Chapter 2 - The Blonde Beauty

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Holy shit! 

Is that Bree Montgomery? Damn, she grew up well. I barely recognized her at first. She was Trish's best friend and was always at Matt's house when we were growing up. We weren't in many of the same classes in school. She was way smarter than me. She's hot. I watched her give my best friend a hug. Her hair is even more beautiful than I remember. It was long wavy curls down to the middle of her back. The perfect shade of natural blonde. Her bright blue eyes could light up a room. And that figure in that dress. It hugged her curves in all the right places. I found myself getting aroused and wondered what the hell was wrong with me. This is definitely not the place for that.

I watched her ass as she walks away. "Is that Bree?"

"Yeah. She and my sister sort of strayed away from each other for a while. Dylan told me she blames herself for my sister's death."

I turned to him. "Why?"

"She feels that she should have tried harder to be a better friend and that maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Looking back at her, I watched her hug Matt's mom through the open doors of the funeral home. "That's a tough burden to bear."

An older man walks up to talk to Matt. "I'm gonna run to the rest room," I tell him. My boxers are all twisted because of my excitement. After fixing the semi in my pants, I leave the bathroom and am about to round the corner when a person plows into me. I knock her off balance, and she starts to fall. My quick reflexes reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her back up. It was Bree. Suddenly, my dick is awake again. What the fuck?

"You okay? I'm so sorry." She seems shocked to see me. I watched her check me out for a moment, assessing me.

"Um, yeah. I'm the one who's sorry. I totally ran into you." I could see her cheeks redden.

I smiled at her. "It's okay." Suddenly, I realized her arm was still in my hand, and I let go. "It's been a long time since I've seen you." Her face looked more mature. More beautiful than the last time I saw her if that's possible.

"Yeah, it has."

I wanted to talk to her more, but her mother called for her. "Bree, come on, let's sit down. It's about to start."

She nodded to her mom, then turned back to me. "I guess I'll see you around."

"Be careful in those," I nodded to her high heels.

She chuckled as she looked down at them. "No promises. I don't normally wear these things." I smiled back at her and watched her walk away with her mother.

During the service, my gaze went to her frequently. She stared at the casket that held her friend. My heart ached for her. For all of them. I'd never been close to Trish, but Matt was like my brother. So, when I got the call, I packed a bag without hesitation and drove two and a half hours to be here for him.

I haven't been back to this town but a handful of times, never for more than a day since I left five years ago. I was considered the black sheep of the family. My older brother, Jay, was the perfect son. He followed in daddy's footsteps to become a lawyer and work at the firm. Has the perfect family with a wife and son. I, however, am not an ass kisser. That's how Jay got to where he is now.

I'm the outcast. The disappointment. I dropped out of college during the first semester because I just couldn't focus on school. I had barely graduated high school. Having dyslexia is no walk in the park. I struggled daily.

I had to get away from dad. We've never seen eye to eye. I was too rebellious. And dad didn't like that. So, getting away from him is what I did. I saved up some money and moved to the city where no one knew me. I've been on my own ever since. Living my black sheep life however I please.

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