1. Riyuu-obaa-chan

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A/N : English is not my first languageso please excuse all gramar and word mistakes.

Also the story is pure fictional so it may or may not aling to the canon events. Another thing is:  Inner Sakura.                    Thinking


Clouds move across the azure sky, fading to a light blue on the horizon. The Sun is shining down onto the street's of Konoha. The village was bustling with activity and children where running around. 

(Sakura Pov)

We were making our way out of the Hokage Tower after our mission report. It was actually quite funny how Hokage-sama sent Kakashi a few of those looks. After the mission it was standard to have three days off. ,,Perfekt to go to the libray and get some goooood books, cha! Were gonna be the best ninja, no doubt's!''   Inner, just by reading a few books, we are not gonna be the best.''  ,,Outer, just belive it!'' ,,Naruto is starting to rubb of on you.''  ,,Nuh uh hes not!!''  ,,Yes he is.'' .   

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Naruto loudly exclaimed; SAKURA-CHAN LETS GO EAT RAMEN TOGETHER!''   The villagers around us looked at us, disdain visibel in their eyes. ,, Keep your voice down Naruto!,, and i smaked him on the back of his head. He rubbed his neck sheepishly: Sorry Sakura chan, but how about it? We'll can take Kakashi sensei aswell!. He turned around to the spot our sensei was walking in, just to see air. ,,Of course he would be gone, that damed sensei of ours! Keep calm  inner, i bet he has more important things to do.''   If he does not want to get ramen, how 'bout ya teme? Naruto asked the Uchiha . He just hnd at the question.  How did i not see it before? The only thing going for him is his looks.                              I doubt with a attitude like that, hes gonna restore his clan. I snickered at that. Then i turned towards Naruto. ,,Sorry Naruto, i got lots to do today, so maby another time? He looked at me a bit sad, but quickly changed at the end of my sentence.                                                                                 Its fine Sakura chan.  then see ya another time! he said and then disapeard in the direction of Ichirakus. I then turned towards Sasuke, and said;  Well then Sasuke-kun, see you around!  With that i dipped away, into a small street. 

Near the end there was an old weapon shop, who's owner i knew pretty well. The old lady, Riyuu Asuuri would often take care of me when i was littel, while my parents where out traveling, to do their merchant buisness. Riyuu-obaa chan was very nice. Because she had been a shinobi before marrying and opening a shop, she'll probably know how i can train efficent. 

The littel bell on the top of the door rang as i enterd the shop. It was pretty small and packed to the ceiling full of diffrent kinds of usual and unusual weapons, together with many kinds of ingriedients for poisons and antidotes. There was a shelf with training weights, wich seemed like it would break at any moment. In the back was the counter, there was Riyuu-obaa-chan seen standing. Her face turned towards the door as i stepped inside. ,,Hello dear customer, how can i hel—  Oh my littel petal-chan, how nice of you to show your face around here!. ,,How was the mission? Did you have fun?'' Maa obaa-chan, calm down please.'' i said, chuckling at the amount of questions. Obaa-chan made her way from the behind the counter. She stopped before me, and gave me a big hug. Squeezing me for a few more seconds, she let go and stepped away a bit. ,,My My petal-chan, you have grown quite a bit since the last time!''. Then she laughed a bit. ,,But anyways, what  brings you to my shop hm?''  I smiled a bit. ,, I actually came here for some advice from you, regarding training.''  ''Well then you came to the right person.Come with me into the back, and we'll get started right away!'' With that Obaa-chan took my hand and brought me to the back of the shop, to the door of the storage room. There she sat me down, while she looked for something.

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