Chapter 6

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*Y/N can be sean flying and landing into a city there is an entrance to what looks  like a bunker but has a crudely made banner made it says *Entrance to the Garden* with some text under it *we welcome all who wish for safety* this message has what looks to be frozen oil spilled on it*

Y/N: well that's not ominous

*Entering into bunker there is a drone waiting at the gate*

???: you're finally here

Y/N: ! *a knife flies out of their picket and they aim it toward's the voice

???: Wow their stabby Im not here to fight

???: Wow their stabby Im not here to fight

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Theam song:

Y/N: were is she

????: couldn't tell you even if I knew but I do have a job follow me 

*following her they walk past many small houses where eyes can be seen blinking*A drone runs out of allway*

Drone: Oil

?????: ! *stabs the drone and throws it back into the all where a few drones tare it apart* Damm scrapers

Y/N: wtf

?????: their scrapper's drone's how *????? Collar glows yellow and a huge electrical surge shock's her* Fucking hell

Y/N: !

?????: Don't mind it lets continue

*they walk to a big metal door ??????? knocks on it*

?????: I'm back

*The door opens and inside two drones can be seen but their faces only show a yellow LED eye looking walking  inside there are many drones well looking around Y/N sees one drone is dragged by a drone with an eye on it and throne out Well the door  is closing screams can be heard from the drone after the door closes  a monitor turns on and starts showing a drone on it in a chair that you would see in superhero movies that the villain would sit in*

??????: welcome to New Edan

Dead Seeker Book 2 [ Frozen memory ]Where stories live. Discover now