Night coffee? {fluff(?)}

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Smg4 had been typing tirelessly at his desk, he sighed and stopped typing. He looked out into the night sky. It was a colorful jamboree of purples and blues, speckled with glittering stars. Standing up from his desk he grabbed his headphones and pulled on a blue hoodie. He walked outside, inhaling and taking in the crisp smell of the ground right after it had rained. He started off to the small park behind his castle, walking there he realized his cat Beeg had been following him. He chuckled and lifted his cat into his arms and continued walking to the park.

Soon he set his cat onto the damp ground to roam, he found a dryish spot under a tree and settled himself.


Smg3 was sketching in his diary, he wasn't paying much attention to what he had put on the paper. Soon Eggdog pranced into the room, barking with a piece of blue fabric in his mouth. Smg3 was intrigued by this fabric, because it reminded him of a certain blue idiot meme guardian. After stalling he heaved off his bed over to his energetic little pup. He slowly coaxed the fabric out of the dog's mouth. Lifting his up to his eye for closer examination he realized that the piece of fabric looked as if it came from Four's hoodie.

He hurriedly put on a coat, his hair somewhat blinding him as he ran out the door of his Cafe.  Looking for the owner of the blue fabric, he used a key that Four had given him prior to get into the castle. When he walked in he was greeted by deafening silence, usually he would hear the soft click-clacking of Smg4's keyboard. 

He ran into four's room to find him not there, but there was no signs of struggle, Beeg4 also seemed to be gone. Now Smg3 was WORRIED, he may have been a tsundere, but he cared about his counterpart. He ran out of the room, heading to the park behind the castle. He knew Four was particularly fond of the place.

When he got to the park he ran around everywhere, he stopped in his tracks when he saw a flash of blue by the trunk of a tree. Trying his best not to seem awkward, he shimmied over to the tree. This made him  look even more awkward then intended, so naturally Four turned his head. He had Beeg4 on his lap, wordlessly petting the cat. Three instantly followed instinct and plopped down next to Four. "Night coffee?" Three asked Four. Four gave it a thought and nodded. Smg3 then remembered, "Oh yeah before I forget, Is this part of your hoodie?" he said as he held up the piece of blue fabric. Smg4's face lit up, "Oh yeaaahhh, Eggdog came around a couple minutes ago and ripped it off!" Four then paused a second before adding, "Well, it's of no use now. Just toss to the bin." 

Three nodded and did just that, but he had to make retort before he did, "Hahah imagine getting your clothes ripped by a puppy." Smg4 just glared at him before getting up with Beeg4 in his arms and telling Three that he was complete and total dickwad. Three chuckled and stood up after Four. They then walked to the cafe in silence, not a bad silence, a comfortable one. 

Soon they had arrived, Four set Beeg4 down to play with Eggdog.  The two instantly ran off to who knows where. Smg4 sat down on one of the bar stools, Smg3 started making a coffee. Smg4 was to lazy to start small talk. Smg3 was focused, so it all played out pretty well. Smg4 felt himself fall out of his trance when he heard the "clink" of a glass as it was set infront of him.

Smg4 smiled and took the cup in front of him. Smg3 sat across from him and smiled. Smg4 felt butterflies, he stared into the brown liquid and chugged it in one go. He then hurriedly looked up and said, "Uhheyurreallycoolandi'minlovewithyou".  "Huh" Smg3 replied. "uh nevermind." Smg3 nodded and finished his coffee. The next couple minutes was filled with soft chatter and playful arguments. Soon though Four stood up and told Three that he would go finish a video. Three nodded and let Four and Beeg off.

After he stood up and went to his room. He found his diary laing face up with a drawing of him and Four holing hands. "Fuck" thought Three. "Im gay as hell" With that he screamed into his pillow.

Uh not ver good but (bday oneshot special (apr 3) {781 words}

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