Chapter 2: The Job

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1878 AW (After War)
26th of White Rose
Felidhan State, Principality Of Besshalstein

It's been multiple weeks since Kairos and Zevian agreed to work for Hoch in exchange for him helping pay the bills for the sanctuary to stay around. In the passing weeks, Kairos and Zevian have each been given a high quality Cutlass sword and a six shot hand cannon which they've kept hidden from Durla since she hates having weapons in the sanctuary.

The two are currently resting in the living exhausted from all the work Hoch has had them do ranging from extortion, blackmail, every bad thing you can imagine. Kairos watches Zevian listening to music whilst a book covers his face as he shakes his head in amusement with tired eyes.

Kairos hears the calling device on his gauntlet ring as he holds it up recognizing the number as he answers it.

"Hoch." Kairos sighs out while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Kairos dear boy, how are you?" Hoch asks but Kairos knows this isn't genuine.

"What do you want Hoch?" Kairos throwing a pillow onto Zevian getting his attention as he removes his headphones.

Zevian sees that Hoch is calling as he sits up rubbing his face.

"In a few days time, the boy Prince is holding a tourney in honor of all the first year boys and girls attending the Roselia Monastery. I'm betting highly on Demyr, a personal friend of mine but thing is? He's a bit of a fraud so... I need you two to help him out."

Kairos and Zevian look at each other in disbelief.

"And how the hell are we supposed to do that? Drug his competition?" Kairos asks as there's a brief moment of silence between the three. "Hoch?"

"I don't know kid, that first idea is certainly interesting... Get it done? And you'll have soo much money that you won't know what to with even a quarter of it." Hoch says ending the call.

Kairos and Zevian look at each other in disbelief with Kairos nearly throwing his gauntlet on the table.

"Great guy we've chosen to associate ourselves with Kai." Zevian says mockingly as Kairos looks at Zevian's red irises with annoyance.

"You know for someone who's my best friend? You sure do love giving me a lot of shit." Kairos states clearly agitated.

Zevian scoffs while shaking his head.

"Yeah cause that's what friends are supposed to do when one of them made a goddamn stupid mistake." Zevian retorts harshly as this irritates Kairos.

"Yeah well not like we had much choice Zev." Kairos replies raising his voice.

Zevian stands up pacing around the living room as Kairos can tell this is leading to an argument.

"Oh bullshit Kai, you just strong armed the both of us into taking the quick and easy way out." Zevian argues back as Kairos chuckles out clearly getting more and more frustrated.

Kairos stands up getting in front of Zevian who sighs with them being even in height.

"Can we not do this today and just do what we've been asked?" Kairos sighs out being exhausted.

Zevian grabs his jacket walking with Kairos.

"And how are we supposed to do this? Tourneys are Besshalstein's pride and joy, interfering or cheating in an event like that is a quick way to go six feet under." Zevian points out.

"Which is why we gotta be careful, let's scout out Demyr's competition and see what we can do." Kairos suggests as Zevian is in agreement.

Before they reach the exit of the sanctuary, they bump into Durla as they greet her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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