The task of the taskforce

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   It was a feral morning. I was awake the whole night, thanks to the anxiety eating me inside out. At that point I felt like locking myself in the bathroom like a damn pussy and chickening out, but it was my chance. A chance to chase my dreams and join the taskforce. As a kid my body was not very impressive, as I was built more like a stick than a soldier. It all changed with time in the military, though I still did not look like other military men which made me feel a ping of disappointment.
  I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down, and decided to quit being a pussy before standing straight and, for now, confidently. I quickly changed into my uniform. My rank was not the most impressive, as I was still a corporal. It was not high enough for my liking, but still enough. For now at least.
  I was standing outside of a base I've never seen before. I kicked a pebble out of my way, sending it off of the curb. The base itself was not the biggest, but it had a well equipped shooting range visible from the front.
  My eyes perked up hearing the sound of the front door opening. I was expecting to see the legendary ghosts of the military,people as elite the one and only "taskforce 141". But to my surprise, the door was opened by an unknown man. I don't think I've ever even heard about him before. He was about  6'3", and was built like a soldier would be. He smiled warmly at me and opened the door wide.

"It's nice to meet you. I believe you're the one joining our taskforce"

He greeted me and stretched out his hand for a shake. He had a typical British accent. I returned the gesture and replied awkwardly.
"Yeah, that would be me"

He chuckled and made an inviting gesture towards the inside of the base before answering.

"Then come on in, we ain't got the whole day, love"

He looked rather young, and his messy, blonde hair gave him a rather boyish look. He looked like a golder retriever. I went inside with a smile, blood rushing to my cheeks.
  As I stepped inside I noticed a group of people joking and laughing. To be honest if I did not know the fact they weren't , I would have thought they are drunk. I eyes the group of people, and decided to focus on each person separately. In the middle stood a girl, about 5'8". She did not look buff, but I felt like she could hand my ass back to me if she wanted to. She also looked young, as she had no wrinkles whatsoever and remains of teenage acne on her chin, though it was not very noticeable. She had dark brown eyes and hair, that was tied up in a low ponytail, reaching just below her shoulder blades, leaving two strands of way too long fringe loosely on the sides, framing her face. She reminded me of a german shepherd somehow. Next to her stood another, this time asian, boy. He was about as tall as the girl, but I couldn't tell how old he was, since I'm not very good at reading Asian faces. He had a buzz cut and a scar on his cheek. He was like a Chihuahua. Small but angry. Next to both of them, sat a tall ass male, who was about 6'4"ish. He was big, but not chubby. He had a father like energy, calm, preserved, but strong and determinated. He was wearing a black backlawa and tactical gloves, even though it was like a 100 degrees outside. Maybe he's just shy, I don't know.

I was lost in though trying to read them all, when all of  a sudden I got ripped out of it with a couple words.

" You all good?"

It was the girl, she was looking at me with an amused smile. Just then I realized I must have been staring at them for at least a couple of minutes, and she must've noticed it. I let my head down with an embarrassmed chuckle, feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks again.

"Yeah, just... I don't know"

She chuckled and pulled me by the shoulder, which made the Asian guy turn around, glaring at me like he's planning at least a couple ways how to kill me

"Come on, let's give you a tour of the base."

She said cheerfully, a bit of an accent slipping out. I realized she was not an English speaker all the time. I looked at her impressed, since her English was truly, really good. I started wondering where she may be from, but just then I got stopped by hard metal to the face.

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