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Question 1Hollyberry: Dawww, I bet you're so tiny compared to them!

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Question 1
Hollyberry: Dawww, I bet you're so tiny compared to them!

Wildberry: And pathetic.

Pitaya: Ssshut up! I'm literally the third largessst!

Royal Margarine: W-wait, you mean they're bigger than you...?

Pitaya: Yeah, but their sssize doesssn't matter.

Tarte Tatin: I don't mind. Just means they're easier to shoot.

Question 2
Hollyberry: Oh, the purple one is definitely the youngest. I think we can all agree on that, right?

Tarte Tatin: Agreed. It looks pathetic compared to the rest.

Wildberry: Is it even dangerous?

Royal Margarine: I dunno...It still seems pretty big...

SnapDragon: Bwine bike beh!

Pitaya: PFFFT-

Buttercream: Brahhhh? Ark agggh!

Pitaya: Yesss, sssize doesss matter! I'm jussst taller than that one sssince I'm clearly ssstronger!

Hollyberry: Hm...I'm guessing the white one is the oldest. They seem like the largest.

Buttercream: Waaargh?

Pitaya: Buttercream sssaid Wildberry isss larger than you, but you're older.

Hollyberry: Hm...Good point.

Tarte Tatin: I still think the white one is the oldest. I could swear I have seen those eyes in some ancient texts...

Royal Margarine: I think the blue one is the oldest. I heard from somewhere that the Lotus flower is eternal or something...

Wildberry: Perhaps the Golden one? They seem old fashioned.

SnapDragon: Burple!

Pitaya: Firssst you sssay they're the youngessst, and now you're sssaying they're the oldessst?

SnapDragon: Kyahahaha!

Question 3
SnapDragon: Bwabaapa?

Pitaya: I'm not a parent! That'sss Tarte Tatin Cookie'sss job!


Me: Answer the fucking question ತ⁠_⁠ತ

SnapDragon: Iwabawa! Kyahahaha!

Pitaya: You're wrong.

SnapDragon: ....*Sniff*

Hollyberry: Wha- What did they say!?

Pitaya: They sssaid they don't think any of them would hate them!

Hollyberry: And you told them THAT?

Pitaya: WHAT? I'm not going to raissse their hopesss up!

Question 4
I-I dunno how to answer this one

Question 5
Pitaya: I don't like ice cream, it clogsss up my throat.

Hollyberry: I like it berry juice flavor! Thanks!


Tarte Tatin: I like it rum flavored. Thanks, I suppose.

Wildberry: No thank you.

Royal Margarine: I'd like it butterscotch flavored, please!

Buttercream: Argh!

Pitaya: Eugh...Do you like it becaussse he likesss it, or do you actually enjoy it?

SnapDragon: Ice cweam...? *Hasn't eaten it before*

Question 6
Hollyberry: I trust myself to drive it enough!

Wildberry: Drunk driving is illegal. I'll handle it.

Tarte Tatin: You would all die without me. I would handle it.

Royal Margarine: Alright, I'd rather you three handle it!

SnapDragon: Bwe! Bwe!

Pitaya: Ssso much ambition! Haha! I'd like to sssee you drive asss well!

Buttercream: Rrr...(Anyone but those two)

Question 7
Pitaya: Of courssse! Who doesssn't?


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