Red Dragon

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Takes place in the Modern Sonic Universe.

Main Character:

Y/N- Y/N is an anthropomorphic fox with (Unspecified) eyes, fur and hair. Y/N wears a sleek, black leather jacket with a hood that they typically keep up to conceal their face. They also wear dark trousers and fingerless gloves for agility and ease of movement. Their knee-high black/azure boots are sturdy and perfect for running and climbing. Y/N also wears a scarf that they use to cover their mouth and nose when needed. Y/N's fox-like mask is a high-tech gadget that they wear over their eyes and part of their face. It is sleek and black with a single lens that looks like a red eye, matching their overall outfit. The mask has various functions, including enhanced vision, night vision and facial recognition technology.

Y/N is a complex individual with a traumatic past that has shaped their current personality. They are introverted and tend to keep to themselves, preferring the company of their own thoughts rather than engaging with others. Y/N is a skilled thief, using their agility and intelligence to pull off heists and other criminal activities. However, underneath their tough exterior, Y/N has a compassionate side that occasionally shines through, especially when they encounter someone in need. They struggle with trust issues and have a hard time forming deep connections with others, as they fear getting hurt or betrayed.

Y/N's weapon is an extendable staff made of a lightweight yet durable material. When collapsed, it is small enough to be stored on Y/N's back or belt, but with the press of a button, it extends to full length, giving Y/N the reach and leverage they need in combat or for other purposes. The staff is designed for quick movements and strikes, allowing Y/N to defend themselves or incapacitate enemies with swift precision. It is also versatile, with adjustable length settings and the ability to detach into two shorter batons for dual wielding. The handle is comfortable to grip and has a sleek design that matches Y/N's overall aesthetic.


Y/N moved swiftly through the crowded streets of the city, their footsteps barely making a sound as they navigated through the hustle and bustle of the urban landscape. Their sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, alert for any potential threats or opportunities that may present themselves.

As they turned a corner, Y/N spotted a distracted pedestrian walking ahead, their mind clearly preoccupied with something else. Seizing the opportunity, Y/N smoothly closed the distance between them, blending into the flow of foot traffic effortlessly.

With a practiced hand, Y/N discreetly slipped their slender fingers into the unsuspecting individual's pocket, extracting their wallet without a sound. The victim remained oblivious as Y/N expertly pilfered the valuable item, their movements precise and calculated.

After securing the wallet, Y/N seamlessly merged back into the crowd, their heart beating steadily as they continued on their way. The stolen object safely tucked away, Y/N maintained their poker face, showing no signs of guilt or remorse for their actions.

The screen pauses on Y/N's face.

Y/N: Yep, that's me. Bet you wondering, OMG you just took that guys wallet! You're a bad guy. And yes, that's true...

The screen Un pauses, Y/N's gloved hands deftly opened the stolen wallet, pulling out a handful of bills. Their eyes flicked around to ensure no one was watching before discreetly slipping the money into a poor person's hat sitting on the sidewalk. The person looked up in surprise, their eyes widening in gratitude as they realized what had just happened. Y/N simply gave them a small nod before swiftly walking away, blending back into the crowd without looking back.

Y/N: ... I've been watching that old guy for ours and how people were just spitting at him and knocking down his hat, so yeah...

Y/N's steps did not falter as they turned into the dimly lit alleyway, the watchful eyes of the onlookers following their every move. The air was thick with suspicion and curiosity, but Y/N paid no mind to the silent judgments being passed their way.

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