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We wake up and get dressed and go to umbridges class
Umbridge- welcome to defense against the dark arts we aren't gonna be using our wands or anything in this class so put them away
Theo- pay attention love
I look back at her and we make eye contact
Umbridge- ma'am who are you related to you look familiar
I point to myself
Umbridge- yes you
Peyton- I mean no disrespect but why does it matter who I'm related to
Umbridge- don't question me mrs.
Peyton- riddle
Umbridge- as in Tom riddle
Peyton- why is everybody so scared of my father he's a really sweet guy when you get to know him
Umbridge- please leave my class
Peyton- I'm sorry
Umbridge- leave my class I don't want evil in here
I get my stuff and kiss Theo and go to dumbledores office
Peyton- hi Albus
Dumbledore- mrs. Riddle what do I owe the pleasure and how are your classes me and mrs.Mcgonagall picked them out ourselves
Peyton- well I kicked out of mrs.umbridges class
Dumbledore- what trouble did you and mr.nott cause this time
Peyton- it was because of my dad
Mattheo and Joseph come in
Dumbledore- did she kick y'all out for the same reason
Joseph- yes sir
Peyton- you don't have to act like that in front of dumbledore I call him albus
Dumbledore- not all of the time mrs.riddle
Mattheo- oh Enzo and Theo are on the way
Peyton- why
Jospeh- same reason we got kicked out
Peyton- but why them
Mattheo- well Enzo is coming because of his mom and Theo because he's Theo and he can't stay away from you for long
Soon mostly the whole friend group is in there except for Draco Pansy Allie Seth and Blaise so we just go back to our dorms until tomorrow cause I ain't going to anymore classes today
Theo- is Seth in class
Peyton- yes bello it's just us
Mattheo- wait Theo why'd you get kicked out
Theo- I didn't I just walked out
Peyton- Theo you have to be me on her good side
Theo- I will amore I promise
He smiles and kisses me and I kiss him back
Theo- and I'm sorry but if someone treats my girlfriend and her family and her friends like that I will kill you I don't play when it comes to you
Mattheo- maybe that's why our dad likes you so much
Theo- why
Joseph- cause you'd kill for her
Theo- I need to smoke
He goes to the astronomy tower because that's where he goes to smoke his cigarettes
Peyton- imma go check on him cause he never smokes
I leave the common room and go to the astronomy tower
Peyton- what's wrong
Theo- is that the only reason your dad likes me
Peyton- no that's not the only reason
Theo- your lying
Peyton- he thinks your gonna be the perfect death eater
Theo- I'm not gonna be like my father
Peyton- Theo all of us are gonna have to do it, it's in our blood
Theo- well I'm not gonna have it I have my whole future planned
Peyton- I do too Theo
Theo- I'm supposed to go to the ministry and your supposed to work at the hospital we can't do that if we're death eaters
Peyton- let's be honest I might not get it because I was supposed to be in Gryffindor but I had to beg the sorting hat to let me be in slytherin so I could be with my brothers
Theo- I know ok I know now can we please stop arguing and find a new way for your dad to love me
Peyton- yes we can for all of your questions
He puts his cigarette out and kisses me and hugs me after he kisses me
Peyton- can we go back to the dorm and you brush your teeth
Theo- you don't like the smell
Peyton- not at all
Theo- fine I'll quit only for you
Peyton- we should do a celebration of you quitting cigarettes
Theo- how can we buy the alcohol the person that bought it for us last year graduated
Peyton- I have an idea
Theo- what is it
Peyton- don't worry about it
I call dobby
Peyton- hi sweet boy
Peyton- me and Theo are doing great we miss you but I need a favor
Peyton- go to my dads room and get his brush and teleport it to me
Peyton- thank you sweet baby
I hang up and dobby teleports to me and Theo and hands me the brush and I get some of my dads hair out of it and then he teleports us to hermione room and he goes back to the manor and we wait for her and she comes in like an hour later
Hermione- dear Merlin y'all scared me
Peyton- do you still know how to make poly juice potion
Hermione- yeah why
Peyton- can you make Theo one
Hermione- do you already have the hair
Peyton- yeahhhhhh
Hermione- oh Merlin
Peyton- tell Harry don't freak out it's not actually my dad it's just Theo
Hermione- Peyton
Theo- please Hermione
Hermione- I'm only doing this cause your dating one of my best friends
Theo- thank you
Peyton- thank you mione
Hermione- meet me in myrtles bathroom in a few hours
Peyton- ok love youuuuu
Hermione- love you toooooo
We leave and go to the common room
Draco- did y'all have sex or something up there and harry is on the way
Peyton- good cause I gotta talk to him about something and no I wish but no
Draco- is it bad
Peyton- depends on how he takes it, you can be there if you want
Draco- ok
Harry gets there with some 1st year
Peyton- harry I have to talk to you
Harry- is everything good
Everybody leaves
Peyton- so me Theo want to have a party tonight
Theo- but I can't buy alcohol so we have to use poly juice potion and the first person we thought
Peyton- of my dad and mione is making the poly juice but we didn't want to freak you out if you seen Tom riddle walking around
Harry- well thanks for letting me know
Peyton- of course
A few hours later
We gotta go
Theo- ok let's go make out at the astronomy tower
We get up and go to myrtles bathroom and we see myrtle n mione
Peyton- I talked to harry
Hermione- good now I don't have to
Myrtle- he's so dreamy
Peyton- I will throw a book at you Myrtle
Myrtle- sorry mrs.riddle
Theo whispers in my ear
Theo- you sound more and more like your dad everyday
Peyton- shut up nott
Theo- come on riddle you love when I talk
Peyton- shut up and drink this
I kiss him and then hand him the the potion and he drinks it and turns into my dad
Peyton- let's go because we only have an hour
We put the invisibility cloak on and go into hogsmede and get alcohol and by the time we get back to the dorm he's himself again
Peyton- I hate seeing you look like my dad
He laughs and we walk back into the common room
Theo- we're back
Draco- about time
We start getting the common room ready for the party
Draco- are y'all just gonna ditch classes
Theo- there's no point in being there
Harry- that's true
We all hang out until dinner and we see Seth
Peyton- hey Seth
Seth- hey I haven't seen y'all in awhile also heard about y'all finally getting together congrats
Peyton- thanks
Theo kisses my head and I smile
Mattheo- party tonight
Seth- I'd just have to sneak out
We all go to dinner and dumbledore does his normal announcements until he says something weird
We all get up and go to dumbledores office and see our parents
Peyton- hi daddy
Tom- hi honey hello boys
Jospeh- what the bloody hell is going on
Tom- y'all have a half brother
Enzo- mom what's this gotta do with me
Bellatrix- everything
Enzo- why didn't we get told this before
Bellatrix- we didn't know what to say or how to say it
Enzo- y'all could've told us when we were kids but now you wanna say something WE DATED
Bellatrix- we're sorry
Peyton- y'all are too late for that
I run out and go to the dining hall and I grab theo and we go to the dorm
Theo- what's wrong Cara Mia
Peyton- Enzo is my brother
Theo- and y'all had yk
Peyton- yeah
Theo- I'm sorry Tesoro
Peyton- and my dad and Bella didn't even say anything like Enzo brought up a point why didn't they say anything when we were kids why bring it up now
Theo- well what did they say like why didn't they tell you then
Peyton- because they didn't know what to say
Theo- they should've just said something
Peyton- yeah I know
Theo- well I can't kill them for hurting you
Peyton- yeah please don't kill them try to
He smiles and kisses me
Theo- do you wanna cancel the party
Peyton- yeah but tell Seth he can still come hang out
Theo- ok love
He kisses me and I kiss him back and then he leaves and comes back an hour later
Theo- are you tired
I just nod my head and he lays down beside me and we fall asleep and then wake up and hang out with everybody and Then everybody goes to bed and Seth tells snape that he's gonna stay in the common room

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