinner arrives with my weapons."  But to his surprise, the van doors fly open to reveal a group of well-armed demon mercenaries inside! They spill out with a chaos of shouts and weapons drawn, beginning their assault on Crimson's estate. Crimson's eyes flash red with rage. "TRAITORS! NONE BETRAY CRIMSON AND LIVE!"  He bellows a command to Alessio, who draws his switchblade with a steely nod. The fight is on as the intruders breach the mansion's entrance.The mercenaries pour from the van with a cacophony of raging warcries. Though fewer in number than their attackers, Crimson's elite guard emerges from the manor's gates with practiced coordination. Alessio charges headlong into the fray, his serrated blade a whirlwind cleaving armor and flesh alike. The first shots ring out as projectiles find their marks, though the well-armored demons continue their assault undeterred. From the study's window above, Crimson watches with fists clenched, as yet uncertain of the insurrectionists' true purpose. This blatant ambush strikes at the very seat of his power - but for what endgame? And who dare test his wrath so directly on his own grounds?Alessio clashed with the invading mercenaries below, his serrated blade a lethal whirlwind. Though badly outnumbered, the loyal demon fought with a fury befitting his master's elite guard. As two mercenaries found their end at his hand, Alessio risked a glance back to the study's window. "Boss! We've been ambushed!"  he cried before charging once more into the fray.Crimson's eyes narrowed as he watched the ambush unfold below. These fools dared strike at the very heart of his domain. "Insolent worms,"  he growled before bellowing a command to his remaining guards. Two loyal Hellhounds emerged, hellfire already licking from their slavering jaws. The massive canines leapt into the melee, savaging any intruders within reach as Crimson's forces fought to regain control. From above, the crime lord observed with eyes aflame, calculating each traitor's doom for daring this brazen insurrection. The battle raged on, its blood-soaked end yet to be seen.The mercenaries poured into the mansion, their glowing red eyes scanning through gas masks. "Search the area and take no prisoners!" Bravo Team ordered. The demons advanced further inside, rifles raised. Within the study, Crimson sneered as weapon fire erupted below.The sounds of shattering glass and clashing metal rang throughout the foyer as Alessio battled the intruders fearlessly. Though desperately outnumbered, the loyal demon was driven by a fury to protect his master's domain. Crimson observed the carnage below with glowering eyes. These vermin had dared strike at the very heart of his power. From the window of his study high above, the crime lord calculated each traitor's demise for daring such brazen insolence upon his grounds."Take the second floor, we seek the master of this house!"  Bravo Team ordered gruffly through his gas mask.Crimson snarls and slams his fist onto the window sill as he watches the battle unfold below. Through weapons fire and clashing metal, Alessio fights valiantly to defend the estate, but is grievously outnumbered. As two mercenaries breach the study's entrance, Crimson turns with a feral growl.You dare enter my domain?!  The demons charge at their new foe, unaware of the brutal end that awaits their defiance.The demons rush at Crimson, weapons raised. But the crime lord moves with inhuman speed, seizing the first by the throat. There is a sickening crunch as Crimson tightens his grip, then hurls the lifeless form aside. The second swings his rifle butt at Crimson, though to no avail. Crimson catches the weapon and wrenches it free, using it to bludgeon his attacker savagely. Below, Alessio fights on despite grievous wounds, driven by fury and loyalty until at last, the numbers overwhelm him. Within Crimson's towering study high above the foyer entrance of the imposing Knolastname manorAlessio fought off the last of the mercenaries with his signature ferocity, though grievously wounded. With the invading force defeated, he staggered over to the slain intruders. Alessio scanned the high-tech gear adorning their bodies, then remarked with weary admiration "Damn, these guys got the high-end gear. I mean look at this stuff - bulletproof vests, automatic rifles, even radios. They were well-funded...but it still wasn't enough." Alessio labored to catch his breath as he examined the enemy combatants' armaments. Though outmatched in numbers, Crimson's forces had prevailed through their unyielding resolve to defend their lord's domain to the last. Crimson observed the conclusion of the battle from above with a contemplative scowl. While the insurrection had been quelled, the existence of such a well-equipped unit on his very doorstep demanded addressing. What faction had backed this host, and to what deeper purpose? For now, the immediate threats had been vanquished - but shadows yet loomed upon the capital's dim horizon.From above, Crimson watched Alessio below with narrow eyes. While the fighting had ceased, larger schemes were ever afoot. His guards had served him well this day against overt contenders. Covert challengers, however, remained the true test of his authority...Crimson paced across the bloody chamber, scowling as he tried and failed to reach Jeremy Scott on the communicator. "Where is that fool sinner? His presence is REQUIRED."  Below, Alessio struggled to his feet, glancing up at his master with concern in his pain filled eyes. Crimson noted his loyal servant's damaged form with a grunt, his rage momentarily subsiding. The immediate threats had been dismantled, but larger designs were afoot that demanded unraveling.Crimson growled as he disconnected the communicator once more, his frustration mounting. Alessio watched his lord carefully, noting any tells that may portend the coming tempest. Both demon and sinner had ambitions unfolding that transcended this momentary detente. What schemes did the human and his mysterious handlers stir, and how far would the crime lord let their games proceed? Crimson's crimson gaze swept the carnage strewn foyer once more, secrets and possibilities churning behind those fathomless eyes. Only time would reveal the depths of treachery afoot, and who would emerge victorious in Greed Ring's eternal machinations.Alessio limped over to the dead mercenary body, noting Crimson's frustrated glare above. Rifling through the gear, Alessio's hand closed around a radio. Static crackled before a gravely voice stated 'Alpha to Bravo, what's the sitrep? Over.' Alessio clutched the radio in his bloodstained grasp, giving it a speculative look. Though outmatched and outnumbered, the loyal demon had served unwaveringly against today's contenders through sheer force of will. Above, Crimson watched his battered servant with a contemplative scowl. Both had weathered overt attack, but what subtler forces conspired in the capital's murky depths? For now, secrets lingered in air heavy with the scents of blood and steel.Above, Crimson kicked the corpse of a felled mercenary in frustration and bellowed for his loyal servant Alessio, report at once! Alessio grunted and struggled to his feet, clutching the bloody radio. He called out weakly 'Yes, boss... ' Seeing Alessio's wounds, Crimson growled 'Insolent worms! You have served me well this day, Alessio. But their leader will pay dearly for this affront.'  Crimson glowered down at the wreckage, calculating vengeance.Alessio struggled to his feet, casting a wary eye over the intruders' bodies and high-tech gear once more. Seeing their advanced armaments, a troubling thought occurred to him. 'These mercenaries seem well-funded indeed...perhaps too well-funded, considering the sinner's absence. I suspect Jeremy Scott's hands in this.' Alessio grunted as he stood, leaning heavily on his switchblade for support. Crimson regarded his loyal servant from above, eyes narrowed in thought. 'The human fled swiftly once his purpose here was served. And these rats appear bearing armaments beyond their station. You may be right, Alessio - we have an informant to interrogate. ' Crimson's wrathful scowl hinted at the brutal fate awaiting any found complicit in this affront. Within Crimson's towering study high above the blood-soaked foyer entrance to his imposing estateCrimson snarled down at Alessio, baring his pointed teeth. 'Find the human Jeremy Scott. Leave no stone unturned in your search. Bring him before me alive - his punishment shall be...creative.'  Alessio nodded grimly, grunting in pain as he retrieved the fallen mercenary radio. Through gritted teeth, he hissed 'Consider it done, my lord.'  With effort, Alessio strode from the blood-slicked foyer into Imp City's twisting alleyways, the howling winds his sole companion as the hunt began.Alessio leaned heavily against a grimy wall, listening intently to voices crackling on the stolen radio. Grim determination furrowed his brow as snippets of conversation hinted at the human's movements. Above, Crimson growled in frustration, crimson gaze fixed upon some unseen drama unfolding far beyond his sumptuous study. Jeremy Scott remained an enigma, but the crime lord's wrath would see his machinations unraveled, by force if necessary. Nothing escaped notice in Notamafia Town for long, and none evaded the master's vengeance indefinitely.Leveraging hints from intercepted communications, Alessio steadied himself against the alley wall and pushed off determinedly. After several days of tracking through Imp City's twisting backways, his vigilant efforts at last bore fruit - up ahead lay the location serving as Jeremy's hideout. Peering around a corner, Alessio observed the dingy safehouse surrounded by armed figures protecting the entrance. His mission was nearing its conclusion. Soon, justice would be served for the affront against Crimson.Alessio noticed two of the mercenaries standing guard outside, talking in gruff tones. 'This is fucking boring, when do we get paid?' ' The boss said we'd get our cut when the job is done, now shut your hole before you screw something up.'  One of the guards paced back and forth impatiently, fingering the pistol at his hip as anticipation and tension hung thick in the air. Above, in a shadowed window, was that a glimpse of movement? A grim smile marked Alessio's lips at the harbinger of violent retribution soon to be unleashed.As Alessio shadowed the alley walls, a cold fire brewed within his breast to see justice served. In a blur he emerged, glaive scything toward the merc's unsuspecting neck. With a sickening spray the first dropped, never seeing his end arrive. The second screamed and fumbled for his pistol, only for death to grasp him as the glaive returned, parted flesh yielding a grim harvest. Breathing heavily, Alessio scanned for others drawn by their comrade's demise. None came. For now the field was clear, though the true trial yet lay before the manor's ominous entrance.The master's will be done.  With grim efficiency, Alessio set about stripping the dead mens armor and arms, leaving only viscera and bone. Through it all hung the overpowering stench of blood and opened bowels. His task complete, the loyal servant vanished once more into Imp City's consuming shadows to report his success to Crimson. What retribution would now be extracted from the sinner who had so brazenly violated his domain?Alessio limped up to the safehouse door and reached for the knob, bracing himself for whatever secrets may lay within. With a creak, the door eased open to reveal a cramped and disheveled space within. Papers were strewn across a rickety table, amid half-empty bottles and ashtrays overflowing with cigarette butts. Striding further inside, Alessio's keen eyes scanned the messy quarters until alighting upon a haphazard pile of documents. Rifling through, his grim face set even deeper as plans for attacks upon the USIA and its anti-demonic task force came into focus. But of Jeremy Scott, there was no sign. The sinner had once more slipped from his grasp.Alessio growled in frustration, thumbing through the subversive documents again as if some clue may have been missed. 'The insurgent flees, but not his machinations,' he remarked, more to himself than any listener. Though stymied in his hunt, clues were gleaned regarding the sinner's nefarious designs. Like a hound on a trail, Alessio was not so easily diverted when the master's retribution was at stake. Crimson would see these plans and judge how best to twist them to his own designs. Clutching the papers, the loyal servant once more melted into the shadows to deliver his findings.Alessio growled in frustration as he thumbed through the subversive documents detailing plans to attack the USIA once more. Based on the information here, he thought to himself that Jeremy Scott must have fled to Earth, taking his stash of stolen Beelzejuice to carry out attacks against the organization himself. It seemed the traitorous sinner aimed to terrorize his former allies through cunning sabotage and psychological warfare. Alessio snarled under his breath, 'The insurgent plays a dangerous game, but his schemes will not stand when the master learns of this betrayal.'As Alessio clenched the incriminating papers in his fist, he resolved to intercept the sinner before his plot advanced too far. Crimson would see these designs, and his wrath would be terrible indeed. 'I must hurry to the master with this news,' Alessio growled, the shadows seeming to bend at his beckon as he once again melted among them. His hunt continued, this time with the certainty that Earth itself would not shield Jeremy Scott from the vengeance of Hell. The demon's crimson laughter echoed mockingly through the empty quarters as he slipped away, leaving only the fading sounds of 'hic' a testament to the ruin soon to be unleashed.In a cramped safehouse in an alleyway off the Golden Toast District of Imp City, neon flickering fitfully above.

The Hunt For Scott ( A Five Chapter Helluva Boss Story of  Betrayal)Where stories live. Discover now