Chapter Three

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You can't keep running from all your problems Taylor. It's about time you had a reality check babe.

Clearly my so called best friend thinks that texts like that is going to pull me back into the life that she is far too comfortable with. 
Don't get me wrong, I loved it to begin with. Who wouldn't? We were travelling the world doing something we loved but it soon turned toxic and that was not what I wanted
I didn't need someone monitoring what I ate, how much I slept, who I spoke to 
I didn't want to be suffocated like that

"That's why I think we need to shift our defence line and try something new" Dad's voice said filling the room as I walked through the front door after a palates class
"Tee?" He called making me groan slightly knowing I was about to be pulled into another conversation

As soon as I turned the corner I could see a room full of maybe 10 of the team members, a lot less then the other night but all still gawking in my direction

"You lot are like horny teenagers. Have you never seen a girl sweat?" I asked tilting my head at them while Dad started to glare at them all
"Hey you can sweat all your want" Keller said making me roll my eyes knowing I had already been warned he was the flirt of the group 
"Are you home for the day now?" Dad asked breaking the silence, I shrugged looking at my phone the same notification still blasting on my home screen

"We were going to head to the rink if you want to join" Dad started
"Like she's ever been on the ice" Jameson said making me roll my eyes in his salty direction
"Oh you haven't told them?" I asked Dad with a smirk on my lips
"Told us what?" Jameson asked
"Taylor skates, or she did?" Dad said directing the question in my direction

Did was the correct answer, I hadn't since I started touring, the team always deemed it a safety hazard with how many possible injuries there were

"She did?" Keller asked
"A woman after my own heart Taylor" He teased making me roll my eyes
"I know you are dying to show them a video now Dad" I said nudging my shoulder in his direction as he chuckled pulling out one of his old tapes
I looked down to see Greyson pining at my feet making me chuckle as I picked him up heading over to everyone else as their eyes fixated on the screen

I watched the video too and couldn't help but think how different everything was there. I was 19, I was heading to Nationals but never made it there, I couldn't hack it I guess

"And you aren't doing this shit now?" Keller asked making Greyson giggle
"Language" Jameson warned him
"I am not" Was all I answered shrugging it off

Things were different there, they are different now. I couldn't hack it then and I can't now. Listening to how people speak about you when you are on the ice was one thing but listening to them over analyse everything was enough to scare me away. I guess Dance is doing the same thing too?
Maybe I'm the issue here, maybe it isn't the sport?

"I uh, change of plan. I need to go" I said grabbing my back after handing Grey to his Dad heading back out the door 


I got to the park across the road from my Dad's house, I remember spending so much time here growing up, either on top of my Dad's shoulder or holding tightly onto his hands as I jumped around
He always told me I was an active kid but I blame him

"Want to talk about what happened back there" A voice said making me screw my face up before turning to see Jameson walking towards me with Greyson on his hip in awe of his surroundings like he hadn't been her before
"I don't know what you are talking about" I shrugged as the pair of them sat next to me, Greyson looked over at me patting my legs as he bounced between the two of us

"I'm afraid to say that I have seen that look before. I've been there Taylor" He said but I raised a brow at him
"You were thinking that you did something, that somehow you are an issue?" He offered, how the frick did he manage that?

"I don't know where-" I started
"I was the exact same for the first few months that I had Grey, I missed out on a year of his life and I couldn't help but think that it was because she didn't want me knowing, that I was not going to be a good enough Dad for the little man. But clearly her party life style was enough to give him up" He shrug running his fingers through Greyson's hair while he played with the zipper on my hoodie

"It's not like that. Both sports I've tried I've given up because of what other people think. With ice skating I had to listen to the playback tell me about the weight I put on, about my relationship drama, about how sloppy my hair looks. Dance was similar, they wanted me on a diet, they didn't let me see or even speak to my dad in almost a year. I was barely allowed to breathe but I love both of the sports" I ranted

Why I was saying this to him of all people I didn't understand but maybe an unbiased opinion was exactly what I needed right now?

"First of all, you do not need a diet. There is barely anything to you" He said stating the obvious. When I skated I was also put on a diet to put on weight, it's an ongoing battle I've faced since I was a teenager, one not even my Dad knew about
I couldn't be anything shy of his perfect daughter. He gave up so much for me, I refuse to let him down

"Each sport comes with comments, unwarranted sure but I think we've the two sports you went for it was the worst, you are objectified for you body and how you use it. Everyone is going to have an opinion on how you look but ultimately, you have the choice on what to do" He said

"I know that, it's just not that simple" I warned him earning a nod
"Oh I know, you should have seen the outroar when everyone found out about Greyson. I had to read article and article about how much of a crap Dad I was for travelling with him. How I should have had his mother keep him home" He explained
"Honestly, I think travelling with him is a great idea. Let him explore the world while spending time with you" I shrugged, it's something Dad and I did a little of before he threw it all away for good

"And now you get to do the same with your Dad too" Jameson smiled making me look down lightly
That was probably the only positive I had right now. Making up for lost time

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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