Chapter Four {The Discussion}

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Jeremiah slowly turned himself to fully face the man who had hit him in the face, raising a hand and placing his fingers to the corner of his mouth where it was suddenly hot, his fingers coming back wet and red. He raised his eyes to Riddler, a look of "you will die" on his face, taking another step towards the Question Mark Obsessed man....who IMMEDIATELY explained..."you startled me, then blinded me so I closed my eyes and when I opened them, you were less than six inches from my face...what the hell else was I supposed to fucking do?!" He asked honestly, Jeremiah stopped moving forwards, taking a few steps backwards. "I wasn't aware of this. I didn't mean for those things to happen. I'll let this slide this time in apology." He looked at Riddler with a look of concern however. "And where were you last night...? Oswald was beside himself worrying about you." He said softly, an air of danger to his tone. Even Riddler could feel it, because a worried Oswald was a VERY DANGEROUS Oswald...

Jeremiah looked at Riddler as he processed what one of the Joker Twins had told him. He looked at Jeremiah and sighed before apologizing and promising to make it up to Oswald. Jeremiah followed him into the kitchen after that and watched his friend get  himself a pot and filled it with water before adding some salt and turning it on high. Once Riddler turned around again however he screamed...again... because Ecco had appeared. "I'm hungry too... Jeremiah do I make him make me food too?" She asked in a soft and creepy voice. Jeremiah only smiled in his insane way before assuring her HE'D make her something once Riddler was finished, but she'd have to be patient. Which caused the girl to skip over to the other side of the kitchen, near the fridge, which she...climbed...on top of...and sat down. Riddler and Jeremiah shared a confused look before the smile returned and Jeremiah shrugged. "It makes her happy, and I don't have to bury anyone or clean up any Let me know when you are done cooking..." Jeremiah walked over to the fridge and told Ecco to Jump into his arms, when she did he carried her out of the kitchen and took her back to their room. Riddler stared after them with a look of total and complete disbelief on his face. The sound of the pot of water boiling behind him reminded him of why he was in the kitchen in the first damn place!

Riddler turned his attention back to his pot of boiling water before placing some macaroni noodles in the steaming water. After doing that he took out a small microwave-safe bowl and put butter and milk in it before placing the bowl in the microwave and hitting "slow heat" which gradually melts the butter. After that's done, he drains his noodles when they are al dente, and mixes the milk and butter into the noodles in the pot, adding the cheese powder and making some Mac and cheese, he was craving something simple, but he added extra cheese powder and milk to make it richer and it gave the mac and cheese a delicious cheese sauce. He took the pot and emptied it into a larger bowl and took a fork, before changing his mind and grabbing a spoon too, heading back to his room. Once inside he sat down in the chair by the desk he had in his room, the same one he planned and invented on. He began eating when he heard a sound. He spun around to see a finger in his closet. He stood up instantly and grabbed his cane. "Whoever the fuck you are...get The FUCK OUT of my bedroom!" He gripped the staff part of his Question Mark cane as the figure in the dark came out of the closet, in his full ((Arkham Knight)) costume. Riddler went deadpan, then facepalmed and groaned so loudly and so angrily it sounded like an angry growl. "Scarecrow!!!! What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?" The Master of Fear looked at him before speaking. "I was simply coming back in to return your robots that I had borrowed, and I was returning their remotes to the charging dock. You are usually still out with your stalkee around this time, so I didn't expect to see you, Riddles." Riddler blushed softly for a moment as His best friend and Ex-boyfriend used his personal nickname. "Thank  you Spooky..." Riddles was what Jonathan/Scarecrow had called them while they were still dating. He and Ed had called him Spooky/Spooks. They looked at each other then away for a moment as they bothe blushed and they let the rednesses subside. Crane was happily with Ivy, and the two had a daughter named Gennifer. but she was like her mom, and had changed her name Garden. It fit the girl well. She was Ivy's from a drunken mistake years ago...but Jonathan had stepped up to be there for them both. He was Garden's father, in every way but blood...but that didn't matter, she WAS his daughter, his little Nightshade Seedling.

And Riddler now had his secret Love, and his forbidden feelings for Oswald (that he tries to ignores and push down.) Scarecrow bid his green-clad companion goodnight and he left...leaving Riddler to growl and slam his door shut after his freind had left, before sitting down and beginning to eat as he looked up at the TV screen above his head. It was connected to a series of cameras, installed in a certain beautiful woman's apartment. They came on with movement that was not hers or his. He installed it after she had gotten broken in to and they had almost killed her, luckily he had been there when it happened. They had full audio and vision. They were off right now, meaning that either she was alone, or asleep, seeing as anyone he had not programmed as "safe" would trigger the cameras to turn on and record, broadcasting the footage to Riddler's phone, if he wasn't in his room, and also calling the GCPD, Captain Jim Gordon's Personal line in fact... But just as he had the spoon to his mouth, he looked up and saw Ed, loudly groaning and putting his spoon down in his bowl and glaring at his counterpart, who raised his hands in defense. "Listen I'm not here to fight...! I'm only here to make sure we are eating, then I saw you made extra creamy Mac and cheese.........and while that is a comfort food...doesn't our devoted eat it this way, not us?" Riddler stopped for a moment "fuck...he's right." He looked down at the bowl and then slowly picked up the spoon, looking at the softer version of himself before taking a bite of the Mac and cheese. It was better than he expected...?! To say that the two sides of the Riddle Obsessed man were surprised was an understatement. Ed had disappeared before Riddler looked up again, the latter only doing so after having eaten the entire bowl, having been hungrier that he had thought. He licked the last of the cheese sauce off his lips before standing to take his bowl into the kitchen. He washed his dishes quickly, drying and putting them away before heading back to his room. He laid back down on his bed, covering up and taking out his phone. He began to play games on his phone for a few hours until he fell asleep, around 12:45a.m. tonight.

}} Author's Note {{

-Ed's Thoughts / Singing / Words
-Riddler's Thoughts / Singing / Words
-Anna's Thoughts / Singing  / Words
-Hattress's Thoughts / Words / Singing

My wife and I recently discovered Gotham (ik ik we are so late to the party!) and we fell in love! We are diehard fans of:

-Riddler/Ed(Ed is baby)
-Penguin/Oswald(also baby)
-Zsasz(please be Daddy!)
-jim(baby. Don't hurt the Jim!)
-Bullock(omg we need a Bullock)
-Jonathan(baby needs help)
-Butch(teddy bear)

((We HATE Theo Galavan!!!!!!))

There's more but..... we are also obsessed with the Arkham games. I have played and beaten Arkham Asylum. And Arkham Knight (including getting diamond achievements).

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 11 ⏰

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