Incog: The Centennial (almost final draft)

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Greetings, my loyal ones.

I've seen in the eye of Abyss and I'm happy to say that you've all made a spectacular year report.

However, I do have an important announcement to make for all of you.

I've seen that throughout last year, humans had started to get suspicious of all of you, like how they did centuries ago; and that's why I've decided to create a new conduct.

From now on, any Covert who attempts to leave Earth must do the following things:

For the Varlets, you'll be given sew-in hearts. They're made by the destroyed stars in the back of the universe, but once you get to Earth, they'll become normal hearts; so if someone asks for a heartbeat, they'll feel it.

For the Pothives, I give you a Mirror Dagger, meaning if a drop of blood from your victim gets on you from this dagger, you'll be able to have the ability to change into this person, and yourself.

People have been starting to notice your eyes the most. I shall give you all contacts to match the normal eye colors of mortals.

And most importantly, Covert's Day is coming quickly. I want every single Covert at the Incogs Eye before Coverts Eve.

Be careful when going to Earth, and don't let anyone find out who you are.

This meeting is now adjourned

"Everyone comes here to get your contacts and new victim profiles."

As the entire crowd went into a single file line, the curtains in which Solona's Voice escaped from
became shut, as The Centennial of Abyss walked down with their descendants.

These Centennial were once 100 victims of Solona from centuries ago, who were spared from her in exchange for either their soul, or completing a deed that she was going to do herself, both making them immortal and part of the Solona Abyss.

33 of them were the first victims of Solona, and the ones who exchanged their souls, gave them the title of the representatives of Varlets

57 of them were humans from previous centuries who knew about Solona and wanted to join her and were spared by completing a deed that she was going to do herself, making them the representatives of Pothives

And the final Nine were the souls inside of the back of the universe, back when Abyss was not born yet.

The Centennial of Abyss are the authorities to another Category of Coverts: Scions of Abyss. These coverts are the descendants of the Centennial after turning into Coverts, for once the Centennial are turned, their life starts completely over, and all rememberings of their past life are faded memories.

They lived on the top floor of the original hide out, and once a Centennial reaches 200 years as a Covert, if they master all the powers of Abyss, they'll be given the ability to become a Pothive.

All of the Centennial Members then looked at the clock before it turned Midnight, and when it did, The Centennial distributed a wide message for all the Coverts in both Incog, and on Earth.

Most of the Coverts gathered around in the back of the Void to hear the new announcement, while the Coverts on Earth hid wherever they were to hear the annual New Years Announcement.

On the other side of the wall stood a young man with reddish brown hair and brown eyes. He took a small sigh before returning to the door in which he came from, in which behind came a long hallway to another door.

As soon as the man got to the other side of the room, he looked down at his hands, for which a turquoise scarf was inside underneath. He held it in his hands tightly before using the right one to open the door.

Behind the door opened to a black Void in which outside was outside the Galaxy, and the stars were outside its window. Far from the window was an older, yet beautiful woman with jet black hair, pale white skin, baby blue lips and purple eyes. This woman was none other than Solona Abyss herself.

"What did you think about my performance?" The Man asked.

"Not one of your best ones." The woman answered as she put down her hairbrush, still staring in the mirror, as the man's smile turned into a frown.

"However, that's not why I'm mad at you; step forth."

The man was scared for what Solona was going to say to him. He knew she hadn't seen him in a long time, and he was hoping for dear life shw wouldn't kill him.

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