Ah looks it's a new Runkey

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Back in 8/2/2002 a new "rabbit" is born. "Aww look at her she's so cute, and her white spot on her chest reminds me of my dog when I was a kid." Said the mom. "You had a dog!?" The dad asked with shocker. "Yes I did she looks just like her but instead of a rabbit it's a dog. He was a Chihuahua and was the sweetest as well. Sadly he's dead he passed away when I was 17." Said the mom. "Geez I'm sorry for your loss." said the dad. "Don't worries it was a long time ago." Said the mom.

"I'm naming her Felix." Said the mom. "Oh hell no I don't what to name her after my brother. We should name her Rose." Said the dad. "Hell no." Said the mom. "Then what should we name her?" Said the dad. "Something that we both agree with duh." Said the mom. "Name her Lily." Said the dad. "Nah I'll name her Nillen." Said the mom. "No sound terr- changed my mind yes let's name her that." Said the dad. "Yah yes Nillen the Rabbit." Said the mom.

Few hours later! "Hey babe she isn't a rabbit she has a monkey tail." Said the mom. "That's because I'm a monkey but we'll love her no matter what." Said the dad. "Her white paws and feet makes her look like she's wearing shoes." Said the mom. "I know right." Said the dad.

Nilly The Runkeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें