Fine lined dining room- 001

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November 13th 2009

"Erin!" Ruth yelled, placing the freshly cooked meal down on their table. The fresh cherry blossoms acting as a centre piece to the oak dining table. Two white placemats were set up on both ends of the table, with cutlery laid out and a drink of wine next to one plate, and a carton of apple juice next to the other.

"Dam, you cooked this?" Erin faked gasped, dramatically sniffing around and sitting down at her designated seat.

"Oh shut up, I'm not that bad of a cook." Ruth grinned, swatting her little sister's comment away as she finished up the last few miscellaneous chores around their kitchen.

Rolling her eyes, Erin scoffed. "Yeah can cook. Remember that chicken? The one you burnt."

"You mean the one I cooked then forgot about?"

"Same same." The youngest Sallow laughed as she started eating the hot food.

"Different different."

The two both tucked into the freshly cooked meal, savoring the delicious taste of steak. Random conversations being held out between the two about 'how was your day'  or 'what's the plan for tomorrow'.

"Have you cleaned your room?" Ruth asked, finishing off her food and taking her plate to the dishwasher.

"You really think I did? Let's be honest here for a moment. I'll clean my room when the dead start walking."

"So never then." She scoffed back, knowing her sister's room would never be cleaned, not by Erin anyways.

The two started to near the end of their meals, the sound of forks scraping being heard as Erin tried to get the last piece of meat onto it.

"Wanna watch that new documentary with me, I haven't got anything better to do." She  proposed, disposing of her left over food.

"What the one with the falsely accused inmate?"

"Yup. That would suck ass jeez. I'd hate jail. No good food, no comics, no anything. Not my cup of apple juice."

"My foods good now? You're not meant to like jail." Ruth said while wiping down the black marble countertops, laughing as her sister talking to herself. " Anyways, people in jail deserve having a shit life, at least if I was in one of those small cells they have,  I wouldn't have to deal with you, your too much work."

"Oh really." Erin's eyes rolled "says the one who nearly burnt the house down."

"It was one time!" The woman exclaimed, taking the wet cloth she was cleaning the counters with and splashing some of the water onto her sister.

"You bitch!" Erin screamed, running to the tap to splash her back.

Both sisters erupted into a fit of giggles, their body's soaked and hair wet. The floor having puddles of water on it that needed to be cleaned up, neither sister moving to do so.


"That your sister?" Mira asked, pointing at the picture Ruth had in her hands. "Never seen you lookin' at it before."

"Yeah. Her name was Erin. She was." Ruth stuttered out, trying to find the right words to describe what her baby sister was like. "She was everything. I had nothing else, now it's, it's hard."

"Lost my big sister before I came here you know? She had an overdose. God addicted too fast, where I got it from I guess. After her everything spiraled. It is what it is though. Might as well not let it rule ya life. What I've learnt from bein' here. So I get it." Mira replied, leaning against the wobbly bunk bed, looking around their small cell, only now noticing a huge cobweb that was above Ruth's bead. "Hope you ain't afraid of spiders."

This caused Ruth to frantically search around the cell, looking up to see the cobweb. "Fuck sake." She complained seeing the sheer size of it, knowing that she'd just have to deal with it.


"Ruth!" Erin screamed, standing on her bed  with a baby pink pillow in her hand. "Ruth, hello! I'm gonna die!"

The woman came dashing through the girls bedroom door, sliding slightly as she slowed down. "What happened?"

"Spider. Top right corner. I ain't sleeping with that in here."

"Holy shit. Why's it the size of a whale?" Ruth asked, examining the eight legged creature that both sisters despised. "Looks like you ain't sleeping then."

"What! Kill it!"

"Yeah no way, have you seen the thing!"

Eventually, Ruth decided to man up and make her shoe go hurling through the air, towards the spider, only to knock it down somewhere on the floor.

"How did you make it worse!"

That night Erin slept on Ruth's bedroom floor, too scared to go back into her own in fear of the spider that inhabited it.

"You know what?" The girl spoke out, breaking the silence that lingered like a hover fly.

"I don't wanna know."

"Hypothetically. If there was an apocalypse. Do you think you'd survive? Cause I think I'd be pretty badass."

"Hypothetically, I'd be dead the moment it started, come on? You think I'm gonna be able to take down dead people? No way."

"I think I'd be pretty amazing. Like watch out bitches. Id so use a machete. How badass would that be."

"Pretty badass." Ruth laughed in response, imagining her little sister aimlessly swinging around a machete, or any sort of weapon.
"You can't even cut vegetables properly there's no way you're killing dead people."

That was the truth. Erin was amazing at a lot of things, cooking however, cooking was not one of those things. You'd be lucky to get a salad without a fingernail or a few of her brunette hairs in it. Or maybe even a finger at this point. The girl could not be trusted with any chopping utensils.

"What about if the world was taken over my apes."

"Now that's just Planet of the apes. Get creative." Ruth rolled her eyes, remembering watching one of the films when they came out. She wasn't a fan, although she did think making friends with an ape would be pretty cool, besides that, there was no benefits to having the world taken over by the animals.

"Ok, ok, last one. What about the spider apocalypse." Erin turned over to look up at her sister who was lying on her side.

"Fuck no. Kill me. That would be the worst thing that's ever happened to the world. Come on. Spiders!"

"Your shoe throwing ability's wouldn't kill them all"

"My shoe throwing ability's can't even kill one spider let alone a whole planets worth. But are the spiders supersized? That's the question"

Erin burst out laughing at this, imagining her sister throwing a small shoe at a skyscraper sized spider. "Hell yeah. Super sized spiders. Wonder if I could befriend one and ride it like a horse."

"You? Befriending a supersized spider and horse riding it? Oh please. I'm less likely to burn food than you riding a spider."

"That's cause you always burn the food."

"You're the one who ate it today. Now shut up and goddammit girl sleep."

With that Ruth reached over and turned the bedside lamp off with a little click. Plunging the entire room into darkness, the only light being the hallway light that was always kept on, just in case they needed to get out to go to the bathroom or worse comes to worse, escape the house.

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