Misunderstood Feelings

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I'm so sorry, this is a short one !! </3

That morning, Courtney woke up to her alarm clock beeping, repeatedly and rapid. It's around 4 AM. She groans, switches the alarm clock off, and gets up. She takes a quick shower, and gets dressed. She walks over to the mirror, grabbing her make-up kit.

Duncan wakes up at around 5:00 AM. "Damn clock.." he groans, slamming his hand onto alarm clock sluggishly, switching it off. He then sighs, getting up. He walks over to his dresser, grabbing the first shirt he sees, and the first pants he sees.

At school, Courtney's walking in the hallway with Heather and Sierra. Sierra keeps blabbing on about Cody, and Heather gets annoyed. "He's a total dork!" Heather snaps. Sierra gasps dramatically, and snaps back.

"My Cody-Wody is not a dork!"

"I'm sorry, did you just say 'Cody-Wody'? How weird can you get?!"

Heather and Sierra go on bickering, and Courtney just watches from the side, sighing in clear annoyance. Duncan has just arrived at school, and walks into the hallway. He hears the annoying fighting of the two, and looks over, seeing Heather and Sierra having their usual argument. He rolls his eyes, until he spots Courtney beside them. He stares at her for a while, until his friends, Geoff, Alejandro, and DJ snicker. "What?" Duncan asks, turning to them. "Bro, you're totally crushing on Courtney." Geoff claims. "It seems to be true. You have been staring at her for quite a while, amigo." Alejandro adds. "Be quiet. I don't like her, you idiots." he declares. As his friends walk off, he can't help but look at her again. The bell suddenly rings, pulling him out of his trance. He heads to class. Courtney does the same. Duncan sits in his seat from yesterday. Courtney surprisingly sits next to him. She takes out the project, and places it on their desk. "Do you think it's fine?" she asks. "Uh, yeah. Sure. I mean, you did it, so it's obviously go..." he trails off, realizing what he said. She sighs of relief, calming herself down at the reassuring words.

 After class, Duncan heads to the cafeteria with his friends. Courtney sits with Heather, Gwen, Bridgette, and Sierra. Bridgette nudges Courtney with a smirk. "What?" Courtney says, annoyed. "Sooo... I saw Duncan looking at you in the hall this morning!" Bridgette claims excitedly. Courtney's eyes perk up a bit. "He- he what?! No way. You're lying." Courtney denies. "I see how you look at each other." Bridgette says, laughing. "As if. We're too different. End of story, alright?" Courtney says, protesting. She was a bit perked up by the mention of him looking at her. But... she refused to believe it. After all, they didn't even get along, hate each other, and had absolutely nothing in common.

FLASHBACK !! --------------------

Back in middle school, Courtney was fixing her things just before it was time to leave. Duncan and his little group of pranksters spotted her, snickering. "Man, why does she have to be so prissy and perfect all the time? What a nerd!" says one of Duncan's friends. Duncan agrees, and he walks up to her. "Hey, princess.. Whatcha got there?" Duncan asks. Right before the brunette girl can respond, he shoves her and takes her bag, all her things flying out onto the floor. Some of her things even breaking. Duncan laughs at the sight and walks off. Courtney didn't have the courage to speak up, and tears well up in her eyes as her lip quivers. She mutters something unintelligible to herself, picking up her things and placing them back neatly into her bag. Duncan feels slightly bad as he glances back, seeing her tear up. He shrugs the feeling off and continues to walk off laughing at her misery with his friends. And that's how it was everyday from then on. They continued to hate each other, their spite grew... did it? Of course it did... or should've. After all, that was the role they had to play in, right? The bully and the nerd. Nothing more.


Duncan seemed to soften up in high school, seeming more sympathetic to her, but keeps up his obnoxious and rock-hard exterior. He didn't want to seem like big softie in front of his friends.

Courtney started to hate him more, but every time she got his attention, her mood lightens. She didn't know why. She didn't want to, either. She decided ignoring him would be the best way to do so.

Each day, she'd go on to ignore him every time he'd approach her. He decided to do the same. He didn't know what was wrong, however. He thought to himself for a while. "Why's she ignoring me? Does she hate me? ... I shouldn't think about it as much as I am. If she doesn't care, why should I?" To move on, he asks Gwen out, and surprisingly gets along with her pretty well. Gwen and Duncan went out on a few dates, and eventually made it official. Courtney is just now hearing about this. She feels somewhat conflicted, but brushes the feeling off. "If he didn't care, why should I?"

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