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Takes place in the Modern Sonic Universe.

Main Character:

Y/N- Y/N used to be called "Red Dragon" is an anthropomorphic fox with (Unspecified) eyes, fur and hair. Y/N wears a sleek, black leather jacket with a hood that they typically keep up to conceal their face. They also wear dark trousers and fingerless gloves for agility and ease of movement. Their knee-high black/azure boots are sturdy and perfect for running and climbing. Y/N also wears a scarf that they use to cover their mouth and nose when needed. Y/N's fox-like mask is a high-tech gadget that they wear over their eyes and part of their face. It is sleek and black with a single lens that looks like a red eye, matching their overall outfit. The mask has various functions, including enhanced vision, night vision and facial recognition technology and a camera flash.

Y/N is a complex individual with a traumatic past that has shaped their current personality. They are introverted and tend to keep to themselves, preferring the company of their own thoughts rather than engaging with others. Y/N is a skilled thief, using their agility and intelligence to pull off heists and other criminal activities. However, underneath their tough exterior, Y/N has a compassionate side that occasionally shines through, especially when they encounter someone in need. They struggle with trust issues and have a hard time forming deep connections with others, as they fear getting hurt or betrayed. A used to be ninja.

Phasing: @ElleTheShellBell for the original concept. Y/N is capable of phasing allowing their body to reach speeds that would even rival Sonic's, their movements are quick and precise, almost as if they are gliding across the ground. Not in the literal sense of going through solid objects. Their training as a ninja allows them to achieve this feat in an unparalleled way and is only mastered by a few selected. It feels like your veins are filled with adrenaline instead of blood, Y/N's skills are sharpened, allowing their body to work at 100%. Y/N can keep this up for a substantial amount of time but is very draining.

Y/N's weapon is an extendable staff made of a lightweight yet durable material. When collapsed, it is small enough to be stored on Y/N's back or belt, but with the press of a button, it extends to full length, giving Y/N the reach and leverage they need in combat or for other purposes. The staff is designed for quick movements and strikes, allowing Y/N to defend themselves or incapacitate enemies with swift precision. It is also versatile, with adjustable length settings and the ability to detach into two shorter batons for dual wielding. The handle is comfortable to grip and has a sleek design that matches Y/N's overall aesthetic.

Officer Fluffy- Officer Fluffy is an anthropomorphic sheep with a fluffy white coat of wool that is neatly groomed and maintained. She has large, expressive eyes that are a warm shade of brown, giving her a friendly and approachable appearance. Officer Fluffy wears the standard police uniform consisting of a blue shirt, black pants, and a utility belt with various tools and equipment needed for her job as well as 3 wisp canisters. Her posture is upright and confident, showing her dedication to upholding the law and protecting the citizens of the city.

Personality-wise, Officer Fluffy is known for being enthusiastic and eager to prove herself as a valuable member of the police force. She is diligent and hardworking, always striving to do her best in her duties as a cop. Officer Fluffy is kind-hearted and compassionate, often going out of her way to help those in need and ensure the safety and well-being of others. Despite her friendly demeanor, Officer Fluffy can be a bit naive and gullible at times, easily trusting others and sometimes falling for tricks or pranks. She is extremely nervous, jittery and naive.

Officer Fluffy's wisps are an Ivory Wisp named Volt, A blue wisp named Cubstic and a yellow wisp named Drillster.

Volt's overall appearance resembles that of a lightning bolt. On the front of their heads, they have two light blue eyes, and on the back of their heads they have a lightning bolt-shaped appendage. Stemming from the bottom of their heads, they have three triangular-shaped tentacles. Powers her Lightening Wispon. Modeled after the Ivory Wisp, the Lightning Wispon is an ivory and gold-colored shaped as a lightning bolt. It has a black barrel that attaches the lightning bolt-shaped piece to a white handle that allows the wielder to hold it in a comfortable grip. It also has a hole on the bottom of the lightning bolt-shaped piece that resembles the eye of the Ivory Wisp. The Lightning Wispon can conjure an electrical whip.

Cubstic is a blue wisp, Blue Wisps have cube-shaped bodies with three yellow eyes that are aligned horizontally. They also have three short, rectangular triangle-shaped tentacles stemming from the bottom of their bodies. Powers Hammer Wispon. Modeled after the Blue wisp, the Cube Wispon is a in the shape of a hammer. It has a cube-shaped blue head with a gray metal plate covering the front and top, and it possesses a hexagon-shaped yellow face. Also, on the head's sides it has three white circles aligned horizontally along the middle. Also, on the back of its head, it has yellow groves. Lastly, a short black handle with a yellow pommel extends from the bottom of the head. When slammed down it generates giant blue block that can be used in versatile ways such as platforming or blocking off entrances.

Drillster is a yellow wisp. The Yellow Wisps resemble White Wisps, except they have triangular heads with one orange eye in the middle. Their heads are covered in orange and yellow stripes, making them resemble drills. They also have three tentacles stemming from their heads. Powers the drill Wispon. Modeled after the Yellow Wisp, the Drill Wispon is a cone shaped Wispon that is colored yellow with orange strips spiraling through. It also has a hole in the middle of the cone that resembles the Yellow Wisp's eye. The cone itself is attached to a black footing with yellow bars surrounding the gray grip that is attached to the back of the black footing. The grip itself allows the wielder to hold this Wispon in a comfortable position. The basic attack of the Drill Wispon is a charge attack with three levels of charge that has the user dash straight ahead at high speed. Care must be taken so that the user does not fly over the edge or into any hazards.

This is just a joke.

Fluffy was staring down Y/N.

Fluffy: Tell me about your past? Breath if yes! Recite the bible in Japanese if no!

Y/N: 天と地の創造 まだ何もなかった時、神は天と地を造りま-。 

Fluffy: What the-

Y/N: 地は形も定まらず、闇に包まれた水の上を、さらに神の霊が覆っ-

Fluffy: Is that actually Japanese? Is that the bible!?

Y/N: 「光よ、輝き出よ。」神が言われると、光がさっとさしてきました。それを見て、神は大いに満足し、光と闇とを区別しました。しばらくの間、光は輝き-

Fluffy: And you stopped breathing too?!

Y/N: 振り分けをするために「昼」と「夜」とと呼んでい。そして、夕暮れと朝とが初めてだったのです。

Fluffy pulls out her hammer wispon.

Fluffy: You could've just stayed silent!

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