'Mantic Baking.

714 3 8

Such a cold time in the regretevater. Party Noob fiddles with their hands, bored and lonely. Nobody else was inside. He just felt like nobody would enter.


The doors opened to the subway where Pest walks inside. He seemed cranky, like he woke up late.

"PEST!" Poob shouted waving to him.

Pest lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Its too early for this shit.." He said under his breath.


"Nothing." Pest told Poob.

"Ive been so lonely! Can we talk? :3"

"... I do-"

"Can we?! CAN WE?!"

"Fine.. Jeeez..."


The two spoke about how their days have been, Poob giggling as they twiddle their hands more.

"Say.. I know a yummy bakery nearby. How about we get some pie?.." Poob said, but then realizes.. "That rhymed!"

"Pie does sound good..." Pest said quietly. "Sure."


Upon arrival at the bakery, Pest sniffed all the tasty pastries, and swiftly took a stole cookies when nobody was looking.

"How about I buy us an apple pie?" Poob asked, getting his wallet out.

"Sure.." Pest replied softly, he seemed pleased he's getting a yummy pie to share with Poob.

After the purchase, Poob and Pest snacked on the pie, Pest reaching for Poob's hand.. "Oh?" Poob questioned.

He grasped their hand. It was warm, Poob's skin was so soft.

"Say uhm, Poob."


"Ive been meaning to tell you something, for a while now.."

"Oh? That is?..."

"I.. Like you. Like, like like you."


Poob didn't expect that..

"I like you too.."

Pest's eyes lit up.



"I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner.."

"Y-yes! Yes please!"

They both held hands, looking at each other with happiness and love in their eyes.

It felt strange.. It seemed like Pest hated Poob. Maybe it was a cover up so he didn't see his real emotional intent..

Poob didn't care.
He more was interested on what the journey with Pest by his side may bring,

~ Parties and Bugs ~ (PartyBeetle Fanfic.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora