Chapter XL: From the Frying Pan and Into the Flame (3)

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to announce that my exams are done and I passed into my 5th year!

Anyway, I have a few things I want to say before you start reading this chapter.

1- I want to edit some parts of the fic. The edits were not anything major, I just changed the ranking of some of the nightmare creatures in the MC's first nightmare. The Bone Centipede is now an Awakened Devil, and in turn, the Osseous Exoarmor became an Awakened memory of the 4th tier. Also, the Fragment of the Lich King is demoted to a Fallen Titan, which in turn made the Teardrop amulet into an Ascended Memory of the 7th tier.

2- Well, I gotta say that I didn't expect G3 to use the concept of fateless in the OG Shadow Slave, especially with the various restrictions on it like not having access to Nightmare Spell or True Name. In regards to our MC, even though he is also Fateless, the reason why he has access to the Nightmare Spell or even a True Name will be explained much, much later in the fic. So... just don't make a fuss about it in the comments.



The sound of metal clashing with metal broke the stifling silence reigning over the fallen kingdom of Leonia.

"Guh!" Grunted William before being shot backward and smashing through the wall of a random building forming a gaping hole in the structure.

The young Sleeper pushed himself up from the building's rubble. He was holding Frostmourne in his right hand in its Tarnished Glory form while the other was busy nursing his head from which rivulets of crimson fluid were flowing down.

Yet, before he could even take a second to breath, he felt a tingling from the top of his head and was forced to roll to the side to avoid the blade that was about to come down upon his head like a guillotine.

He regarded his attacker with a serious look, his [Soul Sight] allowing him to determine its identity.


Name: Darkspawn Knight

Rank: Fallen

Class: Beast


Frostmourne flashed in a pale blue arc in the darkness in an attempt to injure the nightmare creature; unfortunately, the Darkspawn Knight, true to its nature as a Fallen ranked nightmare creature, was on another level in terms of strength and speed.

The wicked edge of the cursed mourneblade found naught but air as the black armored knight swiftly avoided the attack by jumping towards one of the wall of the building before propelling itself toward the unlucky Sleeper with its black sword brandished and thirsty for blood.

Blocking the attack was a fool's errand as shown before; thus, the young Lich King tried to dodge the attack to the best of his ability. Alas, the best of his ability was just not fast enough to evade the entire attack.

The edge of the knight's sword managed to make contact with his [Osseous Exoarmor], cutting through it like a hot knife through butter but thankfully not drawing any blood.

Luckily, William's reflexes saved him from the disastrous consequences of his clumsy dodge.

Unfortunately, the assault of the Darkspawn Knight didn't abate in intensity or speed.

The white-haired teen tried his best to weave through the nightmare creature's attacks. The enhancements from his various memories and his own attributes gave him physical abilities similar to those of an Awakened human. However, it was barely enough to keep himself from being critically injured.

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