Chapter Ten

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Leandro POV

It's only around three in the morning when I finally finish off with the last of my paperwork for the day, or well, for yesterday. I think the shock of finally having Iris back interfered with my competence because it took a shitload of time to finish the simple task, but staying up to this late wasn't really something new to me.

I've always been more of a night owl, preffering to sleep during the day instead of at night like a normal person, as a kid it had been a way of protecting Iris, and when she was kidnapped I think it reinforced that I needed to be awake during the night.

The night was scary, there's always going to be threats that I'd need to protect my family from, and the night was one of them, so to make sure that they stayed safe, I would stay without sleep.

In retrospect, it didn't make much sense, but I guess sense and logic didn't necessarily matter when trauma and loss was involved. This was the only way that I could feel like I was somewhat in control again, and so, I indulged it instead of fixing the horrible habit.

With a sigh, I pile the last bit of paperwork into a folder before slamming it shut and making my way out of my office which is on the third floor as cliché as that may be.

As expected, everyone else was fast asleep, and I decided that it would be a great time to check up on my little sister. When I wake up later on, I'm going to spend the rest of the day with her because I need to know how she's adjusting to things and of course what actually went on with her kidnapper.

I also make a mental note to ask if she would be comfortable with getting assessed by a doctor, then I realise that my mother had also been a victim but I don't really care about that because the only person I truly care about right now is Iris and how she is.

Sure, it may be horrible of me, but hey, this is the fucking mafia, nothing is meant to be nice here. If you were looking for sunshine and rainbows then maybe you shouldn't have well, joined a mafia.

Once I'm finally at Iris's door, I almost knock before catching myself, I wouldn't want to wake her up. I remember what a nightmare it used to be like if she'd been accidentally woken up as a kid.

She'd always loved her sleep, and if anyone stood between her and the wonderful dreams she claimed to have, well... Let's just say that person often found themselves wiping away her tears and feeling like absolute crap when the tears refused to stop flowing.

I open the door as softly as I possibly can before quietly entering the room and making my way to Iris. Once I can finally see her, even through the darkness of the night, I notice that something is horrible wrong.

There's just something not quite right about the way she looks, so I grab my phone from my pocket and turn on the flashlight only to see that her lips are blue.

Immediately, I pick up her body that feels weightless in my arms, before checking her pulse, exhaling a deep breath when I feel it still there.

She's alive.

That's all that matters, Iris is alive.

With that, I bolt out of the room and I'm out of the front door before my own brain can register what I'm doing. It's as though I'm not even in control of what I'm doing, but the next thing I know, I'm speeding off to our private hospital.

I get out of the car and carry her into the hospital, barely registering the panic on the face of the staff that see us, good they should be fearful. It means they'll perform better.

"Mr Romanov, how can I help you?" A tall doctor with brown hair and green eyes questions, eyeing Iris with concern.

"I don't know what's the problem, but you've got to help her or so help me, I will make sure that not a single person in this damned hospital ever sees the light of day again." I threatren, my voice low and vicious enough that it makes the doctor flinch.

"Alright, Lisa I'm going to need you to get her changed into a hospital gown, make sure to remove any and all jewellery from her body. Brody, you go down and make sure that they're ready for us." The doctor orders before snapping his fingers which makes everyone spring into action.

Iris is taken out of my arms and is placed onto a hospital bed before she's wheeled away and I'm left to question my entire existence. Iris can't die, nothing can happen to her, I mean, I just got my sister back, there's no way the world would be so cruel, right? Right?

With a sigh of resignation, I decide that while I'm waiting, it would be a good time to let the rest of my family know what's going on, so I pull out my phone and dial my father.

"Leandro? Why are you calling at such an inconvenient hour?" My father's voice that's thick with sleep greets.

"I wish I could tell you what's wrong, papa, but I can't. I went to check on Iris only to find her lips blue and her heartbeat barely there so I rushed off to the hospital and I don't really know what to do now." I respond, burying my face in my hands.

"What? What do you mean? She was fine earlier."

"She seemed to be fine, but we don't really know her anymore, remember? I couldn't even tell that she was in pain. We should've gotten her and mom checked by a doctor sooner."

"Okay, I see where you're coming from," He sighs deeply, "I'm going to tell your mother whats going on and then I'll come to the hospital. Let me know if you find out what's happening before I get there."

"Okay." I reply, and then cut the call. It's only then that I see the doctor making his way to me.

With a heavy heart, I prepare myself for whatever news he's about to give me, but seething about the look on his face doesn't sit well with me.

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Proud do say I FINALLY updated.

I personally think that I deserve an award for the crappiest chapter ever written bc wtaf was this? 😭

I'm sorry, I promise to fix it someday.
And I'm sorry about not updating very regularly, life has me ✨ stressed ✨

Also, Ramadaan Mubarak to any Muslim readers I have out there, I know how difficult this year has been. But can y'all believe that it's actually almost over??? Like actually??? Where did the time go???

ANYWAYYY until like next month ig 💀

OH and I wanna say thank you to all those who voted like two days ago for whatever reason. I dunno why y'all randomly voted, but it motivated me to write this. Y'all lmk why the heck u decided to read this, please 😭

Love y'all allll ♥

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