Chapter 5 - Unwanted Situations

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I woke up fairly early considering how late I was up. Matt was wasted when we left the bar, and like I assumed, I literally had to half carry him up the stairs to his apartment. He rambled on about random shit that didn't even make sense for thirty minutes when I finally got him to his room. I finally had to tell him to shut up and go to bed. Matt's apartment is a one bedroom, so I slept on the couch. It's black and leather, and I'm pretty sure it's more for design than comfort. Hence, the reason I awoke so early. It was seven, so I changed into some athletic clothes and took a run. I like to stay in shape so I would run about two miles a day and try to work out a few days a week at the gym.

During my run, my thoughts drifted off to Bree. It was hard to believe she had gotten married. And had two kids. I never would have guessed. Her body sure didn't look as if she'd carried any children. I very much wanted to see what her body looked like without any clothes. I craved to run my fingertips along her skin. To taste her with my tongue.

I scolded myself for thinking about her that way. It's hard to run with an erection. I thought about what I heard and saw last night while I was outside smoking. I'd moved to the edge of the building to peek at them. Creepy, I know. I had a hard time staying put when I heard him cursing at her, so I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to hurt her. I nearly came unglued when he grabbed her arm. But it wasn't my place to interfere. If he'd raised his hand to her, I would have beat him to a pulp. I was flabbergasted at how he basically rubbed cheating on her in her face. Who the fuck does that? And how could he cheat on someone as stunning as her? No wonder they got divorced. Rebecca was right about him. Douchebag. I smiled at the fact he thought we were trying to hook up. I heard the jealousy in his voice when he asked who I was.

If he only knew all the things that were going through my head last night. But in all honesty, he really didn't have the right to accuse us of anything. We were simply playing pool when he walked in. And I don't know who his "informant" is, but he should get a new one that has better eyesight.

I heard my phone ringing, so I came to a stop to look at it. It was my mom. I debated on answering it. At the last minute, I hit the answer button. "Hello?"

"Hey!" She greeted me enthusiastically. "I heard you were in town. Why didn't you call?"

Of course, someone at the funeral probably told her I was here. That's the bad thing about small towns. "I just got here yesterday morning for Matt's sister's funeral."

"Oh, yes, I heard about that. So tragic. She was so young."


"Why do you sound so out of breath?" she asked randomly.

"I was running when you called."

"Oh okay. Do you want to grab lunch with me later?" she asks hopefully.

I hesitate. It's not that I don't want to go to lunch or spend time with her. I just don't want to cross paths with my dad. "Sure. Just text me where you want me to meet you and when."

I know I probably just made her day. "Okay great honey. I'll see you in a little bit and let you get back to your run. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

When we hung up, I let out a deep breath. I haven't seen my parents or brother in person in about a year and a half. I at least call or text my mom every other day to let her know I'm alive. The only reason I saw them a year and a half ago was because my grandmother, on my dad's side, was really sick. They didn't think she was going to make it, so I came to see her. She pulled through like a badass though and is still living. I left on bad terms with my dad during that visit, and Jay, like a good little son, took his side. Not like my dad and I were on very good terms before that.

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