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Sometimes the reality you are facing seems unrealistic.

It's the same when you're in love. It feels like you've become the most special person in the world. It feels unrealistic.

She wasn't crazy, she wasn't an idiot... its just that, she was in love.

so in love that she was ready to embrace her death with open arms, eyes sparkling as she breathe her last, lips tugged into a beautiful smile as she let the eternal darkness engulf her deep.

Fulfilling her promise, 'till death do us apart'


"Mam!!! Mam please look here....!!!!"

"Mam this side too......!!!"

"Mam can you please turn around a bit....???"

Amid the sparkling lights, she shined brightest....

Standing between the crowd, she waved her hand to everyone present there, just for her, waiting in long lines for God knows how long just to get a glimpse of her.....

Her face was shining like that of a tinkling sky, glowing under the golden lights of the auditorium.... Smiling wide, she obeyed the photographers pleas as they were busy capturing the beauty in front.

"Preeta mam your recent book became India's Best Seller this year, and is also being translated in various languages.... what are your thoughts about it??"

Preeta chuckled, joining her hands to show her gratefulness to them, "I still can't believe it happened.... but I guess more than what I wrote, there's some other unenforceable factor involved, and that driving force in this case, is no doubt my fans....."

The audience erupted into a loud applause making her lips tilt into a shy smile. Gesturing with her hand, she looked at the sea of crowd... "it's them who read what I write, buying my books, suggesting them to their friends, making edits and having reading parties.... they are amazingg!!!! Like honestly me alone could never achieve what they helped me to achieve..."

"Now that's you being downhearted!!" One of the reporter said and everyone chuckled...

"Mamm!!!" She heard one say, "the heroes of your novel seem like an everyday person, someone who's flawed and make mistakes, he's the hero but he isn't perfect....... its like you have a certain person in mind when you write your main male character.... is that your ideal type or someone you know???"

Preeta chuckled, indeed reporters are sharp, "well it can be both and it can be none....." she replied in na playful tone, followed by a shrug..

"Preeta mam!!!!" Another one called out and preeta nodded, asking her to continue, "mam you're known for writing the best romance novels, but can we expect a similar passionate kinda romance in your life too??? You personal life is not known to the world that much....."

Something in her deamonour changed, eyes reflecting with something undescribable, as if the woman they were interviewing seconds ago was gone. Preeta shook her head, discretely caressing the ring on her finger. Flashing a teasing smile, she replied  "if my personal life is not shown publicly yet, shouldn't we just let it remain that way????"

The reporter nodded, kinda disappointed as she failed to collect the tea but another one shoot her question almost immediately, "mam you're believed to be married, but no one has ever seen your partner... is he here? Attending your sign event??"

Murmurs arose in the crowd at the bold statement. Her being married was just a rumor, a strong one but still a rumor. No one has ever dared to be this direct but more than that, they were curious about her reply.

Preeta on the other hand froze, eyes lifting to take a brief look at her surroundings. Pupils dilated and lost as they tried to catch a glimpse of certain someone,

"I believe he very much is...."


Made a few changings and probably had lost all my readers but for the few people who are still here for me and to read this, Thank You, you're the reason why I'm writing this again❤

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