Forgive and Forget Will Be a Later Regret

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A/N :: This chapter'll have a TDWT reference!

As Gwen and Duncan spent more and more time together, they clicked. Clicked, in a way that Courtney and Duncan "didn't". They became official. Courtney could and couldn't believe it. 

She starts to just focus on what she's doing. She doesn't bother worrying about Duncan anymore, even if deep down, it crushes her spirits. "Am I seriously this worked up about a stupid guy? I don't even like him! He's rude, he's rebellious, and he's totally annoying..." she thinks to herself. It was a blinking thought, repeating in her head over and over again. One moment, it was there, and she could barely keep up with her thoughts. Another moment, gone. Like a disappearing headlight on a car.

At school, things weren't all sunshine and rainbows either. They didn't talk anymore. A mere second-long glance was the only interaction they've had since. It was like a hell for the both of them--- for him at the very least. He felt horrible. Duncan knew he shouldn't. Gwen was his girlfriend now, right?... He sighed, his head ached whenever he thought about it. It was just all so confusing. It's one moment, he's conflicted, confused, and angry at himself, then he focuses on Gwen. Acting all content and cheery with her. Was it worth losing Courtney over? He doesn't want to think about the topic much. One morning, Duncan was in the hallway. Unknowingly he stares at Courtney. The way she walked, the way she-- his thoughts trail off, being suddenly interrupted; Gwen forcefully pulls her delinquent boyfriend to the side.

"Ow- Jeez! W- What gives-?!" Duncan stammers, letting himself be pulled away by Gwen. "Aggressive much, doll face?"

"Don't 'doll face' me! What was that?" she asks, raising an eyebrow in clear suspicion.

"What was what?" He asks in return, confused on what she was so irritated about.

"I saw how you were looking at 'Miss Perfect' over there!" She yells in a hushed voice, pointing to Courtney, who was still walking and chatting amongst her group of bimbos.

He scoffs in response, though getting a tad bit uneasy. "Wasn't." He denied, crossing his arms as his eyes form into a sharp glare.

"Oh, yes you were. You were all 'googly-eyed' and looking at her!" Gwen's scowl deepens.

"Won't happen again, doll face. Swear." He says, putting one of his rough, calloused hands up as if he was making an oath of some sort.

"You'd better not. Now, get over here. I'm not really mad, I just... overreacted." She wraps an arm around him, pulling him into an embrace.

"Uh-huh... Yeah. It's cool." He wraps one arm around her back, before looking up and spotting Courtney from across the fairly-lit and wide hallway once again, admiring her once more.

---------------- time skip !!

Duncan and Gwen had a huge argument the day before due to Gwen noticing Duncan's underlying attraction to Courtney. He scoffs at this, but not quite a clear denial.

"Of course not!" He recalled his words from the day prior. Yet, still refused to confirm his lingering feelings for Courtney. Was it true? No, couldn't be. Why would it? 

Duncan's wandering around the hallways of Ridgemont, hands in his pockets. He has a rather bitter scowl on his face. Surprisingly to him, he didn't feel that sad about losing Gwen. It almost felt somewhat natural. At the same time, he wasn't all that surprised. He's broken up with more girls than he can count. Most of them he can't even remember the names of. He's thinking about Gwen's accusation, but scoffs. "Is it that obvious? No way," he thought to himself.

That day at school, Duncan roamed the bustling halls of Ridgemont High. All he heard was echoes, the squeaking of shoes on the ground, lockers being slammed shut, it was all so... infuriating. Like he had nothing to be angry about, but everything was all so enraging. He sighs, finally reaching his locker. Still no Courtney anywhere in the hall. He shrugged it off, rolling his eyes. He leaned back against his locker, digging into his pockets. "Ah, crap..." he groaned. He couldn't find his cigarettes, remembering how that goody-goody stomped on his last one. All he could do was simply look around while still backed up against his slightly scratched graphite-colored locker.

Meanwhile, Courtney was running quite late. She hadn't woken up to her alarm clock. "Crap, crap, crap...!" she squealed, rushing down the lengthy flight of spiraling stairs in her home. She grabbed her bag from the small table near the door. She dashed out of the house, heading for school in quite a panic.

Class was starting, and the first period bell rung. Murmurs and chatter filled the room. "Where the hell is--" Duncan mumbles, looking around the full room but is cut off when someone runs into the room. She stops at the doorway; Courtney finally arrived, panting heavily. "I-I'm here..! S-sorry, sorry!" she stammers, speaking in all breaths, walking over to her usual seat that was a chair away from Duncan. Unusual. She was never late. He couldn't help but steal glances at her from time to time. Courtney hadn't noticed, luckily for him. She continued on, writing down her perfectly organized and well-thought out notes in her sage colored notebook. His eyes darted back to the teacher, who was discussing about a new topic that Duncan was obviously uninterested in. After class was over, they all rushed out. She walked over to her locker, sighing.

Duncan was walking toward the back of the school, before seeing Courtney in the corner of his eye. She was with Heather again, talking contently. He's always hated heather for the He couldn't help but stop and stare. The way Courtney talked, the way she laughed... No, couldn't be. He quickly snapped out of his rapturous, yet mesmerizing trance and turned on his heel to walk off. Courtney spun around, heading to the bathroom for a quick touch-up of her make-up. She walked gracefully, taking once step after another, then she spotted something rather unusual.

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