Chapter 3: Blossoms

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Y/N hummed as she stepped out of the grocery store, looking through the many bags in her arms to make sure she got everything. Food, necessities, pet food, a few snacks, some hygiene products. Yep, she had everything.

She had spent the day going around town and just finding where things were. You know, post office, bank, store, and stuff like that. She even got to meet a few people. They seemed nice and friendly.

But, she had been seeing one guy. Well, more like two but one was creepy. One was this guy in all black with a hoodie over his head, so she couldn't see his face. He had just sorta been... Staring at Y/N and being everywhere she was but far enough that it seemed plausible to just be normal.

The other was more of just a coincidence. A guy in a hat and jacket she saw at the post office and then once in the store. She also couldn't see his face, but he didn't give creep vibes like the other one did.

Y/N didn't think she had been in the store long, but combined it with the other places she'd been and it made sense why it was now dark out. Still, Y/N thought it was a little too early for it to get this dark in summer.

The parking lot didn't have a ton of cars, but enough that it wasn't eerily empty. Y/N started walking towards where she had parked, digging into her pockets for her keys. However, she stopped suddenly, not even two cars from the door.

She didn't know why she had stopped. It just... Felt like someone had grabbed her by her shoulders. As if holding her back from going forward. She felt scared. Like there was something very wrong going on.

She had this awful feeling. This gut-wrenching, terrible, eerie feeling. That she shouldn't go any further towards her car right now. Even though she couldn't see anything off in the darkness, the gut feeling was pretty overpowering. Her nerves felt practically shot within a second.

Y/N backed up and walked back to the storefront and stood where the lights were. She was mostly trying to just calm herself down from what could end up being a panic attack if she wasn't careful.

The storefront was still lit up just enough to make it feel safer. Not enough to see anyone's features clearly but still. Y/N shifted from leg to leg, feeling nervous every time she tried to take a step forward.

However, she was quickly pulled out of her thoughts. "Are you alright, miss?" Someone asked. Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin as she spun around to be face-to-face with a guy.

It looked like the one with the cap she had seen earlier at the post office. He was wearing a T-shirt, a jacket, jeans, boots, and a hat.

Y/N couldn't really see his face because of the hat and how dark it was. But he didn't give off that weird feeling the other guy had. Although he seemed rather unbothered and aloof.

(Three guesses as to who this is and if you get it right I give you a cookie

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(Three guesses as to who this is and if you get it right I give you a cookie.)

Y/N let out a nervous laugh, shifting to move the bags in her arms so they didn't fall. "Yeah, I think so. I just-" She paused for a minute, glancing back at the darkened parking lot. That eerie feeling started up again and she looked away, trying to shake it off.

She looked back at the stranger. "I had this really bad feeling when I was going to walk to my car. I know it probably sounds stupid but... It was like something telling me not to." She explained. She didn't really know why she told him that. She just felt like he was trustworthy.

The stranger let out a hum in response, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. "That's fair, I guess. Sometimes you just know when something's wrong." He replied, putting his hands in his jacket pocket.

"If you want, I can walk you to your car. I actually work here," he pointed to the store behind them. "And just got off my shift so it's not gonna be any trouble." He offered politely. While normally Y/N would've been more hesitant and skeptical about an offer like this but....

She did need to get back to the house. Mo and the other cats probably wanted food by now. Plus, he seemed nice enough, maybe a bit abrasive but not in an off-putting way. Plus, if he worked at the store and was getting off shift, whoever was coming to replace the shift was probably on their way. So, reluctantly, Y/N relented.

She sighed softly. "That would be nice. As long as it's not any trouble to you. Thank you." She replied, adjusting the many bags in her arms again.

The guy just shrugged. "Yeah, let's get going." He mumbled. Y/N nodded and took the lead, considering she was the one whose car they were walking to. It was just silent as they walked. Not uncomfortably so, just quiet.

But about two or three cars away from hers, the guy stopped, putting his arm in front of her to stop Y/N from going forward. Y/N looked at him confused but he made a silent shushing motion.

He bent down and picked up a pebble. He threw it near her car, not hitting it but making enough sound to echo through the parking lot. At first, Y/N was very confused about what happened next.

Suddenly, a dark blue shot away from her car, running off. Whoever it was had been underneath her car so she wouldn't have noticed them until it was too late.

Y/N felt a jolt of fear rush through her when she saw the guy, taking a step back. The things that could've happened had she just gone to her car playing through her mind on repeat.

The stranger who had been walking her to her car scoffed and shook his head before turning back to Y/N. "Hey, you get in your car, okay? I'll deal with this guy." He told her. He had this tone that was both comforting and dead serious, not asking.

Y/N just nodded, practically rushing over to her car and getting all her groceries in the backseat before getting in her car and locking the door. She was glad she hadn't bought any eggs just yet since she didn't have to worry about things breaking.

For a few seconds after getting in her car and locking the door, she just sat there, hands on her steering wheel. She was breathing heavily and trying to hold back panicked tears.

She looked in the rearview mirror and noticed the nice stranger running after the other guy in the same direction. With how adept the guy seemed at this, he was probably security for the store, so that also gave Y/N a bit of comfort.

Y/N let out a sigh and started her car, trying to calm her nerves as the engine roared to life. She quickly started driving back home the second she got out of the parking lot. She was on edge and just trying not to scare herself more. She made a mental note to thank the guy in the cap the next time she saw him.

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