The beginning the boy in the ice

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When Azula  was eleven and  Zuko was thirteen their  father had challenged Zuko to agni kai because he had spoken out against  their  father.”Please father, I meant no disrespect.” Azula and Iroh  heard Zuko  pleading with tears falling from his face.Azula wanted to shout for their father to stop but  she couldn't. She was scared of what he was going to do to her if she did. “ I should've killed you instead of your mother.” Without a second thought Ozai  burned the side of Zuko's face,Iroh and Azula had run over to Zuko.Azula held onto Zuko  while their uncle yelled at their father,Azula couldn't hear a single thing  they were saying.After that the maids had over to bandaged  up  Zuko face as he   laid there like a corpse.”You are banished from the fire nation until you bring the avatar back,maybe then I will return your honor.” The next day Zuko and Iroh had their things packed, Azula rushed gathering  her things and followed.”I'm coming with you Zuz.” Zuko and Iroh looked shocked  at what Azula had said to them.''Father will…” Azula cut  Zuko mid sentences “I don’t care what father thinks, I'm coming with you and that's final.”Azula  said proudly while Zuko and Iroh let Azula board the ship. Azula had settled in while the boat took off,she did care how long it took to get avatar and return home as long as she was with her brother and uncle that was her home.

Three  years have passed since we've been in the southern water tribe. There was a big ice chunk.Sokka and katara had bumped into the giant ice chunk, making it strangely glow and with that  the ice had broken revealing a strange boy with an  arrow on his head.”Come closer.” the boy had said to Katara,as she leaned closer to the boy.”Will you go penguin sledding with me.”Katara  awkwardly agreed to the boys request as Sokka complained about how they wear  going to get home.The boy had revealed that his name was Aang And the two siblings  introduce themselves to Aang.” Appa!” Aang called out looking for his bison.”Who Appa?” Katara asked.”My flying bison.” Sokka looked unimpressed by the boy. “This is  Katara, my flying sister.” Sokka jokes as Katara uses her water bending to splash him in the face.”hey!”Sokka yelled  at katara.”You deserve it.” she said, sticking her tongue out.The two argued as Aang whistled for his bison. Appa had appeared in front of them, Aang smiled at his furry beast.And with that Aang  motioned  for them to climb up on the back of Appa, and the three were off back to the water  tribe.

”This amazing” Katara says looking at the scenery from above,Sokka holds on for dear life hoping the twelve  year old doesn't kill him before they reach home.Landing down in the snow they were met with gran gran.” What a strange boy you have brought back.” she says as she saw the boy play with the other children in the tribe. “His name is Aang.” Sokka had told their grandmother.Aang had run over to Katara and told her.”Let's go penguin sledding.” Katara asked Sokka if he liked to come along but their grandmother  had told her that she needed her brother for something,so she headed off with Aang to have a bit of fun.”What did you need?” Sokka asked her while he sat down beside her. “It's time I tell you about the mark on the back of your left hand.your father should have told you this before he left but I think time you knew.” Sokka was a bit excited to know but also a little scared. Who knows he could only have five days to live or something he thought to himself.”Three thousands years ago there were four spirits one of fire,water and earth.The fire spirit Azara and the water spirit  Aalto fell in love and created water and fire nations into one but wane fire nation took over and the two were killed.Your the next water spirit  that what the blue dragon lily means and your soul mate bare the red dragon lily mark the two of  you will find each other and restore the nation as one.” Sokka was shocked and what his grandmother was saying.”Do you know who has the red dragon lily?” His grandmother shook her head at him.” I don't, but you will find them in time.”  

On the boat Zuko sat down with his sister drinking a cup of tea their uncle made.” What's the plan? Are we actually going to capture the avatar when we find him?” Azula asked her brother who looked confused.''What even the point,so maybe I will earn father love.I just don’t feel that's my destiny you know.” Azula agreed with him as she drank her tea.”Maybe we could help the avatar.’ Zuko liked the idea his sister suggested but maybe the avatar would hate them for being fire benters and creating this war, in time they’ll know the answer to what they seek.

Deep in the  fire nation Ozai had called for Zhao to his throne room.”I want you to find my daughter and bring her back as for my son and brother I want them dead.” Ozai said while sitting behind  a wall of fire.”Of course your highness will search for your daughter and get rid of your son and brother.”Zhao had left  Gathering supplies for his long trip ahead  and a strong crew to take them down.It took days but Zhao decide two headed to southern water tribe as seen a bright glow from the distance meaning  the avatar there and also  means zuko,his sister and uncle were there.Zhao spotted there ship and headed right to them to take Azula.” Your father wants you home, Azula.”Zhao said while approaching  them.” You can tell father to fuck himself.” Auzla said bitterly,which  really annoyed Zhao and took hold of Zuko drawing his sword near his neck.”If you don’t I won’t hesitate to kill him.” Zhao  waited a couple minutes but lost his patience in the end he motioned for his guards  to take  Azula and Iroh captive.Sokka walking along wane he saw a fire nation ship and a man who had a sword against a  boy throat that was his  age or maybe a year older he wasn’t sure.WIth out thought he went out to save the damsel in distress.

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