!!★ CHAPTER 5 || FUCK ★!!

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°◇*☆Chapter 5☆*◇°

The person walking towards my enemy, Park Hyunjung, was none other than...



He looked at me and smiled sarcastically and just high fived with Hyunjung. I couldn't believe it. My blood own brother was friends with my enemy?? I walked over to them and pulled him away. "Moon Cheol-min, what the hell do you think you're doing?? Hanging out with my enemy. Are you crazy??" I whisper-screamed at him while glaring. "Ya, sistah of mineee. Didn't I tell you to mind your own business. By the way, did you say enemy?? Are you gonna have dinner with your enemy??" He talked so softly like he just gave me a present or something, but wait-... Dinner?? "Cheol-min, what do you mean dinner.....?" Before he could answer, Hyunjung answered for him.

"Well, lady, I guess you forgot our mothers are still friends. Your mom invited us for dinner." My right eye started twitching. I hoped this was all one big dream, but nope. I looked at Hyunjung and then at Cheol-min. I was about to say something but I heard the bell and just rushed off. This can't be happening.

Finally, in class, I said in my spot, sadly next to Seongho. He was Yo-jeong's friend but not mine. He was quiet and smart and completely boring if you asked me. He gets those high grades, unlike me and Hana.
Yo-jeong and him have been friends for like forever. I guess smart people really like hanging out with each other. He's just like Hyunjung and Riki. All three of them have hundreds of girls drooling over them. Even if I dated Riki, I would not be a fangirl like that. Even the thoughts of it creep me out.

Seongho arrived and sat next to me like usual. He didn't say a word or even looked at me. He just sat down and looked out of the window, I was used to it by now. I turned around, and instead of seeing Hana, I saw...

"HYUNJUNG!!??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? THIS IS HANA'S SPOT!!" I looked at him in shock. "Wow, calm there, lady. I made her sit with her lovely boyfriend. I'm just here to annoy the shit out of you." I couldn't believe him. I'm not letting this asshole sit behind me. I put my hand up and the teacher asked me what was wrong. "Sorry to disturb your lesson, Mr. Cheong, but I'm not letting Park Hyunjung sit behind me. Can he please move. Or even if it's for the better, I can move too!" I looked at him, hoping that he would let me move. But to my disappointment...
"Sorry, Cheon-sa. But there are no more places to sit." I sighed and just had to live with it.

In the middle of the lesson, I was gonna turn around and throw a punch in Hyunjung's face. He kept poking me on my back. It was so shucking annoying. I was gonna say something, but Seongho was before me. "Hey Park Hyunjung, stopping annoying her. Your about to get bitch slapped. And if she won't do it I will."
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Was Seongho...standing up for me!?!? He doesn't even stand up for his own friends. Probaly because they can perfectly stand up for themselves, but still! Hyunjung rolled his eyes. "Fine." He stopped poking me on the back and layed his head on the table. I looked at Seongho who ignored me again. Come on you rat first you stick up for me and then you ignore me?!?! Ugh, boys.

Some minutes later I could just feel someone's eyes burning in my back. I thought I was gonna cath on fire or something. You'd probaly think 'Oh it Park Hyunjung!' Wrong. It was Nishimura Riki. And he looked....jealous??

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