Chapter 5: "Don't freak out." "DON'T FREAK OUT?!"

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Y/N had woken up and once again felt more tired than before. It had been nearly a week since this all start happening and she didn't know why. It seemed like every time fell asleep, no matter how long she slept, she'd wake up feeling more tired and with darker circles under her eyes.

Plus her dreams were getting odd too. Well, not odd in a bad way just out of her ordinary of no dreams. Recently they had been more about a sorta damsel in distress scenario where she's fighting this bone dragon creature but gets knocked down and some hero in shining armor saves her. She never gets a good look at his face before waking up though.

Honestly, her fans were started to get worried because of it as they noticed how tired she seemed during streaming. Y/N honestly felt honored that so many people cared about her well being but disliked worrying them.

They had also been making a few comments about seeing a figure in the bathroom, or a silhouette near her dream catcher. A few even said they saw things moving on their own. But Y/N knew that wasn't the case and assumed they were just getting scared during streams or messing with her.

Still, she wouldn't deny she'd been feeling more uneasy. She sighed and dragged herself out of bed, the cool was of the carpeted floor giving her a bit of comfort.

She grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and got dressed. But this time, when she got out of the shower, she didn't play any music like normal. She just didn't have the energy for it right now.

Instead, she just started getting ready for the day but stopped when she heard something. It sounded like talking coming from her room. At first, Y/N thought she left a video playing or something but quickly realized it wasn't that.

She paused and just listened. One voice was more cocky and playful. "Lighten up, Nezh! The human is fine! Besides, we don't know her or that we can trust her!" It stated, seemingly trying to dismiss the other one. It sounded closer to where her bed was.

There was a frustrated groan from the other voice. It sounded more calm and neutral. More like it was staying a fact than any emotion. "No it is not 'fine'. You're starting to affect her health. She needs the energy she gets from sleep to live. Either stop or give her a break." It argued with the first. He almost sounded like the car from the parking lot. But it couldn't be.... Right?

Their voices had this echo to it, like voices whispering just after their own words. It almost made Y/N uneasy, well not uneasy. Just apprehensive.

Her thoughts running wild, she felt anxiety creep up her back like sins at what this could mean. Had there actually been people in her house this whole time?! Was she being stalked again?

She backed up, only for her back to thud against a solid surface. Y/N's breath hitched as she slowly looked up, only to be met with eerily glowing magenta eyes and a sharp-toothed, mischievous smirk.

They were... Human-ish looking in Y/N's opinion. He had tanned skin with a reddish, mask-like facial marking over his eyes and sharp features. He had glowing magenta eyes, with pure black selcra. It was like staring into a deep, shadowy abyss of a void. A large scar over one eye in the shape of an x. Dark... Hair? Fur? Something like that. It was nearly groomed and looked to be made of pure shadows. Sharp fangs that were visible when they smirked or bared their teeth. Six pointed ears that twitched like it could hear everything with wisps of colored smoke wafting off it. The top pair was pinkish with more brighter colored smoke, purple for the middle with almost magenta smoke, and teal with almost green smoke. A long tail that kinda reminded Y/N of a game character from a horror game she played recently, named Napcat or something. The creature seemed to have wisps of smoke floating off him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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