Chapter XII: Might & Magic

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Firstly, I would like to apologize about a plot hole I unintentionally created in the previous chapter about the usage of the [Teardrop Amulet]'s [Summon Spirit] enchantment.

So, from this chapter on, just assume the memory uses its own essence reserve to sustain the enchantment. William in no way or form will use active enchantment on memories while he is a Sleeper.

(For those wondering, the [Magic] enchantment on the [Profane Grimoire] and the [Living Bone] enchantment on the [Osseous Exoarmor] are passive.)

I hope this clears some things.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


"First thing a warrior must learn is how to wield his weapon," explained the spectral figure of Arthas Menethil while standing in a spacious room designed for solitary training.

Fortunately, such room were readily available for use since many Legacy Sleepers abhor training with the 'unwashed masses'. Still, he did get his fair share of weird looks by the admistration staff after he said that he would rather train by himself than do any of the recommended courses.

Well, HE was not going to be studying those courses but Jaina showed keen interest in the Wilderness Survival Courses. Later this day, she was going to be teaching him that in addition to his magic training.

Meanwhile, during the day, the ex-Lich King is going to teach him how to be less shitty with the sword.

"The essence of Frostmourne as a weapon is tyrannical, unrelenting assault. Never let your opponents relax for even a second. Break them before they break you. Completely dominate them," he continued and with each word his face twisted further into a grimace. It looked as if some unwanted memories resurfaced with his explanation. However, that lasted for only briefly before it passed.

In his hand, an ethereal copy of the mourneblade manifested; then, he started to do a series of moves consisting of wide swings, powerful thrusts, and intricate leg movement. With every step, he advanced. Every swing was precise and concise with no extra movement or flair. It was a simple and deadly dance that promised bloodshed and massacre to whoever was on the other side.

William watched intently, a part of his brain stirring in response to the movements, burning every motion into his memory. In a few short minutes, it was over. Arthas turned towards the young man, "Now, repeat what I just did."

The young Lich King summoned Frostmourne and, to the spectre's surprise, copied the exact movements as him perfectly - without the slightest deviation.

"How was it?"

"I thought you said that you didn't have formal training?" inquired the paladin his voice laden with suspicion.

"I didn't," the young man replied while shaking his head, " I just have [Eidetic Kinesthesia]."


William rolled his eyes, "It just means that I can memorize and copy whatever technique or movement I see."

"So that's how it is....," a look understanding dawned upon him, before it changed to a cocky, feral one, "so we can speed things up a notch."

William wished that he had kept his big mouth shut ten minutes later.

Cassie was worried about her new friend. Today, they were supposed to attend their chosen courses to prepare for the excursion into the Dream Realm. She had asked the administration staff and was surprised to find that he hadn't signed up for any of the courses.

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