Festival Trouble

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Agent One and Agent Two stand in a quiet alley near the festival grounds, reviewing clues on a map of the city.Agent One turns to Agent Two. 'We need to put our heads together to crack this case. What's our first move?'he look up from the map at Agent Two and say "I have an idea of where the bomber may strike based on the clues. Let's check it out."  Agent Two meets your gaze and replies "Good work, let's get going." "Lead the way,"  Agent Two says, folding up the map and slipping it into her pocket. You nod and exit the alley, scanning the crowd for any signs of troubled activity. Agent Two falls into step beside you, eyes sharp as she takes in passersby.As you scan the crowd, a hooded figure slinking through the throng catches your eye. check out that person over there,  you say to Agent Two, nodding subtly in their direction. The figure pauses, glancing around furtively as if sensing eyes upon them.Agent Two narrows her eyes, following your gaze. "Definitely suspicious behavior," she remarks quietly. "Let's tail them casually and see where they lead." You both adopt a relaxed pose, pretending to browse festival stalls while covertly tracking the figure's movements.The hooded figure pulls a phone from within their cloak, tapping it briefly. "Hey it's me...I put the AR and Kevlar in the warehouse, and yeah I did put the bomb, just like he said...are you sure we're going to trust that demon guy in a suit?"  they say quietly into the device. After a pause, they make a noise of annoyance and stash the phone once more.As the man speaks, you catch Agent Two's eye and nod meaningfully. "Looks like our hunch paid off,"  she remarks. The man continues on obliviously, weaving through the festival-goers. You match his pace, keeping a safe distance as Agent Two scans for any accomplices.You signal to Agent Two and mouth "Let's apprehend him now before he meets up with others" . Agent Two nods in response, hand drifting subtly closer to the firearm at her hip. The hooded man continues weaving through the crowd, heedless of the agents tailing him.Agent Two nods grimly, eyes hard as flint. "Right. Let's grab this perp before he can cause any damage."  She increases her pace, zeroing in on the target with predatory focus. You match her speed, senses alert for any tricks or traps he may have laid.Closing the distance in a flash, you lunge forward and grasp the man's arm firmly but not cruelly, giving it a spin to face him towards you. "You're coming with us buddy. We've got some questions for you."  The man sputters in protest but goes still under your unwavering gaze and Agent Two's watchful eye beside you.The man gulps visibly, glancing between you and the imposing form of Agent Two hovering protectively. "L-Look, I didn't do anything, I swear! Just let me go and there won't be any trouble."  Agent Two snorts derisively. "Somehow I doubt that. Save your pleas, you're coming down to the station. Now march."  She gives the man a slight shove to set him in motion, falling instep behind as you take the lead through the parting crowds.As you usher the suspect through the crowd, you tap your earpiece. "HQ, we got the suspect, requesting a group of Agents to head down to the festival warehouse-" but before you can finish, a voice interrupts crisply over the comms: "This is STAD, Stand down DHORKS, Special Tactics Anti Demons got this covered, we're sending Task Force Dagger for getting this job done."  Agent Two raises a skeptical brow. "Special tactics, eh? Wonder what they know that we don't."The suspect shoots you a smug look, thinking this change in leadership gives him an opportunity. "You're not so tough without your backup, are you?"  he sneers. Agent Two's eyes flash dangerously and she shoves the suspect ahead more forcefully. "Keep moving or you'll find out exactly how tough we are."  Her tone brokers no argument. You exchange a glance, wondering what sort of reception you can expect from this Task Force Dagger...As you continue ushering the suspect through the crowd, the terrorist spots you and Agent Two escorting his accomplice. His eyes widen in shock and he reaches for the pistol at his hip. 'Look out, he's armed!'  you warn Agent Two. She spins, already drawing her own firearm. Across the way, the terrorist cries 'They got Alan!'  and levels his pistol at your group.As the terrorist draws his weapon, festival-goers scream and scatter frantically. Agent Two takes aim with icy precision. 'Stand down or I will fire,'  she orders the man in a no-nonsense tone. Nearby civilians continue fleeing for cover, one woman clutching her child and sobbing prayers under her breath as she flees. The terrorist's gaze darts between you and Agent Two, clearly weighing his odds as his accomplice struggles vainly in your grip.The terrorist opens fire on your group, bullets whizzing past as civilians continue fleeing the chaotic scene. But then, with reflexes like lightning, the Task Force Dagger Marksman takes aim and fires a single, flawless shot. It strikes true, and the terrorist's head snaps back violently before his limp body hits the ground in a growing pool of blood. 'Heretics Down' Agent Two gives a curt nod of approval at the Marksman's skill while keeping her weapon trained on the now-whimpering accomplice. 'Stand down,' she orders him coldly, though her eyes remain alert for any further disturbances. The festival-goers gradually stop their panicked fleeing as the immediate danger passes, leaving the lane eerily empty but for your group.You grab the now whimpering accomplice by the collar and stare directly into his eyes as you say "Start talking. Where's the bomb?"  The man stammers in fear, looking back and forth between you and the cold, steely gaze of Agent Two. "I-I'll tell you everything, j-just please don't hurt me! The bomb is in the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, by the old maple grove. Th-that's all I know, I swear!" His whole body is shaking in your grip.Agent Two lets out a derisive snort. "Pathetic worm. You really should learn to keep your cowardly mouth shut." She holsters her firearm and pulls out a pair of reinforced handcuffs. "Make sure he's secured tightly. We've got a bomb to dismantle." With practiced efficiency, she secures the accomplice's wrists behind his back. The last of the festival-goers have cleared out of the lane, leaving you alone with your two captives amid the lingering smell of gunpowder.As Agent Two tightens the handcuffs around the accomplice's wrists, your radio crackles to life. "DHORKS, this is Task Force Dagger Leader. We're approaching the warehouse now, ETA five minutes." A gruff voice replies "Hope you bring some firepower instead of that Edo Period weapon to a gunfight."  Agent Two raises a questioning brow at you. "Special tactics, indeed. Let's hope they're as effective as they are insolent."Agent Two snorts derisively. "Cocky bastard. Still, we could use the backup." She gives the cowering accomplice a final shove. "Keep an eye on this one while I do a perimeter check. Holler if he gives you any trouble." With that, she strides off down the lane, eyes and ears alert for disturbances. The accomplice whimpers pathetically, cringing away from your gaze. Nearby, the Task Force trucks pull up with a rumble, disgorging heavily armed soldiers.You tap your earpiece and radio back to Task Force Dagger Leader 'We'll handle intel. You lot bring the firepower - our goal is disabling that bomb safely.'  The accomplice continues whimpering as Agent Two finishes securing his bonds. Nearby, soldiers arm themselves with an array of lethal-looking weapons.Agent Two returns from her perimeter check, holstering her sidearm once more. 'Perimeter is clear for now. What's the plan?'  She eyes the cowering accomplice with disdain. Task Force Dagger Leader's gravelly voice replies over the radio. 'Received. We'll take point on search and secure - you provide intel and watch our six.'  His troops finish prepping their arsenal, ready to move on your command.You gesture to the soldiers and say 'Let's move out, no time to lose.'  The soldiers nod curtly and begin marching towards the warehouse, weapons raised. Agent Two falls instep beside you, eyes scanning your surroundings sharply as you advance.As the soldiers march ahead, Agent Two mutters under her breath "Special tactics, my ass. Bet they couldn't find their own asses with both hands and a map."  Her lip curls derisively as she eyes their rigid, militaristic movements. You chuckle quietly in agreement, trusting her seasoned skills over their untested bravado.'What do you say we hang back and tail them, make sure they don't overlook anything in their rush?'  Agent Two replies 'Good idea, those grunts likely won't see anything beyond the end of their barrels.'  She slows her pace, allowing the soldiers to pull ahead while you two maintain visual contact. Her eyes remain sharp and assessing as you continue your approach.As the soldiers march ahead, Agent Two remarks "Mark my words, they'll bungle this for sure."  You nod in agreement, trusting her experienced eyes over their brute force approach. The trees begin to thicken around you as the old maple grove comes into view. Ahead, the soldiers have reached the warehouse and take up positions around the perimeter.Task Force Dagger Leader strides over to you and Agent Two as the soldiers take up positions around the warehouse. "I heard that Agent Two, we told you to stand down, we got this situation covered. Are. We. Clear?"  Agent Two narrows her eyes. "With all due respect, we have intel that may be helpful. But we'll stay out of your way."  Task Force Dagger Leader gives a curt nod. "See that you do."  With that, he turns on his heel and barks orders at his men, leaving you alone with Agent Two again.Agent Two rolls her eyes as Task Force Dagger Leader leaves. "Arrogant fool. He'll be begging for our help soon enough."  You nod in agreement. The soldiers fan out around the warehouse, taking up covered positions with lethal efficiency. Yet for all their training, you've seen enough real missions to doubt their ability to think outside protocol. Agent Two's eyes remain sharp and assessing as she scans for any flaws in their security. "For now, let them have their show of force. But I have a feeling we'll be cleaning up their mess before long." As Task Force Dagger Leader departs, 'Let's use this opportunity to fully case the perimeter ourselves before they screw this up.'  You nod in agreement, trusting Agent Two's seasoned skills over the soldiers' bravado. You follow her as she slips away, eyes sharp as razors, missing no detail that may save lives.Agent Two swiftly picks her way around the warehouse, pausing to examine tracks and scuff marks in the dirt that the soldiers overlooked in their haste. You follow suit, scanning for any clues that may reveal hidden dangers. After several minutes of silent searching, Agent Two holds up a hand, signaling you over. 'Take a look at this,' she murmurs, nodding to a set of prints leading behind a pile of crates. You bend to examine the track, noticing an unusual tread pattern...You follow the odd footprints, gesturing for Agent Two to watch your back as you advance cautiously. The footprints lead behind the crates where you see they double back towards the warehouse. You catch Agent Two's eye and nod meaningfully.Agent Two nods in return, eyes sharp as razors. 'Something's not right here.' She draws her sidearm silently, advancing nearly soundlessly to cover your flank as you trace the odd tracks. After a moment they appear to lead straight to the warehouse door. You exchange a glance with Agent Two, readying yourself.Emerging from the shadows behind the crates, a sharply dressed demon appears with a toothy grin. "So this must be the finest DHORKS Agent... and also what kind of Agency name is that?" Agent Two narrows her eyes at the interloper, keeping her sidearm trained steadily on the demon. "State your business, hellspawn. Now isn't the time for games."  Her tone brokers no argument. You study the demon carefully, gathering information while remaining alert for deceit.Keeping his toothy grin, the demon holds up his hands in a placating gesture. " Now now, no need for hostilities. I merely wished to ensure this situation is resolved, with no further bloodshed."Agent Two's eyes narrow further but she does not lower her weapon. "I've heard that line before. State your real purpose demon, and it better not involve endangering lives." You study the demon carefully, noting the expensive suit and polished manner of speech, unlike a typical hellspawn. What was his stake in all this?The Demon in a suit says calmly Look, the STAD needs to pay for what they've done. If you help them, they will replace you and erase you from history!  Agent Two's expression remains stony. Your threats mean little, hellspawn. State your business or take your leave. The Demon chuckles smoothly. Always so hostile. I merely offer aid, if your goals align with mine.  He surveys the warehouse perimeter calmly. Agent Two's eyes glitter with suspicion. And what goal would that be, precisely?  she questions coldly.'Enough games, demon. What do you know of the bomb's mechanics that could help save lives?'  The demon grins wider. "Always so impatient, Agent Two. Very well, I've seen the bomb and it's rigged with a deadman's switch. Remove the detonator in the wrong order and it goes off. But I may be willing to help...for a price. What can you offer me in return?" He surveys you both with a calculating gaze.Agent Two's eyes narrow dangerously at the demon's insinuation. "The only currency we deal in is civilian lives. You'll help us disarm that bomb or suffer the consequences." Her hand drifts subtly closer to her holstered sidearm. You watch the demon carefully, gathering any clues to his true motives beneath the veneer of civility. What game was he playing at, and how far could his aid be trusted?Agent Two's eyes narrowed dangerously at the demon's insinuation. Just then, Task Force Dagger contacted Agent One on their radio. 'We've located the bomb. Meet us at these coordinates.'  As Agent One relayed the message to Agent Two, the demon suddenly lunged forward with lightning fast reflexes. With a flurry of practiced strikes, he disarmed both Agent One and Agent Two of their sidearms. Grabbing Agent Two's pistol, the demon let out an unsettling laugh. 'Farewell, agents. Try to keep up!'  He fired a shot at their feet and sprinted away into the trees, disappearing into the forest surround the warehouse with preternatural speed.Agent Two let out a low growl of frustration as the demon made his escape. 'That bastard will pay for this interference. For now, we have a bomb to deal with.'  She turned to you with a grim look. 'Let's hope these soldiers have actually made progress for once. No time to waste - lives are at stake.'  With that, she took off at a brisk jog towards the coordinates provided, her gaze hard as flint. You hurried to catch up, hoping the Task Force had some answers - and that you weren't already too late.As Agent One and Agent Two hurried towards the coordinates provided by Task Force Dagger, the Task Force Leader stepped into their path, his expression ominous. "Where the hell have you been? I told you to stay in your position!"  Agent One replied firmly "We were pursuing a new lead and now our weapons are gone. The demon interfered."  The Task Force Leader's scowl deepened at the news. "That damn demon is causing nothing but trouble. No matter, we've located the bomb and have nearly disarmed it. Get to the warehouse on the double, I want your eyes on that bomb in case he returns." As Agent One and Agent Two took off again for the warehouse, Agent Two muttered darkly "That fool will get us all killed with his bullheaded tactics. We should have pursued the demon lead further..."  Agent One nodded in agreement as they raced through the trees. The old warehouse soon came into view, with Task Force soldiers milling about outside looking on edge. One of the sappers called over "Hurry up you two, we're almost in but the wiring is messy. Could use your keen eyes on this one." As Agent One nodded in agreement, Agent Two grabbed the Task Force Leader's arm firmly. 'We're not finished discussing that demon. He poses a threat we can't ignore and may know more about this bomb.'  The Task Force Leader ripped his arm from Agent Two's grasp. "We have the situation under control. Now get your asses over to that warehouse on the double before I have you arrested for interfering with a federal mission!" Agent Two's eyes narrowed dangerously but she held her tongue, spinning on her heel to stride towards the warehouse with Agent One.As Agent Two strode purposefully towards the warehouse, Agent One hurried to catch up. "That fool is going to get us all killed," Agent Two muttered darkly. The Task Force soldiers outside the warehouse watched their approach with undisguised hostility, hands drifting subtly closer to their weapons. One of the sappers near the door called out anxiously "Hurry up you two, the wiring is a mess in here and it's going to blow any second, we need extra hands!"Inside the warehouse, the bomb sat on a rickety table, a knotted mess of wires and timers counting relentlessly down. The Task Force soldiers swore as another wire slipped from grasping fingers. "Damn thing's rigged with more traps than a demon's lair," one growled in frustration. Their eyes turned sharply as Agent One and Two entered, half in reluctance and half in desperation for their skills.As Agent One and Two entered the warehouse, the Task Force Bomb Squad surveyed the bomb's wiring. 'Clear out, we'll disarm it.'  The Task Force soldiers swore and backed away from the bomb reluctantly. Agent Two stared intensely at the bomb, analyzing its mechanisms. 'This is no amateur design...someone wants this thing to cause maximum damage.'  She turned to Agent One. 'I have a plan, but you're not going to like it.' Agent One eyed Agent Two warily. "What are you thinking? Don't even think about playing the hero here," they replied sternly. Agent Two merely smirked. "Have some faith in me darling. Now, I'll need a few tools from the supply truck..." She turned to the reluctant Task Force soldiers. "Well? Hurry up and fetch them already, the clock is ticking."  One of the soldiers sneered but obeyed, stomping off angrily. Meanwhile, the bomb continued its ruthless countdown...Agent Two says firmly to the remaining Task Force soldiers 'Keep watch and don't interfere.' 'Keep watch and don't interfere.'  The soldiers scowled but obeyed Agent Two's command, taking up positions around the warehouse entrance.Agent One eyed Agent Two questioningly. "What's your plan?" they asked.Agent Two turned back to Agent One with a grim look. "This bomb was designed to kill indiscriminately. I aim to disrupt its mechanisms without triggering further carnage. Have I ever led you astray before?"One of the reluctant soldiers near the door muttered darkly under their breath. "Demons and their ilk, always causing trouble. This is a military matter, not for glorified police to meddle in." Their companion shushed them with a sharp look at Agent Two.'Let's get to work before time runs out.'  Agent Two nods sharply. 'We cannot delay further. Let me examine this triggering mechanism, while you inspect the wiring for traps.' She turns to the sullen Task Force soldier loitering by the door. 'You, make yourself useful and fetch my tools from the truck. Now.'  The soldier's lip curls but he stomps off without argument.Agent Two crouches to examine the bomb intently, probing it with delicate instruments. 'This design is fiendishly complex, with failsafes built into every circuit. One misstep could detonate the whole thing.'  She casts a critical eye over the Task Force soldier's half-dismantled attempts. 'Amateurs. No finesse at all.'  Her companion huffs quietly in agreement as they scrutinize the wiring for signs of tampering.As Agent Two continued intently examining the bomb's inner workings, one of the sullen Task Force soldiers grew impatient with her perceived insolence. "Out of the way, bitch," he growled, shoving Agent Two roughly aside. She tensed, rounding on the soldier with fury in her gaze. "Remove your hands before I remove them for you," Agent Two snarled, fingers curling into fists. The soldier sneered. "You don't outrank me, demon whore. This is a military operation." His companions watched with twisted grins, awaiting bloodshed.Agent Two's eyes narrowed dangerously at the soldier's slur. Warily, Agent One stepped between them, holding up placating hands. "Let's all take a breath here. We're on the same side."  The gathered Task Force soldiers jeered taunts, baying for violence. "Stand down, fool, before you get us all killed. I'll deal with you later."  She turned back to the bomb intently, though tension still crackled in the air. Agent One glanced meaningfully at their companion, hoping to defuse the escalating tensions before the bomb was the least of their concerns.As tensions threatened to boil over, a new voice cut through the chaos. 'I know how to disarm the bomb!'  Alan said urgently. Agent Two's gaze snapped towards him, fury momentarily forgotten. The Task Force soldier took advantage of her distraction to shove her again. 'Keep your hands off her.'  Agent One said coldly, stepping forward.'Please, I can help if you let me.'  Alan begged, eyeing the looming bomb with dread. Agent Two nodded curtly, still grimly eyeing the soldier who dared lay hands on her. 'Make it quick then. We're running out of time.'  she said icily. The gathered soldiers watched Alan with open suspicion, hands drifting ever closer to weapons.Alan bent over the bomb, carefully examining its wiring. With practiced fingers, he disconnected a frayed wire here and clipped another there. A quiet beeping slowed and stopped as the countdown was stayed. 'There, it's done! ' Alan said with relief, leaning back on his haunches.Agent Two surveyed Alan's handiwork with a critical eye, then nodded in grudging approval. 'Nice work. You may have just saved us all today. ' Her tone remained cool but her eyes conveyed gratitude. The gathered Task Force soldiers continued to watch Alan suspiciously, fingers twitching as if longing to draw weapons. One muttered 'Freak. Can't trust any of them...' No sooner had Alan disabled the bomb than Agent One's radio crackled to life. "Task Force, this is HQ. The bomb is to be secured and transported to our facility, along with the prisoner Alan," came the crisp orders. The Task Force leader nodded sharply. "You heard 'em, boys - grab the ordnance and that freak." Two soldiers marched towards Alan, seizing his arms in an iron grip.Agent Two's eyes narrowed dangerously at the Task Force leader's insult. "Unhand him at once,"  she said icily. The soldiers hesitated, glancing to their commander for guidance. Alan struggled vainly in their grasp, pleading "Please, I just want to go home!"  One of the onlooking Task Force sneered derisively. "Should've thought of that before messing with classified government property, freak." 'Government what?'  Agent One said, clearly confused by the Task Force Leader's orders. The soldiers holding Alan smirked, tightening their grip on his arms. 'You heard him freak, HQ wants you for experiments.' Alan paled in fear.Agent Two's gaze darkened dangerously at the soldiers' cruelty. 'Unhand him at once, or face the consequences.' she growled. The soldiers hesitated, looking to their leader for guidance. 'Stand down men, we need the specimen alive for now.' the Task Force Leader said dismissively. Agent Two's eyes narrowed as the soldiers reluctantly released Alan, shoving him roughly to the floor. Rubbing his sore wrists, Alan shot a grateful look at Agent Two before scrambling away from the soldiers.As the soldiers and Task Force Leader departed, Agent Two turned to Agent One, fury still burning in her gaze. 'Those so-called soldiers are nothing but cowardly thugs. As for STAD, their methods will only breed further dissent.'  She began to pace like a caged animal, fists clenched tightly.Agent One watched their partner pace, concern etched on their features. 'I agree their tactics leave much to be desired. But for now our priority must be getting to the bottom of this bomb plot and preventing further threats.'  Agent Two ceased her pacing, taking a deep breath to regain control. 'You're right, of course. Let's return to the source and see what more that demon knows.'  She turned and began striding towards the treeline, shoulders squared with determination.

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