Part 2

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Whispers in the Walls
Part 2

"M1, zoom in on her broken ankle" I asked while I unbuttoned my jeans, I paused for a moment looking at her broken ankle while I smelled the wetness of my vagina. I slid down my jeans and tore my white silk panties off me.

Diana attempted to find comfort with her broken ankle but her efforts proved fruitless as the pain continued to linger, leaving her in a state of distress. Her breathing became laboured from the discomfort, her face contorting in pain as she tried to relax. She began to murmur softly, trying to distract herself from the pain. She closed her eyes while her orgasm rocked her injured body as she tried to focus on that sensation rather than the pain in her ankle.

I reached down and my finger slid along my vagina until I pushed deeper into me, fingering myself, loving the heat while looking at her broken ankle and sensing my swollen clitoris under my fingertip. I was so ready to cum.

I was out of control, Diana misfortune stirred up an unusual mixture of emotions within me as I witnessed the unexpected turn of events. While the image of her delicate movements previously filled my heart with admiration, now I felt a sudden spike of pure sexual excitement at the sight of her injury. A profound sense of concern and love for the future of the woman rippled through me as I watched her find some relief the same way I did.

Breathing hard she caressed her broken ankle, she slid her fingers from her lower leg to her ankle and she squeezed it between her long fingers...

"Ohhh...Goddd" She moaned quietly, somehow matching my own sensation created by my fingers rubbing along and inside myself.

As she continued rubbing her ankle, her eyes shifted to the small cell phone on her bedside table. I watched her crawl over to the phone and picked it up, slowly bringing it up to her ear. She winced at the sharp pain of the movement, but managed to dial her friend's number with shaky hands.

The relief on Diana's face was obvious as her friend's voice filled her ear. She struggled to stay calm, the pain making it difficult to articulate. "I...I hurt my ankle," she said, her voice trembling. "I think...I think I broke it."

"I'm coming right over," her friend promised, the urgency in her voice matching the gravity of the situation.

I watched my wall of monitors until moments later, Diana's friend arrived at her unit.

"I'm here," she exclaimed, her eyes widening in concern as she took in Diana's state. With a gentle touch, she helped her to her good foot, supporting her weight as they slowly made their way out of the building.

"I can't believe this happened," Diana murmured, leaning heavily on her friend as they navigated the hallway. "I was just practising, and then..." Her voice trailed off, the reality of the situation sinking in as they reached the door.

As I watched Diana and her friend leave the building, attraction washed over me. The sight of her, leaning heavily on her friend, her broken ankle elevated and the pain etched on her face matched the ache in my own heart, witnessing this talented and sexy woman navigate through unexpected adversity.

I felt guilty too, knowing that my voyeuristic tendencies had possibly and inadvertently led to this moment. Yet the whispers in the walls grew louder, propelling me towards a path of understanding and redemption. Redemption you asked? Well... with the certainty that Diana would soon be navigating my world on crutches, her right leg in a cast, the gravity of her broken ankle was evident.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of pure sexual arousal thinking that her broken ankle was sure to keep her on crutches for a while, and the thought of her on crutches, in a cast sent a jolt through my own weak leg. The whispers in the walls kept growing louder as my fingers began to caress my breasts, thighs, and even my right ankle, the same one Diana had broken in front of me.

As she made her way back to her unit on crutches, my eyes followed her every step. The perfect short white cast clinging to her right lower leg, ankle and foot, transformed her steps into a new elegant dance. With each step, her crutches clicked rhythmically against the polished floors. She was beautiful with her cast standing out, the subtle waves of her hair framed her face, both showing strength and femininity.

Unable to resist the urge, I hurriedly threw on a nightgown and raced down the stairs to the hallways leading to her unit. My heart raced with anticipation as I approached her door, my mind buzzing with thoughts of how I could offer assistance, comfort and make wild love to her.

"Hello, Diana," I called out softly as I knocked on her door, my voice filled with genuine concern.

"I saw you coming in on crutches. Is everything alright? Can I help with anything?" The door creaked open, revealing her so beautiful, standing there on her crutches with a slight smile on her face despite the discomfort of her injury.

"Oh, Sharon, it's you," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.

"I broke my ankle earlier while training, but it's nothing too serious, no surgery. Just a temporary setback."

I couldn't help but notice the slight hesitation in her voice, the unspoken acknowledgement of the challenges ahead. As I stood before her, there was a stark contrast between video voyeurism, observing from a distance, to now being in person, so close to her. A crazy sexual surge welled up between my short legs.

I swear, every detail was amplified 10x. The gentle curve of her knee bent slightly brought her white cast inches from the polished hardwood floor. The stark white of the cast contrasted her tan and tone upper leg, drawing attention to the temporary but attractive alteration to her physical form.

Her hair, cascading in soft waves around her face, added a touch of femininity to her otherwise determined stance. A slight discomfort was evident in her expression.

As I examined her broken ankle, my eyes traced the contours of the medical cast, noting the precision with which it supported her injured ankle and foot. The smooth surface of the cast bore no marks of wear yet.

I squeezed my legs, unable to please myself sexually at the moment looking at her crutches, positioned strategically beneath her arms. She was so beautiful leaning on them and the click of the crutches against the floor was totally unique to each individual person needing them.

"If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. We're neighbours now, after all."

It was such a small moment, but it had such a profound impact on me. Diana's injury had struck me in this sudden, surprising way that I hadn't expected. As a new neighbour, I was already captivated by her beauty and grace, but this sudden vulnerability had caught me off guard. I found myself finding this woman so sexy.

Back in my bedroom, the idea of her broken ankle was intoxicating to me, and the way she needed to rely on her crutches was like a sexual magnet. While I know this might not be a traditionally acceptable kink, I felt that if you closed your eyes and...

Whispers in the walls
Part 3 to come

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