The Trans Magic Knight - The Black Bulls

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Word count: 1641

Paring: The Black Bulls x Trans Masculine Reader (platonic)

Summary: Being a member of the Black Bulls that hid a part of their identity can be hard, it gets even worse when you get hurt and the truth comes out. Or maybe everything will be fine.

Warnings: Mentions of transphobia, injuries, smoking, if I missed any please let me know

A/n: Hello everyone and Happy Transgender day of Visibility. I wrote this as a piece to honor the fact that I'm trans myself. I also want everyone to know that My blog is a safe place for all identities and I would love to write more lgbtqia+ fics so feel free to request. It's not exactly what I was going for but my brain started to give out and I wanted to get something out so I hope you enjoy either way. Anyway, enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Being a member of the Black Bulls is wonderful, everyday is an adventure and everyone is accepting and kind. Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for Captain Yami offering me a possession on his squad. I hadn't even taken the exam to become a magic knight, Yami found me trying to defend my little village from bandits, with only a few defensive spells. When he arrived I was barely holding on against the older mages but I refused to give up, after taking out the bandits Yami approached me and tossed a Black Bulls robe my way asking me to join his crew. I didn't even hesitate, I may have been trying to protect the village but I was desperate to get out of that town. Hell once the bandits were gone, the villagers praised Yami and gave him food and money, not acknowledging that had I not been there the bandits probably would have been long gone by the time Yami showed up. So yeah when I saw the robe, I jumped at the chance to get away.

Now I'm part of an amazing and fun group of people who I would gladly fight for and who would gladly fight for me as well. That being said, there is one thing that only Captain Yami knows about me and that's only because I'm terrified of how the others would react if they found out, after all Yami only knows because of some of the hateful things yelled at me as I left my village with him.

You see I'm transgender, when I was born everyone said I was a girl and enforced the feminine lifestyle on me. Around the same time I got my grimoire, I accepted that the label of girl or woman was wrong, I was just a person and preferred the more masculine things, fighting and getting dirty. When I realized this I cut my hair short, started binding my chest to appear more masculine, I even asked that my family and the people of my village call me Y/n and use either masculine or neutral pronouns to refer to me. Sadly living in a small village of the forsaken realm, being different in any way was wrong and so I was ostrichsized by my family and the people of the village. When Yami showed up and I left with him we were followed with shouts of transphobic slurs and insults of how bringing someone like me into the magic knights would bring shame to the kingdom. On the way to the Black Bulls base Yami agreed to keep it secret as long as I wanted, but he also promised that no one in the Black Bulls would care. Appreciating the sentiment, I had thanked him but decided that for now I would keep the truth to myself.

So for the last three years I've lived and fought alongside the rest of the Black Bulls and so far no one has figured out my secret. Yami managed to give me a room that had a private bathroom attached and if anyone ever asked why I got special treatment he just did his usual act of asking why they would question him and scare them off. It was nice though, everyone here called me Y/n and addressed me as a guy, never suspecting anything else. But as we all know all good things come to an end, and my end happened during the Royal Knights exam to pick who would be the kingdom's leading force against The Eye of the Midnight Sun.

During the second round when Langris nearly killed Finral, being the third member of Team G, I was horrified by what he had done. When the Wizard King said that we would move directly into the semifinale match between Asta's team and mine, It took everything in me to listen and continue to stay on the battlefield. After all my teammate had nearly killed one of my closest friends, with encouragement to stay in the fight for a chance to be in the royal Knights from my other squadmates, I stayed but I wasn't going to help Langris in his destructive plan to hurt any more of my friends. I simply cast a protection spell over my team's crystal, knowing Asta would easily break it, and took a step back.

Somewhere during Asta's stand off with Langris, one of the spatial mages spells that Asta managed to launch back, had missed Langris and ended up hitting me in the rib cage. It seemed like everyone was too focused on the main fight to register I had been hit, hell I was too focused on the fight to notice. Only when both crystals had been destroyed and we were moved off the field did I realize there was a large hole through my shirt and chest. Actually it was Vanessa who pointed it out.

"Oh my god, Y/n are you okay?" Vanessa approached looking panicked. Everyone who was still at the observation area turned to us concerned. I just looked at her confused not knowing what she was worried about, before I could respond I began to feel extremely dizzy. Right as I was about to fall Vanessa caught me. "Hey, it's okay sweetie take it easy. I got you." It felt like I was being lowered to the ground as she spoke to me. I tried to say something or even look at her but my vision went black and I went completely limp.

Time skip to shortly before results of the exam came back

I slowly opened my eyes, being blinded by the harsh light of the sun shining directly into the window next to the bed I was in. The first thing I noticed was that there were a few people in the room with me. I could tell one was Captain Yami from the lingering smell of smoke, but my eyes hadn't completely adjusted so I couldn't quite tell who else was there. Moving to sit up I felt a hand on my shoulder gently pushing down, followed by a voice.

"It's good to see you're awake but you need to take it easy. Don't sit up so fast, Okay?" Turning to the side I confirmed that the voice was Vanessa, she was one of the first members of the squad to welcome me. Even though she tended to drown in booze, she was like a big sister to me so having her here relaxed me a bit.

Nodding to her I accepted the help in sitting up in the bed. Looking around I realized most of the squad was here to visit, just missing Finral and Gouache. And it seemed they all heard Vanessa speak to me because they all started talking. The room was filled with a chorus of them being happy I woke up or asking if I wanted to fight (that one was just Luck).

The commotion went on for a bit before Yami shut them all up. "Shut up, no one is fighting anyone. Anyway, how you feeling kid?" Yami asked. As I was about to respond, I realized that in order to heal my wound, the healer had to take off my binder which means I was sitting here with my whole squad and they could definitely see the truth. It seemed Yami understood me freezing and took it upon himself to speak. "Don't start worrying about that now. No one here gives a shit and if anyone says anything I'll feed them to the beasts." I just stared back at him, yeah so far no one has mentioned it but it was fairly obvious, with me not exactly being small chested and not in my usual binder and baggy clothes.

Once again before I could speak I felt Vanessa lean over and give me a side hug before speaking. "Yeah no one cares. You're you no matter what if you say you're a guy then that's what you are. Plus Yami told us your story and it's truly awful how you were treated. Just know that no matter what we will always have your back." Hearing that I smiled gently at her, trying to think of how to thank her.

"Thanks everyone, but I'm sorry I lied to you all for so long. I would understand if you guys don't fully trust me any more." I apologized figuring that yeah they can say they accept me but that doesn't mean they have to forgive the fact I kept it a secret for so long.

I was about to continue when Noelle started talking. "Nonsense what's there to apologize for. You kept a secret because the last time people who were close to you found out, they treated you poorly. So what, you have fought by our side, protected us and even healed us more times than any of us can count. So how could we be mad about that? You were protecting yourself, we've all kept secrets to try and protect ourselves." She finished with a flick of her hair. I looked at her shocked, then turned to the rest of the squad receiving nods of agreement and smiles.

Before anyone else could say anything Yami ushered everyone out saying I needed rest and with that I was left alone. Sitting alone in the room I thought of what was said, Vanessa and Noelle are right, these guys will always have my back, we've fought together for so long and none of them have ever given up on me for any reason so why would they now. I slowly shifted to lay down content with the conversation that happened, and enjoyed the normal chaos that could be heard throughout the Black Bulls base. Everything was going to be just fine.

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