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"Please don't leave me......." His voice muffled by his own heavy breathing, hairs slicked wet on his forehead, beads of sweat were the fair evidence of how much he was struggling.

"don't......." he chocked before snapping awake from his sleep.... his petite self was panting, his black silk shirt drenched wet in sweat despite the air conditioner.

It took him a moment to realize his surroundings and when he did, he groaned out loud before falling back into bed....

Running a frustrated hand through his dark locks, he reached out for his mobile phone.

3:56 am, the lockscreen read but this isn't what his eyes were rooted at... It was the wallpaper he was staring at.....

"It's been three years....." he mumbled, "three years since you left me... three years since I had my heart broken in the most brutal way.... three years since the last time I felt happy.... three years since I decided to ruin myself...."

Her photo.... smiling widely in the picture as she was looking at him while he was busy talking on the phone......

The picture was low quality but the emotions he felt from that were real.

He chuckled sadly remembering how much fun he had made of her that day, how shy she was when he showed her this picture..... how in a random photograph she was captured, sneakily stealing glances at him.

"See its proved, you're obsessed with me and my face...." he had teased her.

"With you? No!! With your face?? Yess...." she replied shrugging her shoulders, "get over yourself, I don't love you... I just like your handsome face beside me....." she giggled, which was like the most beautiful music he had ever heard in his life.... "you beside me make me look powerful, confidenttt like I have conquered the whole world....."

But May be she wasn't lying.... May be indeed it was what she said it was.... May be it was him being delusional all this time...

"Abhi..... You didn't attend the event....... again....." she stated, coming to sit on the opposite side of the bed... its been a long day as she was tired as hell.

"Hmm.....????" She heard him, her husband, question followed by a deep sigh.... "oh that???? I didnt have time...." he replied, without even glancing her, hands busy typing some report on his laptop.

"Atleast you could've picked me!! Wese Bhi you were home earlier than me!!!" She tried to keep her voice calm, but she could slowly feel the anger bubbling inside her.

"Picked you and what?? Get noticed by those delulu teenage girls???" He said with a chuckle, but the sarcasm in it was pretty evident.... "And the next thing I know is there's a big picture of me in the newspaper beside the nation's favourite novelist.... no thanks I'd very much like to skip such chaos!!"

He laughed heartily, as if telling the funniest joke of the century, but that sound pricked her skin like several needles..... like it was the last string of patience she had....

"What is your problem?? For how long you want to hide the fact that I'm your Fucking wife!!!!" despite wanting to take things lightly, her voice was raised, eyes bloodshot as she saw her husband shamlessly typing on his laptop before turning towards her...

"My problem???" He chuckled, "You're seriously asking me that what is my problem???? When you yourself is the biggest problem of my life!!! This relationship is the problem!!! Our marriage is the problem!!"

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