Chapter 2 - A summoning gone awry.

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I heard voices around me. "At last! Welcome! Heroes from another world- Only one?"

I gasped out loud to take in a breath. My vision returned and I turned to see men in strange white robes. I was in some kind of enclosed grand hall with blue walls with silvery banners with an emblem I didn't recognise. It looked European, like a fantastical design. The illumination at my feet drew my attention. I was standing on a red carpet, with the same giant circle of glittery light under my feet. It was a giant illuminated effigy. After a few seconds, the light disappeared instantly.

"How can there be only one?" I overheard those robed men murmuring amongst themselves. They appeared to be in their thirties or forties. Their robes had the same emblem as the ones on the banners.

Who are these guys? A cult? Some kind of new Jehovah's Witness group? I already know who Jesus is, I don't need another lecture about him.

"This is a hero from another world? A boy?"

"How old is he?"

"There should be a legion. What happened? Is this a mistake?" I heard them talking with worried tones, and I knew they were talking about me.

"Acolytes." The man with the staff spoke and the hall went silent. He stepped forward towards me. The one standing at the centre had swept-back grey hair that reached to the base of his neck. His beard was so thick I could barely see his lips. He was also holding a white staff with a swirling orb of sparkling light on the top. The whole getup made him look like some kind of priest from a fantasy story.

The priest had a scrutinising look on me. "You are... You are not what we were expecting."

"What are you talking about? What is this? Where am I?" I approached the priest, demanding answers. "Who are you?" My distress was clear from my tone. I was on the verge of freaking out.

"Calm yourself, Hero." He put a hand up. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ferilmah, Grand Wizard of the Order of Paremal Wizards.

Grand Wizard? Order of Paremal Wizards? Are you for real? I stared at him with narrowed eyes.

"Is this some kind of joke? What sort of prank is this?" I scowled at him.

Ferilmah continued, "I understand that this is very confusing for you. All will be explained very shortly." He said before making a bow, "Allow me to escort you to the royal courtroom, where we can discuss this matter with the king. He is expecting you."

"I don't understand," I said. Then, I realised something else was odd. "Wait? Where are my classmates? What happened to them?"

"Your classmates?" Ferilmah raised a thick bushy brow. "Please, follow me. There is much to discuss."

He turned around and opened a door behind him. I didn't exactly have a choice, the room was enclosed and the only way out was through the door. I had to follow him.

"Acolytes." Ferilmah addressed the other priests, "Find out what happened."

"At once, Grand Wizard Ferilmah." They all said in unison.

I followed Ferilmah. We headed up a spiral stairwell. The wall and the steps were made of marble. There wasn't a speck of dust on the steps like they were regularly maintained. As we reached the top of the stairs, we were in some kind of lobby. There were wooden doors leading to other rooms. But what drew my attention was the golden statue at the centre of the lobby. It had the same emblem of an extravagant cross like the robe Ferilmah was wearing.

I was starting to think this wasn't a joke anymore.

"This way, young Hero." Ferilmah, standing by the main exit, called to me. I didn't know why he kept calling me 'Hero'. He didn't ask for my name, I didn't plan on telling him my name for the time being.

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