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"Yume! Hurry up in getting ready, will you?"

Hurried footsteps, clothes rustling, things knocked over and being caught before shattering into a million pieces.

"Yes, Mother!--"

Water accidentally spilled and quickly wiped, the yelling of the sellers walking around, the carriage being loaded with full bags and heavy suitcases.

"Nee-san! Can you go and get my slippers?" requested my little sister.

My second youngest brother chirped in, "Onii-san! Where are my books? It's gonna be boring at grandma's... I know it."

By far, this was the slowest, and calmest  that my family has ever been when getting ready to go out somewhere. After attending to my siblings' needs, I go to my room and put on the green kimono, combing my hair and just fixing myself. I stare at the mirror, barely even being able to reach the top of it.

I'm Dokuyume Shin'ichi. I turned, hmmmm... oh! Seven years old last month, so I'm the eldest child out of us three. You can call me Yume. Aaand today, my family and I are visiting grandma and grandpa's house! I haven't seen them for a long time—

"Yume! Didn't I tell you to come outside as soon as you're ready?" cried my mother from the other room.

I was a little startled, but we were all used to our parents yelling at us. I sigh and grab my favorite bracelets, wearing both of them on my wrist. It was a gift from my grandpa given to me the last time we visited them. He gave me two, saying that I could give the other one to my friend if I wanted to. I didn't have a friend to give it to, though-- isn't that a shame? I love the bright, colorful glass beads they have. Bracelets with glass beads are really beautiful, aren't they?

"Yume!" Mother called out once again, snapping me back into reality.

I jolt and rushed outside, meeting my parents and my siblings, who were already inside the carriage. There wasn't enough space for me, so I had my younger sister sit on my lap, and she was already being rowdy. 

"My apologies for not being here on time, Mother and Father," I say clearly, lowering my eyes. My parents didn't like mumbling. "I was just--"

My mother's patience seemed to snap like a taut wire, her hand hitting my cheek, my head jerking to the side abruptly. I didn't get to flinch. The sting of the impact left a sharp, burning sensation on my skin. I winced and pursed my lips, holding back salty tears.

"Do you think it's acceptable to keep us waiting? I expect better from you. You are old enough to have some respect and consideration for others," Mother sternly scolded, her words a piercing reminder of the mistake I've committed.

"Your father and I won't tolerate this behavior, do you hear me?"

Father scoffed and continued reading the newspaper, folding the pages. "I will not have a useless brat who doesn't know how to keep track of time. Don't disappoint me next time, Dokuyume."

I bow my head, keeping quiet. "I understand."

The ride to my grandparent's house continued, my siblings playing or fighting with each other-- as siblings do. The road up ahead was rocky, so the carriage shook a lot. The sound of birds flying over the gentle waves made the situation slightly more tolerable.

Mother and Father weren't always like this.

After Father got scammed and lost his business... we've been through some rougher times. I know that they don't mean what they're saying, though! I know they still love me.

Hey! On the bright side, we're visiting grandma and grandpa, remember? I heard they live in the countryside now, right on a mountain. I think that's really cool! I can't wait to see them.

-End of Chapter 1-

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