Locked in-002

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"Ruth Sallow. You have been found by the court room guilty." The judge told the her, an unreadable tone in his voice, the woman was currently sat in the centre of the court room, her eyes watering, threatening to spill the salty tears they held behind their glass barricades.

Ruth swallowed, her own vomit trying to force its way out of her throat. She didn't know what to do, she didn't have any words to say. All she could do was just accept what was going to happen. She could accept the charges, but never get revenge. The revenge she craved so deeply, the revenge she deserved. She wanted the real killer dead, she wanted them to suffer like she is. For their flesh to be turned inside out and stabbed repeatedly. She'd happily go to jail for that.

She knew she was taking the first turn up shit creek. Why wasn't it easy. Why didn't they believe her when she pleaded not guilty at the start of her trial? Why couldn't she just turn up easy street for once.

All of the woman's senses were blurred. It was like the world stopped. The only words making it to her ears being "life imprisonment."

"No, no, please. You don't understand. I didn't do anything! You're letting a murderer roam the streets!" She sobbed, reality hitting her like a brick wall. The realization of what was going to happen to her coming crashing down.

Being escorted out wasn't even the worst part.
Being falsely accused wasn't even the worst part.
Her sister being dead, and the criminal still living? That was the worst part.

Ruth would have to deal with herself for the rest of her life knowing that. Knowing that she'd failed as a big sister. Knowing she'd never have a family of her own that she so desperately wanted. Her life goals were over. Her job was over. Her life was over.

It took her a while to get used to the idea of prison, let alone actually being there. The food was horrible, the beds were horrible and the people, most of them anyways.

The men and women were kept in separate sleeping quarters, as to avoid conflict and 'sexual activity', but they were free to interact with one and other at yard time and when they were allowed to eat.

Ruth never really talked to anyone, except Mira, she was her cellmate.

Mira often yapped about new people that were brought in, people that left, and when people tried to escape.

"That druggie is comin' back you know? Heard the guards talkin' about it. He'll be here in a week or something." She said, aimlessly running her fingers along the dirty metal beams of the unstable rusted bunk bed.

"What one? You've never left." Ruth laughed back.

"I wish. If I was to get out, I wouldn't get caught." Mira grinned, knowing that both girls had come up with a hypothetical scenario about how they'd escape, not that they would actually do it, but one could imagine. Besides they had enough time. "Dixon, the kinda bald one, called everyone a nigga? Remember?"

"Thought we said you wouldn't say that no more. And yeah I remember him, kept catcalling me as I lined up for some sloppy Joe looking food." Ruth replied, remembering the horrid food that they served that day.

"Yeah well he's got busted for drugs again. How can one person get caught so many times? Might ask 'im."

Ruth scoffed. "I'd love to see that. Give me something to look forward to." Her comment caused Mira to let out an exhausted sigh. "Does my sexy face not do that?"

"Piss off." Ruth laughed, her eyes slowly closing from how tired she was.


"My favorite." Ruth sighed looking at the food that was in front of her.

"Sloppy mashed potatoes. Yup, everyone's favorite." Mira grinned back, pushing the potato around her tray.

"Hells going on?" She questioned, looking around to see a ring of inmates, some being taken back to cells, some going outside to the small caged basketball court that could make anyone feel like they're just tiny fragments in the world.

"Probably another riot or something." Ruth rolled her eyes, knowing that they'd also get punished for whatever the people were up to.

"Lock the place up!" One of the guards yelled out, pushing the prisoners out of the cafeteria, some got pushed outside others got pushed back to cell blocks.

The sight of about a dozen humans limping, blood dripping down their neck caused Ruth to drop her form and stare in disbelief. Their eyes empty with no life and their body's all ripped up, some of its intestines spilling out as most of them dragged one of their legs along the cafeteria floor.

"Holy shit. You seein' this cause I better not be goin' crazy." Mira panted, fear creeping up onto her features.

Guards were rushing prisoners out of the room, mass chaos occurring, a horde of people rushing out, some pushing each other to the floor to save themselves, others committing more violent acts.
The human like monsters grabbing anyone they could get their hands on, ripping them to pieces, screams echoing out and making even more people panic.

Amongst all the chaos, Ruth and Mira lost sight of each other, being separated by people pushing them apart. Their voices calling out for each other, Ruth's body being bashed into to, surely leaving many bruises that would mark her pale skin.


The doors to the cafeteria were forced shut, with about eight people remaining inside, two of those eight including Mira and Ruth, who both ran to each other as soon as they locked eyes. The sounds of a chain and lock being heard from inside.

"What the fuck man!" One of the people yelled out, he had long black hair which half was tied up into a ponytail. His fists banding against the door, trying to push it open.

"What the hell were those, those things?" Mira asked, backing away from the door.

"Whatever they are. They're not getting in here that's for sure. If we can't get out they can't get in." A tall bald man with a darker complexion spoke, sitting down on one of the canteens stained tables.

"Yeah hypothetically." Mira replied, her hands rubbing her eyes, trying to wake herself up from the horror movie she was stuck in.

"Well. Might as well get to know each other in case we have to repopulate the room you get what I'm saying?" A guy with long-ish blonde hair and an ugly mustache said, smirking slightly.

"Yeah. No repopulation thanks." Ruth said, grimacing. "Besides. The guards will be back soon anyways."

"Shame. Whatever. I'm Axel, that's Oscar, Big Tiny, Andrew, Ivan and Tomas."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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