The Big News/Die großen Neuigkeiten

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I woke up as the sunlight poured in through my blinds. I groaned as I got up from my bed and headed into my closet to find something to wear. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen where I heard the sink running. When I walked down the stairs I saw my mom washing dishes.

"Hey mom." I said. "Good morning sweetheart. " she smiled at me. "I'll be gone around 5 o'clock, I have a gig down at Wagner's Pub." My mother nodded but then calls out to me. "Oh, Y/N! I need you to perform in the dining hall at the hotel later this week. We have very special guests staying there." She stated. "Special guest? Who is it?" I asked. "Some band." She replies. "Tokio Hotel I think their called?" She ponders. "WHAT?!?" I yell, my jaw dropped. "Y-You want me to perform in front of the Tokio Hotel?!? I-I can't! I'll die!" I yelled dramatically as my mom rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine, calm down drama queen." She laughs. "Mom! They're my favorite band! I'm gonna be so nervous that I mess up and ruin the whole performance!" I covered my face with my hands.

It's scary to perform in front of them sure, but it also means I have a chance to meet my Idols! Especially Bill. Bill has always been my favorite member of the band because I found his personality and smile absolutely adorable.

"I won't force you to if you don't want to." My mom puts her hand on my shoulder. I sat there for a minute to think. "I'll do it."

A/N: I actually love writing this! It's really fun:))

TEENAGE DIRTBAG-> Bill KaulitzxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now