Don't Touch My Things (That Includes Him)

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Derek groaned as he slowly came back to consciousness. He had no idea where he was or how he'd gotten there, but the wolfsbane infused chains holding his arms above his head gave him a pretty good guess.

"You have got to be kidding me...."

He was certain that when he and Stiles moved the pack out of the hellmouth that is Beacon Hills that the constant kidnappings by hunters would stop being a thing.

So much for wishful thinking.

"Well, well....looks like the big bad wolf is finally awake."

The hunter started to drone on and Derek felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. The villain monologues these people spewed were worse than those superhero movies that Stiles forced him to watch.

Not that he was ever going to mention that to the younger man, seeing as how he actually wanted to live.

Speaking of which, he felt the band on his ring finger tingle, meaning that the tracking spell embedded in it had been activated. The laugh he let out caused the other men in the room to look at him in utter confusion.

"What the hell's so funny mutt?"

"Oh nothing, just anticipating the look on your faces when you realize how fucked you all are."

The chatty goon hit him with an electrified baton, which only served to make the Alpha laugh even harder despite the pain.

"You won't be laughing when we capture all of your betas, mutt."

Derek stopped laughing and fixed them with a smile that was downright terrifying.

"They're not the ones you should be worried about."

Before the hunter could respond, the sound of gunfire followed by several screams echoed outside the warehouse they were in. The men inside started getting nervous, especially when the noise cut off completely.

The leader (at least Derek assumed he was by his attitude) motioned for one of the others to check things out. But before anyone could move the door flew off the hinges, knocking several of them across the room.

In the entryway was Stiles. He was covered head to toe in blood, his eyes were glowing white...

And he was PISSED.


The ringleader,either from bravery or sheer stupidity, raised his gun and pointed it at the younger man.

"Listen kid, I don't know what kind of crap you're trying to pull, but you need to-"

Whatever he was going to say was cut off as he started gasping for air. The gun clattered to the ground as the man clawed at his throat in a desperate attempt to breathe.

"No please, do go on," Stiles taunted as his eyes glowed even brighter, " I would love to hear how you thought it was a good idea to take something that belongs to me."

The other hunters tried moving closer, thinking the newcomer was distracted, only to shriek and fall back when the weapons in their hands started melting.

"You know as fun as this is, I'm going to have to wrap things's date night and you idiots are interrupting."

With a snap of his fingers, every single hunter fell to the floor...dead.

As soon as everyone was down, Stiles ran over and released the chains, catching the werewolf before he hit the ground.

"You alright, Der?"

"I've been better," Derek said before gently pressing their lips together, "thanks for coming to get me."

"I love you Derek, I'll always come for you."

"I love you too...I guess this means our plans for tonight are canceled?"

"Oh Der-bear, you're adorable if you think a little thing like kidnapping is going to get you out of a Star Wars marathon."

The werewolf grumbled about going back to the chains, causing Stiles to chuckle as they walked out of the building.

He'd send the puppies to clean the mess up later...right now he had a husband to cuddle.

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