The Past Of Lost Spirits

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A thousand years ago there were four spirits that created the four nations.The two dragons spirits had fallen in love. Love that was never heard of in their time, spirits were incapable of human emotions especially love.Azara and Aalto had proven that to be wrong that spirits could have emotions like love. The two were wedded and given a soulmate mark. The mark were two dragon lily flowers, one of fire and one of water.Aalto was given the fire lily to represent Anala and Azara was given the water dragon lily to represent Aalto.The two end up combining the two nations and bring a new hope and love to the world.But nothing last forever wane Sozin became the next fire lord he wanted to create two separate nations and used the comet power to wage a war on the other nations.He had brought the idea to his dear friend Roku but Roku had refused and told him it was wrong to separate the two spirits from each other and foolish to start a war. "Listen, with the water tribe separated from us the fire nation will rise and take over all the nations." Roku was in shock at what he was hearing from his friend."Are you insane! Separating two spirits will cause imbalance in the nation and the world.And starting a pointless war is more insane." Roku said while yelling at his friend and telling him this is not the way.But Sozin didn't listen to his dear friend and his warning,in the middle of the night Sozin had found the blue dragon spirit Aalto. Without a second thought in his mind, he stabbed the dragon forcing the two nations to separate.

Wane morning had arrived Azara had sensed her lover's death, her heart had broken as she watched the nation they had protected for thousands of years had fallen into pieces.Azara Joined Roku into defeating Sozin,the two tried to stop the comet and end war before it starts, instead they end up dying in process,which declared Sozin the winner.Now people are hoping for the next avatar to take Roku place and finish the war and the two new spirit will reunite the water and fire nation into one nation again. Years after the events, Ursa,Ozai's wife gave birth to a baby boy ."What will you name him?" Ursa's mother asked while looking at her daughter and grandson."I Will name him Zuko" Uras slimled as she held her child closes to her.Azara had given Zuko the red dragon lily to represent that he was the next fire dragon spirit.while everyone left to give Ursa some spaces and rest, she notice a red dragon lily birthmark that looks more like a tattoo on the back of Zuko right hand.She new she had to hide this, if Ozai ever found he that Zuko was the next fire spirit he would kill Zuko without second thought.

A year later in the southern water tribe, there was a child that was born named Sokka,Aalto gave Sokka the water dragon lily to show case he was the next water dragon spirit. Hakoda had covered the blue dragon lily on Sokka's right hand to keep him from the truth,till he was old enough to understand.

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