The meeting

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Exodus Was a new member to the Enterprise, and McCoy was showing him around. Exodus was a fighter, so he was assigned to the protection units aboard the Enterprise, so, once he got alone, he got his actual weapons, and headed to the Bridge, where StarFleet Sub-Fleet Admiral Becker stationed him.

He wasn't surprised to see the bridge. Kirk was surprised to see Exodus on his ship.

"Hello, new person. So who are you and why are you here?" Kirk asked, turning his chair slightly to the Assassin-like soldier.

"am vere on orderz vrom Zub-Vleet Adm'ral Cap'n Becker. Vhis zhip is vrequently attacked, so zhe put guardz vere." Exodus said, his German accent showing WELL.

"Ok. But, can you like, not be staring into my soul through my back?" Kirk said, A little uncomfortable with the staring. Exodus moved, closer to the only Vulcan in the room, showing a look to Officer Spock before looking forward, holding his GUN tightly with the finger on the trigger, ready to fire if needed.

Spock looked over at the gun, but didn't question the seemingly unknown weapon and continued his work. "Interesting Accent you have." Spock said.

"Venterizting earz jou vave, Ovizer." Exodus said, correctly guessing Spock's rank.

Everyone on the Bridge was surprised at the correct guess, while Spock was trying to find out what was interesting about his pointed, Vulcan ears.

"What is interesting about my ears?" Spock said, turning to Exodus.

"Vointed earz. Venterizting." He said, looking back, and Spock saw way too many scars for what looked like a 27-28 year old kid. Spock was honestly surprised, the 'kid' had two cybernetic replacements, his left arm and his right leg. Spock wondered how, but he didn't ask the German.

Someone commed Exodus, and he then proceeded to move to by Spock as a handle more Guards in heavy armor went to specific members of the Bridge, Kirk, Chekov, Sword person(fergot his name), and a few others. McCoy and Scotty ended up having guards for them too.

Spock did not question it, and just continued his work.

(Time skip brought by my lazy ass and Spock.)

Once Spock was released from his work he went to his Quarters, and Exodus followed, even into the Vulcan's room. Spock took off his StarFleet jacket, but left the black shirt on, not wanting his guard to see him even without a shirt, let alone naked, which Spock only does for his hygiene procedures. Once he was about as unclothed as he'd get(black shirt and pants with belt), he payed on his bed, over his covers, while Expdus watched for a moment before sitting in a position that he could easily see Spock but also be able to shoot any enemy that came through the Door.

Spock honestly thought that he wouldn't be able to sleep with Exodus there, but he was able to rest, though he was a little uncomfortable. He just hoped tomorrow will be better, with a possible friend and Guardian that was currently in a half asleep state, not wanting to drop his guard.

A/N: so how'd I do? Please tel me in the comments.

The rising of a Phoenix-Exodus OC X SpockWhere stories live. Discover now