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Name: WyldefireLastname: Dragon

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Name: Wyldefire
Lastname: Dragon

Meis parents found a Dragon egg 3 years before having Mei and took Wyldefire as their own.

Age: 24 (???)
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon/Bull Demon

Its technically unknown what type of demon Wyldefire is or where shes even from.

Skin colour: Pale pink
Scale colour: Pink

She had small patches of pink scales across her body for example her cheeks.

Hair colour: Cherry Red
Hair type: Fluffy, curly
Hair length: Short, shoulders
Hairstyle: Ponytail at the back

She still struggles to do her own hair, it's rough and stiff.

Eye colour: Red
Pupils: Black oval
Eye shape: Almond

Her Pupils become a diamond shape when she gets frustrated.

Powers: Pink flames
Weakness: Family, levitation
Physical strength: Healthy, Muscular
Weapon: Her fists
Goal:She's still trying to find that out

Wyldefire, although older is not as powerful but had more physical strength than Mei.

Family: Ms Dragon, Mr Dragon, Mei
Friends: Mei, Sandy, Mo, Nezah

She met Nezah during S3, trying to take Mei back to safety and also was aware of the Samadhi fires

Likes: Peace, quite,
Dislikes: Loudness,
Hobbies: Traveling far ro peaceful sanctuaries, ancient history, training grounds

Her main priorities is looking after her loved ones, but she often goes to places outside of the city.

Personality: Smart, well mannered, quiet, peaceful, strong, confused

Extra Info:

Her while entire body becomes pink flames at full power, this has only happened twice.

She has venom in her fangs.

She finds Mk annoying.

Sleeps with her eyes open.

Her wings, horns and tail are made of pink flames.

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