Chapter 1

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who am I? And who should I be? Why am I here? Why did God choose me in particular? What about my future? What is my benefit? Will I be fine or not? There are many questions that surround us daily. When calm prevails, we wonder all these questions. Are we really of great benefit? Will we be unhappy or happy? Man's mind is never devoid of questions. Smile!

The morning comes, the sun rises, people wake up, go to work, students go to school, and loved ones go to the café

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The morning comes, the sun rises, people wake up, go to work, students go to school, and loved ones go to the café... and I am still here, wanting to know who I am, and my mind and heart are drowning in a sea of ​​questions. Who are you? God Almighty created us and distinguished us from everyone else. He gave us the mind to work, think, create, and make every ordinary day a great day. He distinguished us from animals, as He gave us a mind to think, innovate, create new things, and always be optimistic. "You are special, believe me, I see your beautiful smile." So why am I here? We are here to repair the devastation on earth, to invent new things that will not die. This is how you do something that people will remember you by... God created us to worship and to create new things, so do not despair and do not give up. "We were created for many, and many do not know how to surrender."

We must live our lives, accept reality, face, life forces us to accept separation, longing, and despair, and we must overcome everything... Who are we for?! We are not our own, we are God Almighty, so don't hurt yourself.🌼🦋

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